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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • cpp
    cpp Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2012

    LOL Maddy..."I'm trying patches, and I think they'd work if I could just keep the darned things lit." That cracked me up & I so needed that today!!

    And Lisamarie...don't be so hard on yourself. You are giving it your best shot, and that's all we can do. I went all day today without a cig, but then got totally stressed after my oncologist appt., so I had one. I will just give it another go tomorrow. Come here and vent, and we will all pick you up!! Smile I'm new here, and I've already figured that out!! 

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited June 2012 babble on and vent here ALL you want to!  What are we here for, if not to be there for each other!  You ARE strong and should feel incredibly proud that you are even trying!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited June 2012

    Yes Karen, I wonder how many minutes/hours I have thought about not smoking - geez!  When I smoked I sure didn't think of that.  I guess when you don't have your best friend, clutch or whatever you called it (mine was my best friend .... always with me, liked me and never talked back) you don't think of it - only when you need to have the next one.  God, sometimes I miss those days!  But moving forward, I hope I will eventually stop counting.

     So, I was just another another thread, and one woman answered another's about how long before you know your cancer free.  This woman answered her oncologist said "10 years".  I'm sure hoping that she got it wrong because I've never heard of this.  If this was the case, I would think about smoking!  Geez!  What a night! 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    JudiH, I'm sure no reputable Dr. would ever say that, everything I read says even Stage IV women can live long (17 in one case) productive lives.  For me the cigarette was my best friend, always there for me, just like your description, I was convinced I could never separate from it, but WE DID IT.

  • MaddyMac
    MaddyMac Member Posts: 42
    edited June 2012

    You guys really have those calendar pages flying. . .I am looking forward to having that much behind me smoke free. I still think quite a bit about both smoking and not smoking (one month tomorrow), but increasingly that is because I look forward to checking in here.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    MaddyMac, ONE MONTH. HOORAY for you, now you'll just start burning up the calender pages, remind us when you reach a milestone, like you did now.  Seaside is the only one who remembers everyones' milestones.  It sure does help to check in here, I found that too.  Karen

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2012

    It will be 11 months for me of Friday.  Can't believe I made it this far living with a smoker and working with 2 more.  It has not been easy and it is still not easy but it can be done.

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2012

    Jo, that IS an amazing feat.  Being around it as much as you are must be really tough, and you did it anyway.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Jo, hooray for you, 11 months and not easy months by any stretch of the imagination!  Living and working around smokers has to be the worst and yet you have done it!  I'm proud to say I knew you when you were just starting, now we're veterans.  I knew from the beginning you were going to make it, you have always had that strength of character.  hugs, Karen

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited June 2012

    Something I heard from a quitter, "I decided I was paying too much money to look old faster and die younger."

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2012

    I found myself upset with a coworker today because she said, "If you're looking for the good in this, at least you quit smoking."  I like this coworker, and she's RIGHT that it's good that I quit.  However, I can come here and  you guys can say that and it makes me smile.  When someone who has never smoked says it, I want to throttle them.  Childish, but this habit was MINE.  You do NOT get it.  Don't talk to me about it.

    Wow, moody much?  Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2012

    Fierro - You are so right.  Non-smokers making those kinds of comments should be shot.  And no it is not childish - it is what you are feeling.  Coming here to vent is the best place to do it.

  • Juggalette917
    Juggalette917 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2012

    I'm new to this site. I'm currently in a trap in my own head. Spending 6 months being sick inside your head is just not a good thing. I'm currently in stages of reconstruction and still have my drains 3 weeks later, necrotic tissue, and incisions that aren't healing together. My husband left shortly after I was diagnosed with a 9 yeast old and 2 year old to take care of. Every treatment thus far has had complications and set backs. The only thing that I can look forward to is a cigarette, and I'm not allowed to have any because of reconstruction. What a cruel joke. I feel that it isn't even worth it to give up, because smoking didn't do any of this to me. I quit smoking 60 days before mastectomy with reconstruction, and this STILL happened. Nicotine sure had a grip on me. Any pleasure is welcomed right now. But I'm trying really hard not to grab a cigarette.

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2012
    Juggalette917 - You definitely have PLENTY of triggers going on right now.  I wish I could offer you some wise advice, but I know I can offer support.
  • Juggalette917
    Juggalette917 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2012

    Isn't is crazy how we can want something that we KNOW is no good? I'm 28 with 2 kids and I already know how horrible cancer is to go through and I don't want my kids to EVER pick up a cigarette, yet I still want one. Those are some silly yet powerful little smelly sticks.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited June 2012

    Hooray to the milestones reached by MaddyMac and Jo!  See, time does fly by!  One day we will all get there and wondered why we every "smoked"!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Juggalette, it is remarkable how something so small can have such immense power over us!  You are carrying some pretty heavy stressors, let us help you carry them.  You have come to the right site for the best support group ever.  You are a pretty strong lady to shake your head no to that powerful cylinder given what you are carrying.  Welcome to our group, we are glad you found us.  Karen

  • MaddyMac
    MaddyMac Member Posts: 42
    edited June 2012

    Jugalette, the very fact that you're here attests to your strength - some with as much going on as you have right now would have stopped even thinking about quitting.

