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What do bone mets feel like?

Liz08 Member Posts: 100


I really need your help hereCry.  I'm driving myself crazy by my aches and pains that I'm having this fall. I'm walking around in pain and not sharing this with my family since I don't want to drive them crazy too.  Lately my mid back is bothering me at times( I have had this issue prior to diagnosis), left hip (my left hip would bother me at times prior to diagnosis too) is bothering me and now my left knee and left ankle.  I was diagnosed with stage T1Mic breast cancer this February and my doctor did have CT scans and a bone scan done when I was initially diagnosed and all was clear. 

For those of you ladies who developed bone mets, was your pain constant, can you please describe the pain(what it actually felt like if possible)?  Would you please let me know your symptoms and what led to your diagnostic scans etc.  Thank you.


  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited October 2008

    I don't think I can describe my pain, it was there.  My mets were found in the sternum and ribs.  I felt nothing in my ribs and would never have known about those.  As for my sternum, it did not hurt all the time but was very tender to the touch.  When my mets were at their worst it was constant pain but my chest had looked like a baseball was growing out of my sternum.  That would be enough to cause pain all by itself.  Wish I could be of more help but there is just no right or wrong answer about this.

  • AusAla
    AusAla Member Posts: 24
    edited October 2008

    Original bone mets.....had zero symptoms.  And that is with an over 2cm skull met and tumor on L3 on back.  Only reason I had pain with recent rib met, was because the rib broke. 

    It is highly doubtful that your knee and ankle have mets.  Mets rarely go that far on extremities.  And if you were having pain in the other areas before bc, and you've had clean scans this year, I would think it is unlikely mets.

    For you own peace of mind, get it checked out.  Then LIVE your life and try not to let bc take anymore away from you than it already has.

  • beastybabe
    beastybabe Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2008

    When I was diagnosed with bone mets it was because I had requested my doctor to get my back checked out as I was having pain and wanted to cross out any chance that it was cancer.

    Unfortunately it was cancer in my T8 vertebrae, it was quite painful because I also had a compression fracture in the same bone.  I was told by my doc that I probably have had my breast cancer for a year or so as the T8 bone is completely taken over with cancer.  but until I did the fracture I had no pain at all and would not have even given it another thought.

    I guess its different for everybody, it just depends on where the mets is and whether it causes any pain..

  • rkt
    rkt Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2008

    I was diagnosed with bone mets with my initial breast cancer diagnosis this past June.  It was everywhere - ribs, pelvis, all vertebrae in the spinal column.  I had twinges in my pelvis (my hip) every once in a while - but pain was not constant, just when I would move a certain way sometimes.  As to the back, I really just thought I needed a new mattress - I would be sore and achey when I woke up, but it would go away with movement and I would not be bothered during the day with pain.  I attributed a lot of the pain/aches I felt to being overweight, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine cancer.

     Now, every time I feel a new ache, I think it is cancer in that place too - my sister told me I needed to write down when I bumped my head, so that two days later, when I feel a sore spot on my head, I can refer to my list and realize it is from bumping my head, not from cancer - memory issues are really bad right now.  However, I can relate to your feeling this way about every ache and pain - I think that it is just natural for us to worry that way.  Hang in there - have your doctor do a scan, if it will set your mind at ease.


  • mom2acat
    mom2acat Member Posts: 87
    edited October 2008

    The only place I felt my bone mets was in my left hip; that is because I had a tumor that was pressing on a nerve. The radiation I had took care of that though. It still gets achy sometimes, but that is from arthritis.

    I would still mention it to your doctor. A rule of thumb most oncologisit go by is that if you have a symptom that is bothering you for two weeks or more that you haven't had before, it merits checking out.

  • Liz08
    Liz08 Member Posts: 100
    edited October 2008


    thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my questions.  It means alot to meLaughing.  I saw my oncologist today and after doing a thorough exam she feels that my back may be out of alignment causing the hip, knee and ankle pain and wants me to see a physical therapist to get this resolved.  Thank you again and God Bless. 

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806
    edited October 2008


    I went through the same thing and I would insist on a bone scan. That will tell the truth. I had docs tell me it was my arthritis for 2 months now only to find out now it was bone mets. I DO NOT want to scare you, please no, but I want to make sure they are doing all the appropriate tests before they assume you are out of alignment. Just be proactive is all, I'd hate to see something being missed in anyone. OK?

    Hugs to you and best of luck!

  • MariaC
    MariaC Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2008

    I have bone mets from the beginning. I had a nagging pain on my left rib from the start. It was like a mild toothache kind of pain but it wasn't going away. Bone scan, MRI and CT scan were done even before lumpectomy. All scans indicated possible mets on left and right ribs, vertebrae, pelvis and skull. Biopsy of the left rib confirmed mets.

    Two weeks after oophorectomy, I felt a very sharp pain on my spine (I thought I had spinal compression or fracture). I could not walk without cane after that. After the first zometa infusion and some pain reliever, I was able to put away my cane but back pain was still there but this time more tolerable. Nowadays, I feel like something is pinching my rib once in a while. There's this pain in the pelvis but it goes away after walking it off. 

     If pain is constant for 2 weeks or more, ask for scans for your peace of mind.

    God bless!

  • JustAmberMiller
    JustAmberMiller Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2018

    Hey all!

    I’m new here. About 8 months since the all clear for me and have always had bad knees. Right knee started consistently bothering me several weeks ago. Then right hip... shooting pain mainly when standing and it would come and go. Now my left hip. I’m 40.

    Just messaged my onc to get permission to go to the chiropractor. She seemed more concerned than I’d expected and I just googled bone mets. Not my best move.

    Encouraged by all of the long term survival and ongoing management of mets but terrified if I’m going to be truthful. I am a single mom of 2 boys and already exhausted. How would I do this... again?

  • ABeautifulSunset
    ABeautifulSunset Member Posts: 600
    edited February 2018

    hello Amber .

    This thread has not been active since 2008. Try the bone mets thread. It’s very active.

    Also. I always want my ONC to be concerned, even if it turns out to be nothing. It’s better than the ONC who doesnt take possible symptoms seriously.

