The Next Person Game
No, no grandkids.
The next person has a backyard pool that they are anxious to get into. (Water still too cold in mine!)
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False, but our subdivision has a pool that opens at the end of the month.
The next person watches Shark Tank.0 -
Never have.
The next person has days where the tv is never turned on.
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very rare. We rarely just sit and watch something, but always seems to be on in the background.
The next person has already gone to a graduation party
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The next person goes to church0 -
True--my favorite day of the week is Sunday
The next person has lived in more than one country
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False, but I've lived in more than one state.
The next person has never read a self-help book
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False I've read the bible I see that as self help
The next person is a blonde0 -
The next person needs to get their hair trimmed (I do)
(Faith..hope you're feeling better)
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True! I desperately need a cut & color.
The next person is making a big Sunday dinner.0 -
False. A small, simple Sunday dinner. Tossed salad with grilled chicken.
The next person has "something special" to look forward to this week.
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false - just recovery time for me this week
the next person likes to walk by the river
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True (if I had a river nearby, I would walk by it as much as I can)
The next person had a lazy afternoon.
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True. (I am feeling better. Thanks to those who wished me well!)
The next person read some magazines this weekend.
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true - Yoga Journal and Parade Magazine from the Sunday paper
The next person subscribes to at least one magazine.
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True (Time)
The next person likes Stephen King's novels.
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The next person has a big veranda of their home0 -
No - a tiny little front porch.
The next person has been to the opera this year.
0 -
False but I love the opera
(Faith, glad you're better)
(Wonderland - currently reading 11/22/63 by SK and I'm enjoying it)
The next person has been having power outages for the past 12 hours due to storms
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False...supposed to be a stormy fingers crossed.
The next person has been in a tornado
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False -- been in a tornado watch on my way home from Florida - stuck in an Applebees until the sirens stopped ...
Wellwater - just finished that book - it is a good read.
The next person has a natural gas generator -- (tired of power outages and flooded basement)
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The next person has met bco girls from her state at a get together (we did in NJ yesterday!)
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false, but I'd like to
the next person plans a lazy week this week.
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Yes! DH is travelling so watching movies and reading.
The next person has an automatic dishwasher in her kitchen.
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Yes.....I never had or wanted one until we built this house 7 years ago....I have a Bosch and I love it.
The next person has mystery keys on her keyring
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Nope, not anymore! But I do have a mystery set of keys in my 'junk' drawer.
The next person also has a 'junk' drawer in the kitchen.
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Yes--and I just deep cleaned it Saturday for the first time in (you fill in the blank) ____ years!
The next person loves to shop at a nearby dollar store
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next person has an empty nest
0 -
No. It is just my husband and me, but we never had kids, no we never had a full nest! (what is with junk drawers? Are they usually in the kitchen?)
The next person has eaten lobster this week.
0 -
The next person gets a day off from work tomorrow. (It is primary election day in my state and people vote in the schools, so schools are closed. Some days it is good to be a teacher!)