The Next Person Game
True as of late. Just finished reading 2 books, have 70 pages left on the current one, already have the next book waiting.
The next person like to canoe.0 -'s been a while
The next person had a tree swing as a kid0 -
false but I made sure my children did
The next person likes walking in the fall in a wooded area
Sadly no hot date but never be afraid to ask me anything0 -
the next person bought some fall clothes today0 -
The next person has a convertible car and drove it today with the top down0 -
false, but sounds fun
the next person has or used to have a Volkswagen Beetle0 -
no, not me but my college roommate did. We lived at the top of a hill, someone broke into it, rolled down the hill, must have popped the clutch and stole it!
The next person can drive a stick shift0 -
In theory I can, but haven't driven since college.
The next person shall receive a surprise today in the mail..0 -
Don't know yet, too early for mail delivery
The next person has been reorganizing closets0 -
False still too sore from surgery but it's on my list
The next person is having Thanksgiving dinner at their house0 -
Not sure yet, after last year's fiasco I'd rather go to a friend's
The next person is enjoying a cool-weather day0 -
well, it is cool weather, but I'm not enjoying it. I prefer more warmth.
The next person is planning what will hopefully be a relaxing vacation0 -
the next person needs to get some dental work done (crying face)0 -
I'm the master of avoidance when it comes to dental... so I'm saying false.
The next petson is having salmon for dinner0 -
false. Leftover pork chops tonight.
The next person was so busy this weekend that she has 4 days of posts to catch up on...0 -
the next person has a walk-in closet in her bedroom0 -
true. And it needs to be organized...
The next person is going to accupuncture tomorrow.0 -
no, but I wish!
The next person doesn't have to go in for jury duty tomorrow but will have to check status tomorrow to see for Wednesday0 -
False...DH has jury duty coming up in a couple of weeks
The next person has already started their Christmas shopping0 -
the next person knows what she is doing for Christmas this year0 -
Not yet, families are expanding and it's hard to get everyone together.
The next person will be traveling out of state for Christmas.0 -
false! I live in Canada and have parents who are snowbirds I would love to bring the kids and spend Christmas in warm Texas maybe next year !
The next person is contemplating the purchase of a puppy, kitten, some kind of pet.....0 -
Oh NO! Already have three dogs, three fish, ant farm, hermit crabs, five grow a frogs and 6 hatchling tortoises
The next person is sad because one of their animals is getting old and knows that some day soon.........0 -
false (hopefully), went thru that the beginning of the year
The next person needs a new cell phone0 -
the next person is waiting for the grand kids to show up0 -
no grandkids yet
the next person likes tapioca pudding0 -
The next person needs to go start dinner0 -
false, I had some minor oral surgery today...hence the pudding
the next person will see the movie Gravity0 -
I hope you are feeling better Ruth!
The next person is having a hard time deciding what to have for dinner0 -
False, just finished up.
The next person will make and take a meal to someone else this week.0