The Next Person Game
the next person is going to can this weekend
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If you mean Canada, then False.
The next person bought a srcatch off lottery ticket today.
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Nooooo I always lose!
The next person has thought of being a redhead
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True. Wish I had the complexion to pull it off.
The next person would rather read than watch TV.
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Oh yes, definately
Bake or cook stove top?
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stove top
do it yourself or hire jobs out
bedo, if you want to be a redhead, be a redhead...that's what I did when my hair grew back after chemo!
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Ha! Good for you Ruth! I tried, but looked bad as a redhead!
Hire it out! I will do it wrong.
Cats or dogs?
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cats (love dogs too, but cats are easier)
have no, one or multiple pets
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Multiple 2 cats and baby-sit Grand dog plus office beta
favorite activity nap or not (other)
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not...feel groggy if I nap...rather walk
rather have a pool or a garden
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A pool....but only if a pool-boy comes with it!
The next person has seen Christmas merchandise up in a store already. (I ran into Dollar Tree last week - lo and behold one aisle was stocked with garland, wreaths, etc)
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Christmas already!?!?! I saw Halloween decorations last week and was shocked just to see those in August.
The next person ate a green salad yesterday.
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The next person gpt out and ran the errands this morning so they could float in the pool this afternoon!
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False, but the pool sounds delightful!
The next person has yard work to do today.
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True, watering this evening
The next person married their first love
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the next person still stays in contact with her first love
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The next person remembers watching Neil Armstrong (RIP) take the first step on the moon.
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The next person remembers watching Walter Cronkite anchor the evening news.
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The next person had a pair white "go-go boots" back in the day. :-)
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the next person knows how to tie dye
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the next person wears tie dye garments
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the next person drove more than 60 miles today
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False. Where did you go, mnmom?
The next person has had butterflies land on her like little fashion accessories.
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False, but just the other day one landed on my DH!
The next person slept soundly all night last night.
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true--thankfully it's been cooler weather to balance night sweats!
The next person really loves and appreciates her mom
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The next person is going out of town for Labor Day weekend.
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the next person works in a building that is not air conditioned (i.e. me)
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the next person works in a building that has more than 60 floors.
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the next person is her own boss
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the next person likes her boss