Exchange City
Thank you so much ladies. I appreciate the replies. Sorry, just a bad day I guess.0 -
grammakathy - I swear I laughed out loud - 'mine were installed ' - I love that term and it fits the TE process so well! Thanks!
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shorfi - Be sure to wear your shirt with the BIG pockets on Wednesday, because aside from being a very weird bunch - they're pushy! LOL! We'll all be in your pocket to make sure they take very good care of you! Please let us know how it goes when you're able....
(And we all have bad days once in a while - so don't think twice about it...)
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Jackiegray - No one knows the answer to that question. But take some friendly advice and step away from the mirror for now. What you see now is not what you'll get two or three months down the road. Give it some time and you'll see... Believe me, I know how hard that is, (I was the worst at this) but try to be patient.
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AZ85048 - I know - installed is funny! I feel like a car that is having aftermarket accessories added. I feel so good though. When my second breast was removed and both TEs inserted, I started feeling like I am in charge of my life once again. I have done everything I could to fight this cancer and can move on with my life. Let's hope that my "pumping up" goes well tomorrow. Those TEs might have settled in and not want to move. I definitely have had enough time to heal from the operation!
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grammakathy - I KNOW! You start to feel like 'Parts 'R Us' sometimes, don't you? You're going to do fine tomorrow. Just remember two things -
1. YOU'RE in charge, not that PS and
2. 'low and slow'.
If you don't do well with either the volume (number of ccs they're filling each time) or the frequency, you have every right to slow things down and get smaller fills in order to remain more comfortable through the process. And that's what it is - just a process. As uncomfortable as those TEs can be, keep in mind that they're only temporary! Please let us know how it goes tomorrow....
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Grandmakathy...hope all goes well for you tomorrow. I didn't experience the "pumping up" because my PS pumped me up 550cc and 500 at the time of the bilateral mastectomy. So I have been like this for 8 months. Take care dear and will check on you later.
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Best of luck Wed. Shorfi!
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hi all,
Just a quick update, I phoned my PS office this am and spoke to the nurse as the surgical bra that they had put on my in surgery had split at the side seam. She checked with my PS and he said it was ok to swap into a genie bra or a sports bra until my follow up appointment and I must say it is far more comfortable that the surgical one with all it's Velcro. I have not really studied my new girls yet as I don't want to be upset by the initial placement. I have not even posted the photos we took the day after exchange because I want to wait to see. I don't want to get into checking them every 5 mininutes if I see something that I don't like..
Good luck to those who are having surgery this week, I wish you an easy time and a happy out come.
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Rosebud, VERY WISE. If you do peek, just remember they will change a lot. BTW, my P'S was one of those wear nothing knes! LOL
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OK....this might sound REALLY strange....but, I am 11 days (or 12) since my exchange surgery. My husband and I were walking the other day and he said, "You know....if you didn't know all you had been through, you would never know by looking at you. You look exactly the same as you did before." (in clothes).
I am in an underwire 24/7....not comfortable. But, it helps me to not really 'look' at the actual girls very often. Only once a day or so when I shower and change my bra. Without a bra, I am not super impressed...but, I didn't think I would be. I am thankful that they are symmetrical, full, etc. But...they aren't terribly pretty. They would never pass for real.
But, I am grateful for the size, symmetry, etc. I walk around in just a bra and look 'normal.' I hear over and over that I will look completely different in a couple of months. Even my PS told me that before surgery. But, I don't really WANT to change that much!!! Right now, no rippling, etc. I am content. I would like to 'feel' better. I still feel tightness and some discomfort. The implants feel strange and heavy. My pecs seem to still seize up sometimes. The lipo area still hurts. I would like all of that to change. But, I am actually kind of hoping the appearance doesn't change much.
Should I expect to keep changing....potentially not for the better? I don't feel terribly swollen, and I don't think I look swollen. But, I'm sure I am, and am just unaware. My PS said (before surgery) that he expected to do some fat grafting later since I would most likely have some rippling. Does this happen right away? Or does it appear later? Is it possible that this symmetry I have now could change and become assymetric?
