The Next Person Game
false hubby or son will be mowing
the next person will go or has gone blueberry picking this month
0 -
False - I wish!
The next person will bake something from scratch today.
0 -
the next person is good at math
0 -
False!!! I stink at math!
The next person has been craving a milkshake0 -
True - a nice fat chocolate milkshake please!
The next person will listen to some music and dance around the house tonight.
0 -
false because I have been doing yard work all day & I just want to sit down!
the next person is scared of heights.
0 -
False! I love being up on ladders!
The next person is getting married soon.
0 -
False, married 21 years
(Cocomom... Are you getting married? )
The next person needs to wash their car0 -
TRUE!! And I'm not getting married, but my anniversary is this weekend, and I'm planning my oldest daughter's wedding, so it's on my brain!
The next person has visited Iceland.
0 -
I landed in an airport there on the way to Norway (it was so long ago, I think we had to refuel) sort of true.
the next person has visited Norway
0 -
False, but my husband is half Norwegian, so we will get there some day.
The next person plays an instrument.
0 -
True - Piano
The next person will eat sushi this week.
0 -
Mmmmm I hope so. I even like Target sushi
The next person is golfing tomorrow.0 -
False (working tomorrow)
the next person likes to watch the local news
0 -
The next person will walk their dog today
0 -
Sometimes (like the high speed chase tonight?)
The next person gets their news on-line instead of paper copy0 -
the next person will go for a walk today or tomorrow0 -
true, probably not until tomorrow because it is stormy here today
the next person has a family reunion coming up soon
0 -
Not exactly. Nothing formal, am in the process of helping my parents move back to So Cal (originally from So Cal, retired 21 years ago to Las Vegas, back here again, abouot 35 miles fom me) - hopefully by the end of July
The next person is making plans for the 4th of July (weekend)
0 -
false - we are always last minute people.... 'cuz the weather is so undependable here in the NW.
The next person had cheese for lunch
0 -
a little blue cheese on a salad
the next person has had a spray tan
0 -
The next person will color their hair in the next week.
0 -
Very true again.
the next person can hear thunder
0 -
False - and I am glad because my big Golden Retriever is deathly afraid
The next person will eat sushi for lunch tomorrow
0 -
The next person will do a Target/Walmart run tomorrow0 -
True, how'dja know? Have been putting it off for weeks (not my idea of fun), running out of cat food.
The next person wants to go out to dinner this weekend0 -
The next person is preparing dinner for guests.
0 -
the next person's bedroom is painted in a color other than white/cream
0 -
The next person has a dental appointment today
0 -
the next person is having fish for dinner tonight