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Tamoxifen and Irregular Periods

I have been on Tamoxifen for about 4 months now.  I know that one of the side effects is irregular periods and mine have been all over the place!  Other than that I have not had any other side effects and find the drug easy to tolerate.  At what point should I be concerned about the irregularity?   I should probably add that I am 42, pre-menopausal, and did rads, not chemo.  


  • awb
    awb Posts: 213
    edited December 2008

    you don't have to worry about the irregularity at all--my oncologist said 25% will continue with normal periods, 50% will have irregular periods, and 25% will stop altogether. The "red flag" to look out for is abnormal heavy bleeding, which should be reported to your doctor. My period became very irregular and very light--I took minpads everywhere, just in case. It's a good idea to have a yearly transvaginal ultrasound to monitor both the uterine lining and the ovaries.

  • marathongirl
    marathongirl Posts: 16
    edited December 2008

    Thanks awb!

  • roseg
    roseg Posts: 15
    edited December 2008

    I wouldn't worry about it, although it can drive you nuts!

  • san4850
    san4850 Posts: 2
    edited December 2008

    I'm very similar to you.  I'm 43 and premenopausal.  I've been on tamox for 1 1/2 years now, had a lumpectomy, rads and no chemo.  I have no problems with tamox other than hot flashes and irregular periods.  I have a fan at my desk at work and turn it on and off all throughout the day.  My periods have been irregular since starting tamox.  Before starting tamox, I used to get them like clockwork.  Now it could be 2 months, sometimes 1 month, sometimes 5-6 weeks, between periods.  I can't guess when it will come again.  I'm supposed to schedule an MRI soon, however I was told I need to schedule it within a week of starting my period, and the problem is that I don't know when I'll get my next period.

  • renata
    renata Posts: 9
    edited December 2008

    I belong to the 25% that stopped having their periods after Tamoxifen, I didn't lose it during chemo and I couldn't tell exactly why but it freaks me out, I think it is because I'm 38 and not having my period makes me feel prematuraly old it sucks...

  • inspiewriter
    inspiewriter Posts: 54
    edited December 2008

    I am like San--- 43 when I started on it (now 46) and mainly the hot flashes were the problem, now I am just hotter in general, all the time.  Periods now run about every 6 weeks.

  • LorenaB
    LorenaB Posts: 91
    edited December 2008

    I'm also 42, was 41 when I went through chemo and my period stopped completely for about 5 months.  It started back right after I began taking tamoxifen in September.  The weird thing is that I've never in my life had a regular, predictable cycle except when I was on birth control pills (I went off them last December when I got my bc diagnosis).  But since I started the tamox I've been getting it regularly every 4 weeks. The first few were completely normal, this last one was very light and short in duration (more like when I was on the pill). I have very minimal hot flashes, no night sweats -- even though my onc said I was just lucky,I do worry a bit that maybe the tamox isn't working for me.

    Kryptonite, I know what you mean about feeling old.  I was SO happy when I got my period in September,it was like my body was telling me it wanted to get back to normal.  I hope it happens for you sometime soon!

  • koshka1
    koshka1 Posts: 93
    edited December 2008


    I started tamox in May.

    My periods started to go wonky in September.  Slight cramps for almost 10 days prior,,,then my period starts,,then stops,,then starts again!!


    Oh...did I mention my b-tchiness! 

    Don't know how to do this for 5 years.!!!!!



  • amberyba
    amberyba Posts: 180
    edited December 2008

    awb is correct, abnormal heavy bleeding is cause to worry, and spotting or bleeding in between periods is something my onc asked me about...Tamoxifen can interfere with clotting (Platelets), this may have somthing to do with the heavy periods, also report any abnormal color of vaginal discharge bleeding,, rust color is something to be concerned with.

    I did have early periods with rust color discharge, liver enzymes elevating, bruising (abnormal clotting), and my hgb slowly started getting low. Off tamoxifen for now. periods back to normal, no brusing abnormally, and liver enzymes back to pre-tamoxifen levels. Watching Hgb levels though, low iron often associated with higher recurrence.

    I have no regrets on stopping Tamoxifen...feeling great...though constant monitoring for lumps and symptoms...though whether you are on tamoxifen or not, I guess we are sensitive to every little symptom...and question BC recurrence...