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mnmbeck - Hey, where is the mnmbeck from back on page 1085 who hated her new girls? And what have you done with her? Yes, they will change, and the swelling that you don't think you have will go down. But if you have symmetry now, more than likely you will keep that. (YAY!) Your pecs will relax eventually, and I don't know how much they will drop much - but they will probably fluff some more when that happens. The last pictures you posted you looked awesome - and so soon after exchange, too. Personally, I think you're going to have a fabulous result. Now's not the time to 'buy trouble' as my dear grandmother used to say. Enjoy the fact that you look and feel so much better than you did twelve days ago... the best is yet to come!
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hi ladies, I like to check this thread occasionally, sometimes I feel out of place being almost a year since exchange, other times it feels like yesterday!
Shorfi, I know it's been a long road for you, hoping after Wednesday you'll feel like you've taken a HUGE step forward. Have experienced and read on BCO there are periods of almost-depression (like PTSD in a way), this BC journey has been so long and rough. There are ups and downs, one day we feel great, then do too much, feel a pain or just reflect on our journey - this can all affect how we feel. I did something today I used to do without a problem - washed my car by myself. Turns out, even with step stools to reach the roof, I used my arms in ways I don't do every day. Result? Pain across the chest and arms. I think it was S&S called it T-Rex Syndrome Arms, that explains it better than I can. Can't beat myself up about it, just realize it takes a while to heal. My PS said it can take up to 2 years to heal completely internally, so I still have a while where I feel I "should" be done with all this recon stuff. I'm hoping it goes well Wednesday. Remember not to make a judgement right away, step away from the mirror and be kind to yourself.
Rosebuds and others, Genie bras Bali Comfort Revolution feel wonderful! I also still sleep in some bras I got post-exchange that have hooks and eyes up the front and wear them when I'm just around the house. (They're like $10 from Walmart). Bras make such a difference both in the way I feel and look.
Mnmbeck, I too look pretty normal in a bra, actually way more so than before last mx. Not so much without the bra but that's why there's nipple recon and 3d tit tats. I keep telling myself it's ok.
Grammakathy, wishing you're doing well too. Hope you're enjoying our beautiful weather!
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good luck for exchange Shorfi and good luck for fill grandmakathy.
I'm going for my 3rd fill tomorrow and not looking forward to it. Then have to go straight back to work after for 2 big meetings. Suspect I will be sore and grumpy!
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Thank you everyone for your well wishes. Sorta nervous I think, for some reason I am breaking out in hives. I might take an Ativan to chill me out. I have been up since 3:30 this morning doing little things around the house.Will check in soon to let you know how everything went. Thanks again
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mnmbeck - I didn't have fat grafting so I can't speak to that. But......I'm one of the lucky ones who was tickled with my implants from the moment I saw them. I didn't think I had any swelling either, but realized several weeks later that yes, I had actually had some swelling. Not a lot, but you can't go messing around internally without the body rebelling somewhat. Makes sense. I too look perfectly normal (aka: pre-BC) fully clothed (except they don't bounce much). My implants felt somewhat heavy and tight for a few weeks post-exchange too so that's normal also. I occasionally notice a light ripple in a couple of spots but only when naked, it's nothing that would show through a bra or even a shirt sans bra.
As for my new girls not being terribly pretty? No - in the classical 'beautiful breast' sense, absolutely not. But for my new normal, considering what my poor chest has been through? I think they're absolutely gorgeous and am so incredibly glad that someone invented breast reconstruction I could break into a happy dance right this minute . Will my new girls ever pass for real when I'm naked? Not likely. And I'm OK with that. Some ladies achieve a nice, natural looking level of ptosis and some don't. Some add nipples and some don't. Some get tats and some don't.
You're still in the early days post-exchange. I can't stress enough that it's too soon to be anticipating further trouble, it's really a waste of your precious time. Let the body heal, let things 'settle in'. If, a little down the road, you're not content with something, your PS can do a revision of whatever sort you need. Hang in there........we've all traveled this road too, and you will get through it.
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Shorfi - your surgery is tomorrow, right? A little case of the nerves before exchange is perfectly normal for most. Some have had major meltdowns right up to the moment they're wheeled into surgery! And then for some it's 'ho hum......just another day at the salt mines'. An exciting day at the salt mines, to be sure!
