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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    LisaMarie - oh my goodness. You just don't need any more excitement in your life. Did they do any tests in ER or say why you blacked out? Any plans for new tests? Sorry you're missing class but maybe better to rest a day.

  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Hi there -- I've been lurking here reading your posts because I am a smoker. Have ER/PR positive bc in left breast. Multi focal. My surgeon says she wants me to be smoke free three weeks prior to lumpectomy and onco plastic surgery. So far I haven't quit. To be honest I enjoy it for various reasons. Did any of you go through surgery for BC with reconstruction still smoking? If so how did your surgeries turn out? This is driving me crazy. Really would appreciate some answers. Thanks so much. They are suggesting Wellbrutin.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015


        Hi and welcome . I know my surgeon said he would not do the surgery or recon without being at least 7 weeks smoke free. I do believe I was like 9 or something like that . I was so proud of myself . There is a much higher infection rate. and a longer healing time . that is why they like you to be smoke free and nicotine free.

    I am not saying it is easy because I loved to smoke too , It took me many times to quit . I actually went back to smoking soon after my recon. and quit again numerous times all to fail. I just did Chantix for the last and final time , I have been quit for almost 5 months now .. and that is a big step. I can say that it gets easier with time , I do not think about the cigarette . I also thought it was my savior when I was stressed. I just figured it out that the smoke did nothing for the stress ... anyway we have a lot of love and support here .xoxox Best of luck on your journey ..


  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Thank you Lisa Marie for your reply.  My surgeon says three weeks.  I have to do this. I am starting Wellbrutin on their suggestion and will make every effort to stop.   I just have to do this. I have to get this poison (both the cancer and the nicotine) out of my body.  I am going to try a session of hypno therapy also. Again, thanks for your support. I have already cut down a lot and will continue to do so.  Good for you on kicking the habit. Shirl

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015

    Bridgegal25, It took me many many times .. but what I can say is that you came to right group. These ladies here never judge , are most loving and comforting .. I really do wish you well on your journey ...We all know it's not easy . if you are determined you will make it .. Hugs xoxoxo


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    Bridgegal - Welcome - and LisaMarie is absolutely right. We're here for you because we've all been there. Some of us are far enough along THIS TIME to feel secure we've made it. As you can guess, most of us have quit more than once. Some of us are still working on it, but we're so glad to share the process. Some like Wellbutrin. I personally was successful with Chantix. I'm sure VJ will chime in before too long with her generous offer of her book for BCO members trying to quit. I had my mastectomy & reconstruction after I had quit so I can't speak about nicotine problems. Others will post - hopefully Bosum who is still working on it and has a doc also telling her she must quit first.

    There are lots of tips and we will all be happy to share our favorites again. Hope the hypno therapy helps. Do let us know. And feel free to rant as often as you want.

  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Thanks for any and all support I can get at this time.  I will try Wellbrutin first. It's ready at the pharmacy now and will pick it up.  We are getting hit with awful weather here in NJ and as soon as I see a ray of light (it's 6am now) I am off to pick it up.  I know I have to do this in order to have the surgery which I have to have.  I was down to half of my usual intake yesterday and am counting down today also.  My therapist told me to get cinnamon gum, put a straw in my hand and start that way.  Actually over the last week or so I have cut down a lot.  The foul weather also has caused a lot of us to be homebound and you know what that does.  Excuses, excuses Can't get a hyno session until beginning of next week but in the next few days I have enough to start me off. Thanks again ladies -- what an awesome site this is.,  Can't thank you enough.    Shirl

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015

    Bridgegal25, I am In NY on Long Island so I know what kind of weather you are having. for me I am so Done with snow and cold , I am ready to plant my garden and flowers .. anyway sounds like you are on the right track and doing well.. we have a mantra here * just for today I will not smoke * xoxoxox


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    Bosum - and we love you anyway. You will quit when the time is right for you. So glad to see you joining in more threads again. You have so much to offer & you were right on in the 'hair' thread today.

    BridgeGal - sunflower seeds helped me - in the shells. Hand to mouth, insert seed, hand down, crack shell, hand to mouth, remove seed, hand down. Also I stormed out of the house and walked around a block or two every time i wanted a smoke. i do realize that's a dream for those of you in the east this year.

    Can't believe the time change is Sunday. Hope spring isn't far behind.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    BridgeGal - to read about VJ's offer of her 'quit' book, go back & page and read her post on 2/24.

  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Bosum Blues -- I feel your pain also. Here I have this poison in my body which could potentially grow and I am delaying surgery to quit smoking!!!

     I just took my first wellbrutin 10 mins. ago.  Just got it from the pharmacy. I only smoked three today and it's 2:45 here in the East.  This is good so far.  At the very least you did part of yours.  Now we got to get you to get your reconstruction which is part of the whole plan.  Darn it -- I forgot to get the cinnamon gum and straws which my therapist recommended. Back to Walgreens later. I was so happy to get my Evian water on sale that I totally forgot.



  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Minus Two for the book information. Will do that.  So appreciate the information.

