The Next Person Game
The next person had leftovers for dinner tonight.0 -
false, I actually cooked for a change!
the next person is having a busy week
0 -
true, but it's been fun
the next person went out with friends tonight!0 -
that would be false, but wish it was true!
The next person has back pain0 -
the next person has snow in the forecast
0 -
Not yet
the next person is ready for bed0 -
true, I'm really tired tonight
The next person went out for lunch today0 -
out for breakfast
the next person has a dental appointment this week
0 -
The next person has a good movie to watch tonight (if so..please share)0 -
Next person is reading a good book.......I am......0 -
yes, I love reading. Ducky, what is the name of your book?
The next person is in a bible study group.0 -
no, but I should be.......Book is They Killed Our President, by Jesse Ventura.......(63 reasons to believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK)......OMG all day 140 pages...what an eye opener....
Next person remembers what they were doing on a Nov. 22' 1963........when they shot Kennedy..0 -
True. I was in the 3rd grade. My teacher, Miss Kerley, came in the room crying. We were sent home early.
The next person also remembers what she was doing on November 22, 1963.0 -
that would be me...loved the man...had 4 kids 1 was an infant..was outside hanging taking diapers off the line. TV was off..neighbor said..what about them shooting Kennedy."ran in put TV on, heard Cronkite say......the president died at whatever time.....devastated...cried for 4 days...
Next person remembers what they were doing on Nov.22, 1963....0 -
like Wonderland, I was in the 3rd closed, sent to the daycare, after school home. She was devout Catholic and was was sad for everyone..
The next person is dreading winter....0 -
oh yea
Next person likes winter....0 -
not so much.
The next person has dragged out her winter gear so they are close at hand (mittens, boots etc.)
0 -
false (but I did put on a vest today)
The next person is cleaning out closets0 -
yes, I am trying!
the next person uses a lot of sticky notes
0 -
The next person got an unexpected gift today0 -
false, what was it Cheryl?
The next person is planning on making homemade soup tomorrow0 -
Maddy it was a big bag of oranges my neighbor left at my door this morning, she had picked them from her mothers tree yesterday
The next person is enjoying listening to the rain0 -
Rain? Not here yet, but if it's out there, shouldn't be too long.
The next is wrapped under a warm throw blanket0 -
false, just curled up in my chair
Maddy it started about an hour ago, it's lovely, sending it your way
The next person went to Costco today0 -
false, no Costco membership
The next person is catching up on DVD shows
Cheryl, I hear it raining now0 -
Didn't take long to get to you Maddy
The next person likes to play cards0 -
Yes, so true..
The next person is planning a vacation in January0 -
I wish
The next person plays chess0 -
I used to years ago
the next person knows how to play Bridge
0 -
Next person likes Scrabble0