My Aunts

Reflection Posts: 2

I was hoping that you could add my aunt to the Angel Wall.  She passed away on Saturday, November 15th.  She suffered from breast cancer.  However, we believe a stroke took her. Her name is Cinderella Ann Hughes. 

Another aunt, her sister, passed way in 2000 from BC also...her name was Ramona Hughes. 

 I want them remembered! 

These are my paternal aunts. All the females from my dad's family have died from either breast or Ovarian(my grandmother) cancer. 

I have posted here on occassions when I have been awaiting biopsy results.  Thankfully all have been negative.   I do get an annual mamogram although I am under 40.  If I could only get my sisters to do the same....

I am just sad and mad at this disease....both my aunts were wonderful women.  I loved them dearly....I can only pray that one day the find a cure.  

Thank you,



  • celia088
    celia088 Posts: 975
    edited November 2008

    Reflection, I am so sorry to hear about both of your aunts passing from breast cancer. With the family history that you have on both sides, you are doing the right things for yourself by having tests and mammos.  Have you had the BRCA 1 and 2 genetic test?

    I have added the names of both of your aunts to our List of Angels in the Commemorating Loved Ones in the Friends and Relatives section. My condolences to you and your family.


  • Reflection
    Reflection Posts: 2
    edited November 2008

    Thanks Celia.  No I haven't been tested.  All my aunts were post menopausal except for my grandmother died of Ovarian (35).  I don't have bc on my mother's side, but a lot of "other" cancers. 

    My doctor said that since they were post-meno that it more then likely isn't genetic.  But since I have had two biopsy in a little over a year and have fibercystic diseases she has ordered me to start annual mammos early.   I do worry since I have been on hormone treatment since I was 26 (now 39 on Friday) from a hysterectomy.  But doc says I am too young to go off the hormone therapy.  All the research I have read has stated that over 5 years isn't recommended. 

     But I will be vigil as I know that this risk is in my family. 

    Thanks for adding them!!!
