The Next Person Game
The next person went for a hike this weekend...?0 -
False......but what great weather we had here...perfect for a hike!
The next person bought/is buying a new computer.
0 -
False...I wish. I'd get another Mac. Love apple products.
The next person had a healthy breakfast...?0 -
the next person IS having a healthy lunch...
0 -
true, I did! I had lunch at our local "raw" restaurant.....shockingly delicious!
the next person is feeling better after being sick this past weekend.....Mini??
0 -
False. I thought I was getting better but not feeling too good right now. First day on the new job and I come in looking like Rudolph. Figures. I've gone nowhere for 6 months and now that I've gone back to work, BAM. Glad it's only p/t right now. I can fake it for half a day. :-)
The next person has been scuba diving.
0 -
does scuba diving in a pool count??? if so, yes i have been scuba
the next person has wind surfed
0 -
Mini-I hope you get better fast.
I wish. Sounds like so much fun.
The next person has gone hot air ballooning...?0 -
false ..afraid of heights
The next person does not like the color pink & never has!!! Figures lol
0 -
I actually haven't minded pink. However it does have more of a different meaning now.
The next person has some of there Christmas shopping done...?0 -
False....but I've given some thought as to gifts I'm going to buy.
The next person has taken down all summer accents around the house and replaced them with fall ones....
0 -
false - I don't decorate seasonally
The next person is traveling for the holidays
0 -
True-maybe just a few hours away. But I guess that's still traveling:)
The next person enjoys movie theater popcorn WITH butter...? (or with ou is ok too:)0 -
Yes, I want the butter!!!
The next person has heard the word 'snow' in the end of the week forecast where she lives
0 -
True:o Not sure I'm ready for it but here it comes.
The next person has gone driving/hiking many times to take in the colors...?0 -
just drove this weekend up to michigan and back. true, beautiful colors
you bought halloween candy already
0 -
False-If I did it would be all gone:) I'm waiting a little closer so they'll be some for the trick or treaters:)
The next person made there Halloween costume?0 -
false, my daughter has my sewing she is making hers though
the next person is going trick or treating with their kids his year
0 - little ones here
The next person has already purchased 2013 calendars (OMG I"ve become my mother!)
0 -
false - I don't use a paper calendar anymore, just the computer
The next person has started their Christmas shopping
0 -
(wellwater I bought mine too for 2013:)
False-I haven't done any this year. I've been to sick but I usually have it at least started by now:)
The next person has made a quilt for someone to use...?0 -
The next person know how to make a quilt.
0 -
True-though I'm not very good, novice @ best:) It is fun.
The next person has gone to a
fair, state fair, recently...?0 -
False. But I can make a quilt. :-)
The next person has a fire pit (and the makings for smores )
0 -
Yep but havent made even 1 all year. Smores are SO yummy I do have the makings for them too. May have to change that this weekend:)
The next person was given a quilt(s) since she was Dx...?0 -
the next person has an old quilt with a cool history behind it (I do, I have a doll quilt made for my mother by her great grandmother who saw Abraham Lincoln when she was 12 years old)
0 -
That's cool Ruth! What a story.
I have a doll quilt that my g-ma made. It's really amazing talent. Not sure of the story but it was more of a priductive past time then is done today.
The next person person went to the grocery store today...?0 -
the next person tries to get her pictures developed right away
0 -
False-mostly digital & on the comp/phone.
The next person is watching/watched the debate...?0 -
the next person would be a bad debater because she would get too flustered