The Next Person Game
nope - no BBQ here sadly
The next person is over 5'9" tall
0 -
False, only 5'5" tall
The next person would love to have a personal chef (if money were no object)0 -
Probably not.... a housekeeper maybe, but I like to cook!!!!!
The next person will have a moment of silence today in honor of Memorial Day
0 -
true, my dad was a WW II vet, so I always spend some time thinking of him and his buddies on Memorial and Veteran's Day
The next person has a flexible schedule
0 -
The next person watched The Bachelorette tonight.0 -
True, watching now
The next person has/had parents who were married 50 or more years
(Mine celebrate 60 years in July)0 -
My parents had 65 happy years together. Mom is 88 and doing well. Dad passed away two years ago.
The next person will celebrate an anniversary in June.
0 -
False. April.
The next person will have surgery in June.0 -
The next person prefers coffee instead of tea0 -
The next person drives an SUV.0 -
The next person knows how to drive a stick shift0 - fact, I still have a terrible memory of my dad trying to teach me in our stick shift station wagon, he had many wonderful qualities, but teaching a teenage girl how to drive was not one of them!
the next person was on a dance team when she was young
0 -
The next person has fresh cut flowers in their house0 -
False - flower free zone for now:(
The next person has a cheeky and demanding cat.
0 -
Half true ... Demanding at 5am not cheeky plain old handsome but dumb as a bucket of rocks
The next person likes Judge Judy0 -
Some days, yes, some days no. One of the kids I taught at home who has autism, the dad was so hooked on Judge Judy that if we were a tad too loud across the house, he'd yell we were disrupting his Judge Judy time! He'd even get upset when his son laughed because we were having fun learning.
The next person knows how to change a flat tire0 -
the next person knows how to dock a boat
0 -
the next person has been on a houseboat trip
0 -
False, but sounds fun.
The next person has owned a convertible car.0 -
False but I had a boyfriend who did.
The next person's Mom made their first prom dress.
0 -
False, never went to prom. If I did, I would have had to make it
The next person had a great day
(I didn't - PT pissed me off and I left crying)0 -
pretty good day, sorry about yours 2nd.
it rained where the next person lives today
0 -
false ... sunshine here
the next person has a new computer
0 -
False(ish) - 2 years old (is that new?)
The next person wishes they could give up some type of food (or beverage).
0 -
True, wish I could say good bye to bread and chocolate
The next person needs a trip to the hairdresser0 -
The next person has at least 1 pet0 -
The next person loves the beach
0 -
Yes! Spent many times on the beach... Great place for drafting major papers back in college
The next person is lucky enough to wake up to birds chirping outdoors0 -
true, they come under our front door entrance and sit there ... can't say I'm really that chirpy that early in the morning...! lol
The next person loves hot weather
0 -
False, it gets too hot here (it's desert, glad it's dry heat and not humidity). We're supposed to get over 100 degrees this weekend.
Traii, are you going into winter now?
The next person took swimming lessons as a child0