  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Hi Minus Two. I have a treadmill which I work out with four times a week. When my anxiety took hold of me in a big way, this really helped.  So I know how cardio helps the anxiety. Shirl

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2015

    Welcome Bridgegal. When you are ready, you will do this. You too Bosum!

    Lisamarie, you need to stay UPRIGHT young lady!! xoxo Hope they figure out what is happening with you! REST! There is a virus going around that causes light-headedness and nausea and some other nasty things...perhaps that is what is happening with you? Either way, REST! xoxo

    I agree with Minus - she always has sage advice. You will do this when you are ready. If I can quit, ANYONE can. I was a DIE HARD for 45 years and I still miss it but it has been two years this April for me. It can be done...PROMISE!!! Winking

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015

    Ha Ha , I know ladies ,, The reason for the fall was ice . I was trying to be careful then well ya know how it goes ,,, dahahda I was on ground... so anyway I gotta follow up with orthopedic for that , I went back to school today .. I was ok but was standing rather than sitting as my tail bone hurts ..

    Bridgegail.. you seem positive .. keep up good work ..

    Bosom I am so happy to see u back here xoxoxoxox

    Minus . I go to gym too .. but it would be nice to see grass again .. and some sign on spring .. I am longing to get my seeds started for the garden .. xoxoxo


  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Lisa Marie - you need to wear thick rubber soled shoes in this kind of weather and walk like a very old lady. It's quite a scene when I walk anywhere near ice. All you need right now is some kind of fracture.NOT. Stay well. Shirl

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    April - ta da!!! TWO YEARS. I remember when you were just considering quitting. What a fantastic accomplishment. Glad to see you posting more.

    I miss Judi - but if I had the opportunity for a trip to Vancouver & Victoria I'd be out of here like a shot. Sounds like her retirement will be fantastic with the BC trip coming right on the heels of South Africa. I'm jealous, but don't have the hutzpah to go on any trips yet. Maybe by fall.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015

    I was so wondering where Judi had gone ... well I do hope se is having fun fun fun..

    April I did not even notice wow 2 years amazing .... congrats to you .. someday I WILL be there .. xoxoxo

    Brifgegal.. yep I know crazy . I do walk like a crazy old lady around ice .. its just nuts .. and I too am gld no breaks for me ...

    Minus .. I want my Garden .. Its snowing again .. UGH we are getting 6 inches and im sick sick sick of it ... they cancelled school today feeling mad at the winter ...ThumbsDownDevil


    xoxoxoxxo 'Lisamarie

  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    HI again, Thanks for the input. Am also wrestling with a decision about my surgery. I have multi focal disease. Three little spots in one quadrant of the breast. lumpectomy requires a large excision not because of disease but they are far apart in one quadrant of breast,. I am large breasted and reconstruction (onco plastics) has been recommended. As my breast surgeon said to me af the beginning of our session last week "any ordinary breast surgeon would tell you to do a mastectomy" but I am offering you this option." which is a wide excision to get it all (hopefully) taking some breast tissue from the same breast and then working with the other side to even things out.,"   I asked about radiation after and  that could affect the reconstruction I am told which of course, doesn't sit well with me.   At this very moment, since I am over 70 and in good shape I am  thinking of a mastectomy without reconstruction.  .   It would make things so much easier. (I think).Has anyone on here had to make this decicison., I would have only one breast taken off and wear something not to make me lopsided.  I also thought about doing neoadjuvant (aridemex) to shrink whatever is there before surgery. Had a consult with a great onc on Monday but as he said,  surgery is the only way to get rid of this disease. And being multi focal makes shrinkage difficult.   So having to stop smoking with all of this decision  going on is really really tough,

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2015

    Smoking prior to surgery not only affects wound healing but increases the risk of complications from anesthesia due to the different gases in smoke such as carbon monoxide. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels which is why smoking affects healing, not enough oxygen gets to your skin.

    I was lucky I had quit 3 months before my first diagnosis in 1987, but I relapsed while going through chemo and spent the next 3 years stopping, starting, stopping, starting, stopping, starting, and beating myself up that I couldn't quit for good. Often when I relapsed I became a closet smoker, I didn't want anyone to know I had gone back, I just couldn't bear to hear my friends say one more time---"But you were doing so good, and you've had cancer, how come you don't just stop?" Even smokers would chide me about my smoking.

    My offer is still open to anyone who would like a copy of my e-book, "How to Win at Quitting Smoking." It has been totally reorganized with an additional 10 pages of info. It is NOT a magic wand that will turn you into a non-smoker but a step by step process to change your thinking and your behavior. Just send me a PM with an email address.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    Bridge - I'm 70. I choose bilateral mastectomy & reconstruction with implants. I didn't want to deal with un-even or uni breast & didn't want to worry about the BC coming back. I did recon because I just wanted to pull on my clothes & go and didn't want more muscle involvement w/flap surgery. And I was OK getting rid of my huge breasts. That said, this is a very individual decision and none of us would try to convince you that one way or the other is right. Like Bosum says, there are several threads for staying flat. Also you might check out Breast 101. Whippetmom is a guru about all things recon. And there are threads for several of the flap procedures. It's a difficult decision and we'll all be ready to support you whatever you finally decide.

