Word Association Phrase Game
Back to the Future
(Since I am just subbing, every day is a school break unless I decide I want to be there )
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future leaders
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leaders boards
Ruth. Oh i didn't know you were subbing. So you get to make your schedule. Huh? Nice. Do you have s preference in class and age of students?
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board meeting
Patty, I only sub middle school (my old school). I never do Physical Education (for their safety and mine!). I don't like to do math unless I know about it ahead of time (so I can have a chance to study the material and get a vague clue as to what I'm supposed to be doing!!). I especially like social studies/history classes but can punt my way through the rest of the subjects if necessary!
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meeting room
I started a new game (20 Questions) and I hope this takes you there.
and that you will want to play along.
natashameeting room
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room deodorizer
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deodorizer spray
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spray bottle
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bottle of beer
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beer can
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can do attitude
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attitude adjustment
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adjustment and alignment
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alignment chart
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chart your course
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course prerequisite
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prerequisite skills
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skills set
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set the table
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table runner
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runner stance
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stanced cars
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cars tires
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tires flat
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flat chested
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chest of drawers
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drawers divider
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divide and conquer
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conquer fear
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fear factor