    Cigarettes have a mighty power - I keep having this weird thought that because I have so much stress right now, it's not fair that I can't smoke. As though something life-threatening and toxic would be a gift to myself. Powerful stuff.

    I'm glad you're here. Welcome.

  • Juggalette917
    Juggalette917 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2012

    Thank you so much for the support everyone. Sometimes I feel like those silly things are the only thing there for me. I smoked half way thru chemo, but quit so I could have no nicotine in my system for the mastectomy and reconstruction. I will admit that I have broken a couple of times since surgery, but quickly talk myself into getting rid of the rest of the pack. Smoking and reconstructive surgery is a big no no, so I really can't afford to fall off the wagon. Tell someone that they CAN'T do something, and see how much they want to do it. Hopefully these drains come out tomorrow and I can feel a little bit more like myself. Thank you everyone!

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2012

    MaddyMac - that is EXACTLY how I feel about them.  It's like I'm pouring everything I have, emotionally and financially into fighting with everything I have to get this horrible thing out of my body.  That means I deserve a smoke, right?  ARRGGGGG!  I haven't done it, and academically I know how stupid it is to put toxins in to the battleground, but geesh!  There are moments of the day that it's all I can think about.  Now that I've started chemo, at least I have no desire to turn to food! 

    Juggalette - I had one of my drains for what seemed like forever, and when I approached the record for my plastic surgeon's office, they did a bit of constructive wrapping, which made for uncomfortable sleeping, but finally got those output amounts down.  I sure did feel a lot better having rid of them.  I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, and hoping they go away. 

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited June 2012

    Oh ladies, I'm feel so bad!  You see, I think I'm past all of these demons, and I am, yet today a man was smoking by my vehicle and I practically jumped him.  Geez, he was older then me so that means he's an old geezer, tee hee!  Anyways, for those of you struggling, I'm going to put aside my struggles because really I don't have any!

     Juggalette, Fierro6 and Lisamarie, you are one of us.  We all know how disgusting these little guys are but when you find out just how disgusting you feel about them, then you are completely on your way!

    Sorry, I had more to say but it's dinner time.  Geez, what's more important? 

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited June 2012

    I'm back!  So, I'm finished my dinner, with wine, and I'm not craving the "after dinner smoke".  I think we are not giving ourselves the credit we deserve!  One day without a smoke, is fantastic.  What can we say when it is 2 days, 3 days, 1 months, 11 months, 16 months, etc.  I 'd day it's pretty amazing and more amazing with everything that we have gone through!  So ladies, congratulate yourself on your back because we are pretty amazing!

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2012

    Wise words.  I won't feel guilt when I smell one and want it, I'll be proud that it's been over 2 months since I've given in.  Thanks, Judi.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    JudiH and Fierro, it is truly something amazing, despite the triggers you stay strong and are getting into not days, but weeks and months, you truly deserve a huge pat on the back!!!!!!!!! hugs, Karen

  • cpp
    cpp Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2012

    Unfortunately, I'm still struggling. :( I got a prescription for Wellbutron yesterday so maybe that will be what I need to give up those last couple. I am proud that I have "almost" quit...but frustrated too. I feel like a very weak person.

    But keep on keepin' on...thats what I keep telling myself! And CONGRATS to all of you who have won the battle!! 

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited June 2012

    keep it going folks.  as our own Lisamarie says, just for today I will not smoke. 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Charliegirl, you are not weak, you are in the process of quitting, I have a friend that used Wellbutrin when nothing else worked, she was a chain smoker and the med. gave her the edge she needed.  Just keep on posting and take it hour by hour, they do start to build up.  Thinking of you and proud of your efforts, Karen

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited June 2012

    Jo and all you lovely ladies, I am still in lala land, but my surgeon said by all looks of it and the  fact it all came out in  one piece, he says B9, were there ever any more beautiful words!!!!!!  Results from path due in on Friday, but he is confident it was B9, I am on cloud 9.  Off to bed to sleep off the rest of chocolate martini laced anaesthesia.  YAY for me, Karen

  • Fierro6
    Fierro6 Member Posts: 60
    edited June 2012

    Yay Karen!  That is amazing news!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited June 2012

    Yay Karen!  Great News!!!