The Next Person Game
the next person didn't go to work yesterday
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True, no job
The next person is looking forward to the weekend0 -
absolutely! Gonna meet some ladies from BCO!!
The next person is shopping for new appliances. (My GOD they are expensive!!!)
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(have fun garden! I love to meet up with BCO friends!!)
2nd.... go to the 'growing our friendships after treatment' forum and there is a 'Dancing With the Stars' thread. I will bump it for you right now so it should be on the active list, if it isn't already.
the next person needs to get off the computer (ie me)
0 -
True, so much to do today!
The next person is looking forward to a fun weekend!
(Thanks, Ruth, will check it out)0 -
I think it will be a quiet weekend, which is fine by me!
The next person is working tomorrow.
0 -
True: cleaning the house!
The next person is going to watch the new Michael J. Fox show on tv tonight.
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False. We are going appliance shopping.
The next person has had this year's flu shot already0 -
False...will be getting mine next month
The next person likes to bake
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no, but it is on my 'to do' list
the next person has rain in the forecast
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True. This is Seattle in September.
The next petsons commute is coming to an end.0 -
False. Have about 10 more years of the 30 min commute. But no traffic; just easy driving.
The next person is going to a football game this weekend.
(I really don't do those long work days too often. My body is not up for that anymore...)0 -
The next person is going to a county fair tomorrow0 -
False (hope it's nice weather 2nd time that fairground is hot hot hot)
The next person had to work late today0 -
I'm not sure yet - there's a problem, but - we'll see.....
The next person is painting their house
0 -
false....have siding
the next person is a good gardener
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False, unless pots and plots of dirt count!
The next person is happily resting now
(HBCheryl.. The weather was perfect today, not too hot, slight breeze.)0 -
the next person is falling asleep
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Not yet, but soon (hopefully). Sweet dreams, Ruth!
The next person will be having cheesecake this weekend0 -
If the stars align and the sun comes out ... true, gosh now I need to go to the cheesecake factory
the next person is meeting with friends tomorrow
yes 2nd time it was gorgeous today, although they say we're gonna ramp up over the weekend......
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Don't think so
The next person has yard work to do0 -
True- the lawn is way overdue to be cut. But I am going to Family Weekend at DD college so it will have to wait...
The next person went or will go to see a show this weekend.0 -
Would like to take DH for his birthday today, but we'll see what happens
The next person is listening to the birds sing and chatter0 -
earlier the birds were quite lively...quiet now
The next person needs to fill their bird feeders
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False, they're pretty full
The next person is planning a BBQ this weekend0 -
the leaves are changing color where the next person lives
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False (it's still summer here)
The next person is going to a dance showcase performance tonight0 -
the next person ate Chinese tonight
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The next person is craving chocolate but none in the house0 -
true, I'm always craving chocolate....but don't know what 'nine in the house' you mean, 'none'?
the next person was a good disco dancer