You'll be fine. If an Ativan helps you through today I'm all for that. How exciting.......later tomorrow you'll be on the squishy side....YAY!!!
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2nd time, please check in more often. It's so helpful for all of us to hear from someone a year out.
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Hi Ladies
Looks like I am moving towards exchange!!! May 22nd or 27th!!! Can't wait to find out which. Really hopeful it will be the 22nd so I have even more help over that super long weekend!!!!
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Getting a date is such progress! Always makes me feels better, even if it's a month away.
Not knowing is such a difficult part of this journey. Having a plan seems to give us something to hang on to, and getting a date feels like we've climbed one more step up.
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Sweetandspecial...I was cool and calm up to this morning. To break out in hives was really something. But I'm relaxed now for the moment. Moon...I am going to remember not to are the best!!
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For those who have been following my photos on the photo forum. I have posted some new photos from my fills and MY New Girls! I am very please so far even though its early days.
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how many days did you all use pain meds post exchange?
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I took 1 tablet of Daloted on the night I had surgery I have not taken anything since then..
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Shorfi and Sandra, thanks! Sweet usually handles questions way better than I could, her insights, knowledge and compassion amazes me, so I usually don't feel I need to. This thread is one of my favs so I do check it often.
Shorfi (and others facing surgery): I used to be a big worrier. Now, not so much. What worked for me: look beyond the surgery. Days prior to sx, I would busy myself to make myself comfortable for after surgery (fresh clean sheet over my favorite recliner as I knew I would spend time there), having books, magazines, sudoku ready, stock up on my favorite tea (and per my PS, prunes and prune juice, no straining to upset the "girls"), some Chapstick, and always a special splurge (scented body lotion, new fluffy sox, healthier Popsicles or some kind of chocolate). Keep busy enough to not allow worry time. I have a one-page medical history (surgeries, medicines - other Rx and OTC, questions/concerns, Rx's at home) I keep updated and hand to the admitting nurse and anesthesiologist (I have PONV problems in this area), I make it worry-proof. When my mind would go "there" (meaning place of anxiety), I would make myself see past the surgery to recovery, being home and being past it all. (And a Xanax the night before and day of surgery helped too).
Please remember that the exchange is an extremely important milestone in this journey, it's like saying there is a "light at the end of the tunnel."
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Thanks RoseBuds...I will have to take a look. Glad to know you are doing pretty well and happy so far with your results.0 -
I think I took "the good stuff" for about 4 days. Then OTC as needed. I was still sore...but could not stand the constipation SE! And knowing I was sore was a good reminder to take it easy.
My suggestion would be to NOT even consider how long others took meds after. I was rather depressed after exchange because I did not have that immediate sense of relief that others talked of. It took me a couple of weeks. I feel great now!! You just see how YOU feel after...and take them as long as YOU need them!!
(I'm hoping it won't be long at all!!!!)
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Sandra and Shorfi - yes, it's funny about getting that exchange date. I had my TEs for 9 months. Exchange was always something that was just somewhere far out in the future. Once I got the surgery date, though, it seemed like the time just flew and all of a sudden it was time to go git 'er done!
2nd_time - yes to you too. You always have great perspective and wonderful nuggets of wisdom! Please check in more often
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2nd_time: I posted that last one before I turned the page and saw yours from above and aw, shucks, yer makin' me blush. But thank you. Sometimes I feel badly because I just don't have the time to respond to folks as much from the heart as I would like. Your comment gave me warm fuzzies!
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Jackie - I took some ibuprofen after I got home just because I thought I probably should, but I really didn't need it. I had just a little internal ache from some minor pocket work. It just felt kind of like an internal bruise - nothing unbearable for me. But what Dulci said as absolutely right. Each of us is different and you need to treat your own level of pain. It doesn't mean you're Superwoman just because you don't need any, and it doesn't mean you're the queen of all wimps if you!
2nd_time: I keep thinking about creating one of those medical history lists for myself. Sure would come in handy because even though I only had a few out-patient procedures prior to BMX I certainly don't remember the dates. Since BMX, oh boy. I have to go back to my day planner for 2012/2013 to remember all the stuff that happened!