  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Bosum Blues -- I had a snow day yesterday to completely think this out without interruption.  My gut instinct is to do a mastectomy (single), with no reconstruction.  I have looked at the breast forms online and am pretty comfortable with that.  I don't want to go through reconstruction with all that it entails as far as expanders, implants, saline which means many visits back and forth to surgery, plastic surgeon, etc.  I spoke with my breast surgeon's nurse yesterday and told her my thoughts.  Since my presentation of the cancer is good they don't seem to be in a rush to do the surgery.  She pretty well told me what it entails and asked me to start taking the Aridimex while I am thinking about it. The smoking is the challenge. I am pretty sure I can stop -- yesterday was tough because of the anxiety of the decision.  Two huge challenges.  I started the Wellbrutin two days ago. Thanks for your comments on smoking up to the day of.  I am going to look over the posts on gals who went this way and yes, I do know that I can do the reconstruction later.   They sure have come up with some great forms, bras, etc.  Wow.   So appreciate all your comments.  Yes, my surgeon knows about my smoking and again, I don't have lumps in my breast. I have cells only. ER/PR positive and Her2-.  Thanks so so much for your input and support,. Shirl


  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    Minus 2 -- thanks for your comments.  Tough decision but am getting there. I just wrote a post to Bosum Blues which is pretty well up to date on my current thinking. Would appreciate your reading it.  I am over 70, work out about five times weekly, and am extremely active.  Been through a lot in my life and right now really want to keep things as simple as I can.  Thanks again for any comments.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    Hey everybody - how about a cheer for our motto:


  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015

    Hi Bridgegal, I am 46 but had my double mastectomy a couple years ago .. so I did do recon .. mine went fast though . they put expanders in when I had mastectomy. Then I had 4 or 5 fills . then I went into surgery for implants .. anyhow I somedays think I wish I would not have gotten them at all because to me they look funny and one is bigger than the other and there are dents and ripples . Good luck on both journeys ... The BC and the Smoking .. xoxoxoxo

    Hi MInus and Vj, and Bosom ... hope all is well .. Hugs


  • bridgegal25
    bridgegal25 Member Posts: 19
    edited March 2015

    LisaMarie -- thanks for your honesty in this situation.  As of this moment I am leaning towards a Uni.  I want to get back to living my life normally as soon as possible.  I have already researched forms, camisoles, etc. etc. and I know I would be comfortable living that way.   I am working on the smoking going towards the surgery.  Started the Wellbrutin three days ago and so far I have cut down a lot.  I want to get this over with asap and after a long talk with the BS nurse two days ago, they are comfortable with delaying the surgery because of my DX.  Unusual DX which is multi focal cells along the duct line which are very small and IDC. No lumps or masses.  I know that the recon is long and uncomfortable and that doesn't work for me.  Right now I am chewing on cinnamon gum trying hard not to have a cigarette. One challenge is almost decided (the Uni) -- the other is more of a challenge -- stopping smoking.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015

    Bridgegal, That is great ... as you know the support and love is here when you need it ... the smoking is the hardest part but it seems to me you are determined and on your way ... xoxoxoxo


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    Ah Bosum - I remember major smoke-a-thons. Worse than drinking too much. although they often happened at the same time. A full pack for an evening at the 'local' - maybe darts, maybe shuffleboard. Ugh. Now you can't smoke in bars anymore.

    Great work on your taxes. Unfortunately I'll be sending in my contribution on April 15th.

    BridgeGal - how's it going? Thinking of you.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited March 2015

    Bosum - I agree it's good to give it a try. I have a hard time opening up and really sharing so I defeat my own purpose. Hope it's useful for you. Good luck.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2015

    Good Luck Bosom ... I hope the therapy goes well .. and kudos on the taxes as I have not even started because I pay every year .. blah .. and a big HUG .. you will find your way through this . I have faith .... xoxoxo

    Minus , I also remember the smoke a thons and yes it usually went with the drinking .. but thanks to some higher power I do not have the urge to drink or smoke any longer .. and yes the drinking is much worse a feeling than smoking too many lol ... unless its not cigs u are smoking ha ha ...

    Well I am getting ready for class . I got a little part time gig .. taking care of an 86 year old lady a few hours 3 x a week ... so that made me happy and she absolutely loved me ... on another note .. the docs and I are in limbo .... good news all my test came back good .. all biopsies benign and cat scan good blood work good .. no celiac.. so we are getting an mri and she wants me to go back to gyn .. so I go Thursday ..... I just don't know why my belly is this bloated and swollen ... ho hum .. but my medical doc did say that my hashimotos .. which is my thyroid could be doing it .. so we shall see

    Bridgegal .. hows things

    Judy miss you

    miss you too seaside and vj ...

    Lisa marie