  • SJP66
    SJP66 Posts: 1
    edited August 2009

    A few months after starting Tamoxifen, I was so moody and I could not figure out why.  I called my PCP and she said it could be the Tamoxifen.  Well that would explain why I wanted to strangle the girl at Dunkin Donuts for no reason.  My PCP and oncologist discussed my concerns and put me on Effexor and life is much better.  I just started to discover the irregular periods...I would rather deal with that than my family packing up and moving out because mom is crazy!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited August 2009


    SJP66- looks lke we resurrected this thread!  I have definitely been experiencing the same AND  I notice many of us are in roughly the same age group....I'm 44......but most people don't believe it...probably due to maturity level(lol)....and I certainly don't real feel old?

    Anyhoo.......started Tamox feb 12......about one week after rads ended(no chemo here).  No problems for several weeks.  Clockwork periods before then about 4-6 weeks in some crying, then crying every day, then one weekend I couldn't stop crying...and that coincided w/ the first delayed period.  Made an appt w/ Fam practice MD, started effexor, and a friend who had colon cancer last year gave me the name of a counselor who really helped her. The rest is history.......I am MUcH better.  The periods have been anywhere from 30 something to 44days apart and definitely shorter  in duration. And 36-37 days now I feel bloated.  My med onc said the same spotting or increase bleeding a bigger concern.  However I will see a real OB/GYN soon as I am moving forward w/prophy BLM and immed recon and want to make sure no other issues before and previously have seen only my Fam practice md.

  • NancyLa
    NancyLa Posts: 81
    edited August 2009

    I was on Tamoxifen for 14 months and was take off for 2 months due to the side effects. I went back on the Tamoxifen 3 weeks ago.  I have been very lightly spotting since starting back on the Tamoxifen.  I had a uterine biopsy and all was ok.  My gyne says the spotting is normal due to being on, going off and now going back on Tamoxifen.  Has anyone had prolonged menstrual spotting with Tamoxifen?  Your feedback is appreciated.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited August 2009


  • portiasproudmom
    portiasproudmom Posts: 11
    edited August 2009

    Well, I was feeling reassured until I read the post about rusty colored periods.  I've been on Tamoxifen for about 17 months now and haven't had a period since starting.  About a week ago, I noticed that my discharge was brownish.  Today, I actually started bleeding in earnest and it IS a brownish, rusty color.  What could that mean?  Should I call my oncologist??  Now I'm freaking out!

    Thanks for any and all advise.



  • portiasproudmom
    portiasproudmom Posts: 11
    edited August 2009

    Oh!  Forgot to mention that I'm 45 and pre-menopausal.


  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Posts: 310
    edited August 2009

    That rust-colored thing has GOT to be nonsense - menstrual blood ALWAYS comes in a variety of shades as your cycle progresses. My new, Tamoxifen elongated cycles of about 44 days or so are only slightly different in that they can sometimes be VERY heavy the first two days or so, but I have always had variations in the color of the discharge through the cycle: brown, rust, bright red.

    I suppose if your flow was NEVER rust colored and now it sometimes is, perhaps you could ask your oncologist. New symptoms are always worthy of discussion. And I'm thinking green or black discharge would be problematic. But rust is right on the brown-to-red spectrum, so I can't imagine that it's truly a sign that something is wrong...

    I did notice her reference to bruising, and I do find that if I bump into something I'll get a very unattractive and long-lasting bruise. I'd noticed this since the Tamoxifen.

    I'm 46 and pre-menopausal, by the way, taking Tamoxifen since 12/1/08. Just wrapped up the first magical 9 months. Woohoo.


  • portiasproudmom
    portiasproudmom Posts: 11
    edited August 2009

    Thanks for the comment, Coleen.  I'm not so worried about the rust thing anymore.  Today it's pretty much bright red.  I guess I'm more worried because I didn't have a period for a year and a half, and now all of a sudden I'm menstruating.  It kind of makes me think the Tamoxifen isn't working anymore.  I have a call in to my oncologist.  I imagine she's going to want to see me.'s always something.


  • kookiesmom
    kookiesmom Posts: 57
    edited August 2009

    Athena - go to the Botttle O' Tamoxifen thread - there are a few recent links there to a study regarding the effectiveness and side effects.  Let me know if you can't find it but I just read it yesterday.  As I have hot flashes, leg cramps, discharge and joint pain it is apparantly kicking butt!  Which is a good thing I guess but I wish it could do it without my body's help.

