Word Association Phrase Game
Stop that racket!
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Racket Ball
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(the) ball is in your court
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court jester
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jester costume
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costume party
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party animal
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Animal House
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House Keeper
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Keeper of the Flame
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flame retardant0
retardant: fire resistant
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resistant plants
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plants for sale
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sale rack
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rack my brain
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brain tease
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tease & taunt
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taunting prohibited
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prohibited alcohol
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alcohol wipes
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wipe your hands
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hands down
Ruth : being a teacher , do you remember that childhood game of heads down. Thumbs up, seven up. Not sure why this jogged elementary memories. Do they even still do games like this in school or is everything electronic
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Wasn't that called '7 Up'? Elementary schools still keep some of those old games going on days when it is too cold to go out to recess. When I taught 7th grade, Fridays in homeroom was a 'free day' & sometimes we'd take the kids down to the gym and play games, have relay races etc. They loved that (and so did I)!
downward spiral
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spiral ham
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ham sandwich
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sandwich spread
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spread eagle
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eagle eye
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eye shadow