  • kookiesmom
    kookiesmom Posts: 57
    edited August 2009
    Athena - here it is I found it:

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited September 2009

    Hi girls!  Glad to see more joining!  Well my big news is I started my period!  LOL.....eeks, sorry...TMI!!!! wonder I felt so premenstrual...ya know 46 days this time. I have noticed more brownish color but some normal red blood too......still overall a bit less volume and shorter duration. 

    Friday I had actually gone to the GYN and had ultrasound that showed cysts, on each ovary.  Initially my med onc had told me(the previous week) if that happened I would take a break from Tamox they would probably go away and then we'd revisit whether to resume Tamox or do injections....I had read a Japanese study stating that about 50% of premenstrual women on Tamox develop ovarian cysts.  I heard back from her(the med onc) and she said if no symptoms of pain, severe bloating/cramping abd pain she probably would have me continue to take it....I also read somewhere the concern over cysts is when they become 5cm or greater/AND OR symptomatic....Anyhoo I was somewhat relieved...I picked Tamox because I thought the side effects would be less severe.

    Eeks on the study in regards to side effects = positive response.......Is that supposed to make us feel better?  sorry....That just SUCKS!  forgive the more I cry the better my Tamox is working?  I just have to figure the irregularity is enough SE for vision(I'll be 45 in Oct)..Oh man I NEED the readers more now...but I'm 45!

    So Kleenex...maybe we're on the same plan....are you regularly 44 days or variable?  Im into month number 6 and have been anywhere from 29 to 46 days...but seems more like they are stretching out more between....just curious...


  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Posts: 310
    edited September 2009

    Hi, Jennifer!

    My oncologist and my gynecologist both said they didn't think I'd become menopausal on Tamoxifen, but they felt that my cycle would certainly be "affected." I didn't have chemo, so no chemopause.

    I have been charting my period, because I have my anal retentive moments and I don't like surprises. Started taking Tamoxifen on Dec. 1st, and my cycles have been, in days: 32, 41, 46, 43, 43, and 45. I suppose it's "nice" that in nine months I've had six periods... Two weeks before I get my period, I have a week of discomfort from ovarian cysts produced as my body tries to ovulate - not debilitating, but annoying. It's good that they're not worse, because I really can't do anything about them...

    I would say that it seems that a pattern has emerged, and I sort of hope it stays that way. One of the reasons I took BCP's for years and years was that I like to have some sort of clue when Mother Nature will arrive with the gift. We'll see if it continues to be in that 43 - 45 day range... It's been so much better over the last couple of months to feel as though I had a clue as to when it would start. I hated that random feeling of, "Am I going to skip it? Is it going to come at any second?" Once I charted the pattern with the pelvic discomfort, I can sort of predict it.

    (My sister, 13 months younger, no breast cancer or Tamoxifen and no BCP's, is having her period about every 24 - 26 days at the moment, so she's envious of my lengthy cycles.)

    I have enough side effects to feel that the Tamoxifen is working, in addition to which my test came back that I was an "extensive" metabolizer of Tamoxifen.

    Yeah - we're in that vision change window, and I really think the Tamoxifen has accelerated THAT aging side effect, too. Some days I need readers, some days I don't. Some days my distance-correcting contacts work great, sometimes I can't see the clock across the room. Dryness of the eyes? Change in shape due to hormone changes? Who knows?!

  • Blondie1964
    Blondie1964 Posts: 10
    edited September 2009


    Glad to see this topic.  I am 44, pre-menopausal and started on tamox three months ago - well, just started my 4th bottle a week ago.  I did not have a period at all for the first three months then I went off tamox for a few days prior to my exchange surgery (ONC recommended) and then the day after the surgery, my period came back and way heavier than normal.  I was actually so relieved to get a period at all (same thing as some others here - makes me feel like some of my "womanly" functions are still working) and thought that the heavier than normal could be attributable to not having had one for a few months.  I guess I need to report this to my OB/GYN....


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Posts: 521
    edited September 2009

    It's just really nice to be able to talk to a group of women in VERY near the same age group in regards to this topic....seems like initially all the contacts I was given were either in their 30's or post menopausal, w/o a uterus, etc, etc.....  I know menopause is inevitable....and that's ok but I had a very hard time coping w/ the idea of being 'pushed' into it.  Ya know every other woman is given all sorts of support in regards to going thru 'the change'....and it is recognized as a difficult the BEST case scenario.  I found it so wild when diagnosed w/ hormone receptor positive ca which is 'good!'......and yes I is good....BUT it's almost like some of the MD's thought nothing of manipulating the hell out of my hormones....and were like getting all excited about it!  I just sat there thinking...what the hell is wrong w/ you people?  You think I'm gonna be excited about you shutting my estrogen supply off?  I only took BCP's maybe a total of 1 yr and just felt lousy while I took them....have always been sensitive to hormonal manipulation hence my hesitation w/ ALL this!  anyhoo..................

    Hope for 30....i've read in some places the tamox may actiually increase estrogen production....BUT don't forget it's all being blocked where it needs to be blocked.  My onc told me the thickening os more common w/ post menopausal women.  My gyn was going to do an endo biopsy but didn't have the right tool and my uterus looked ok so she skipped.

  • honey69
    honey69 Posts: 1
    edited September 2009

    hello to everyone!!  and i am so glad i found this topic because i was this close to calling my gyn.  i've been on tamoxifen for almost 5yrs (i'll be done at the end of october this year) and i haven't had my period in the last 4 months!  before it was irregular and would skip a month here and there but this is the first 4 month period.  i even took pregnancy tests to make sure it wasn't that and they were all negative.  i was starting to think something was wrong but glad that it appears to not be.  oh and i'm 39.  i was diagnosed with dcis in 2004 and i was 34.   had partial mastectomy and radiation and tamoxifen.

    oh and when i started tamoxifen my periods went from 5 days down to 3 which i loved lol.

  • Paula65
    Paula65 Posts: 1
    edited September 2009

    Hi!  I'm 43 and have just finished Tamoxifen on 20th August 2009 after 5 years and it felt strange!  My did have mood swings and my periods became irregular and heavier but I found that taking Evening Primrose Oil (1000mg) every day helped especially with the hot flushes.  I actually stopped the EPO a month before the Tamoxifen and the flushes were worse.  As I got to the last year to 18 months my periods became more irregular and now I haven't had one for 3 months!  I hope I don't get them back! lol!  One thing that I think I should mention though is that I did occasionally get very heavy bleeding, sometimes between and when I got this checked out with the GYN I had Polyps which were caused by the Tamox but they were easily removed.  I had double mastectomy, reconstruction, and chemo, in case you wanted to know!!  I don't know if this helps anyone but I thought it would be worth mentioning.

  • kcl65
    kcl65 Posts: 741
    edited December 2009

    Hi, I'm 44 and was diagnosed in May.  I did not need chemo or radiation and have been on Tamoxifen since October.  This month I am late and was wondering if it was from the chance of pregnancy as we did permanent prevention many years ago (TMI..sorry LOL).  I will say I haven't had many other side effects.  I will need to report this to the doc though.  Thanks for all the input what a wonderful site to have as a resource and to not feel so alone!!

  • Blondie1964
    Blondie1964 Posts: 10
    edited December 2009

    Update - I last posted at the end of August, had been on tamox then for 4 months - 3 mo's no period, one month extra heavy.  I had one more month of extra heavy and have been back on a more normal schedule since then - periods on schedule like clockwork, lighter and shorter than ever...I guess that's the new normal for me, we will contine to see - I'm about to start on my 8th month...


  • hjpz
    hjpz Posts: 215
    edited June 2014

    I am bumping this thread because I am having the same irregular period issues.  The first time I had BC 12 years ago I was only 29 so did not have menstrual issues but I am now 42 and have experienced ovarian cysts and now an irregular period so I am wondering if this could be age related since some others mentioned they are close to my age.  

  • peggy_j
    peggy_j Posts: 89
    edited June 2014

    My MO said that sometimes tamox can interfere with the "signalling."  I took this to mean that it doesn't stop patients from ovulating but may interfere with the signal that tells the uterus to slough off the cells. I'm not a doctor, so you should probably ask your MO.

  • hjpz
    hjpz Posts: 215
    edited June 2014

    I see my Oncologist in Aug. and will ask him.  I did not get my period this month and that never happens so I temporarily stopped my Tamoxifen and 2 weeks later I finally got it.  Tamoxifen also can cause OVarian Cysts (which it has for me per my pelvic ultrasounds) and those also interfere with periods.