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Exchange City



  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2014

    Those of you who are wondering if you will have the same projection as your TE's once you have your exchange, the answer is NO. You will be smaller. Once in a blue moon we have someone who says they look the same but I can count on one hand the times I've read that in the last year and a half of being on TE's have hard backs that push all the saline out in front. Implants are soft and the silicone falls back into the spaces/hollows on your chest wall.  

    Another thing we almost never hear is that the woman is happy with what she sees in the mirror in the early weeks after the exchange.That just doesn't happen. 

    It's really essential that each one of us goes into this with realistic expectations. Find out the kind of implants your surgeon is thinking of using - manufacturer, style, and cc's. Then go to Breast Implant Sizing 101 and read the header. It's long. Keep reading. At the end are links to each manufacturer's website. Click on yours and scan until you find the measurements of the implant you are looking for.

    I have Allergan 410, Style FF, 740 cc gummy bears, which is the largest size available. The manufacturer's info says the projection is 6.2 cm, which is only 2.44 inches. The TE I had, Allergan 133 MX - 700 cc's - had 8.1 cm projection, 3.18 inches and that was ALL sinking & conforming to your chest wall like implants.  

    So yes, the implants look MUCH smaller in my opinion. Rounds are the same. I started out with Allergan Style 20, 800 cc's. They have a projection of 6.1 cm, 2.40 inches. I lost one of the Style 20 rounds and had to get a TE on that side. By the time it was filled to 580 cc's, it was BIGGER than the 800 cc round implant on the other side. After that I had to wear a foam falsie over the implant so they would look similar. Never could match the "hooker boob" TE though.

  • Straitlover
    Straitlover Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2014

    I will be leaving the day after my sx headed to my sister's until 12/28, so I have to pack all my clothes. Will I need the button up shirts like for my bmx, or will I most likely be able to raise my arms enough to pull shirts over my head?

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669
    edited December 2014

    Straitlover - I would plan on some of both. I had no problem with range of motion after my exchange and could wear whatever type of shirt I wanted. After my BMX I would have had to go topless if I hadn't had button ups! I had no range of motion whatsoever for a few weeks (was pretty difficult wiping my a$$ but I Some ladies have more pain and ROM issues after their exchange than I did, though, so it would probably be best to be prepared either way. There's just no guarantee just how you'll feel after the exchange.

  • lulivesay
    lulivesay Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2014

    Going for my exchange tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. I am so looking forward to it.  I will try to be realistic thinking that the implants will definitely be smaller than the TE's.  This is good information to have ahead of time and I will try to be patient.

    Has anyone else experience someone coming up and touching their reconstruction without permission?  Man I remember hating when I was pregnant that someone would be so bold but it totally threw me off guard when a male coworker felt this would be okay behavior!  I reminded him that "curiosity killed the cat"!  Anyway just had to vent a bit!

    Will let you know how I am liking my hopefully Allergen 20 425cc's or bigger even squishies! :)

    Good luck to Ojoyjoy my exchange sister!!

  • lulivesay
    lulivesay Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2014

    Also good luck Straitlover on your upcoming surgery!  I hope all goes well and I will be interested to see how the fat grafting goes for you too!  Safe travels and be well!

  • oceansky
    oceansky Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2015

    DiveCat, I'm not trying to be difficult either. My PS is Dr Klein, a well known PS in the breast cancer community! (Thread on him on I'm just saying what he told me, and that's that 200 cc on me with my frame 5'5, 120 and a 30in rib cage is equal to one cup. My 500 cc moderate Mentor rounds look almost identical to my size prior to immediate implants.

    I wore one of my old bras for the first time tonight 7 weeks post surgery and it fit the same as it did prior to surgery with the exception that there's more foob on the outside part of the bra. So I'm fuller. If I wore a tighter fitting bra I'm sure I could move that outside to the inside.

    As I said my implants look the same as they did after the first month. I think this is all very individual so I'm not doubting your cup size.

    Bear in mind I was responding to SandGar who asked me specifically about my implants.

    How did your revision go btw? How did your PS fix the ripples? I think I have a bit of a divot on one side but am waiting the three months to see if that changes. It's been there the whole time though. I was warned about rippling, divots I'm guessing most women are.

    Am pleased though with my result and feel fortunate thus far. Am hoping you're pleased with your revision.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2014

    Sometimes those dents and divots go away after a few weeks. The top photo was 2 days post op from surgery #5 in October. PS dissected the pockets again and put in AlloDerm grafts for the first time. He put in another set of 410's (same FF 740) and positioned them higher after correcting the bottoming out issues. You can still see the purple markings my PS made to show where the top of the 410's should be. There was a diagonal 3" dent all the way across my sternum (peeking out from the surgical bra in the photo) which I'd never had in any of my previous surgeries so it was quite concerning. The middle photo is 4 weeks later. The divot is gone and so is the post-op swelling so you can see the trenches on my chest again. They are from the BMX in August 2013. In the middle photo they looks like bruises but they are areas of painful skin over fat underneath. The 410's are nice and high which covers up the worst of it. That's why I changed from Allergan Style 20 rounds. My surgery Friday is to do fat grafting on my chest and on my left side and shoulder where the infection robbed me of muscle and soft tissue. The bottom photo shows my messed up left side after all the repair surgeries.The PS will try to fill in the hollow spots, take off the mini-boob mudflap, made worse by additional surgical repairs, and make it so I can raise my arm without scaring little children!

    The skin over bone areas are sore all the time, especially on my side. Feels like a bad bruise there and on my chest. I've dealt with the pain for 15 months now so you can imagine how hopeful I am that the fat grafting will help provide some padding.




  • Marianna_Jay
    Marianna_Jay Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2014

    Hello, Ladies.

    I have been reading tons of posts but haven't written many of my own yet. I just wanted to say thanks! I'm three weeks out from my exchange, and it's been so helpful to hear everyone's stories and to be able to compare them with my experience. (BTW, OceanSky, I think we go to the same practice in Orlando--Dr. Feiner did my surgeries.)

    I'm pretty happy with my results so far--they're definitely a work in progress, but I can live with them! I have an Alloderm question though: I had it put in both with TE and with new implants (round, high profile, 400cc, can't remember Mentor or the other brand), and while the upper pole is feeling squishy and boob-like, the bottom is much firmer--though not as firm as the TE were. Is that normal in your experience?

    Anyway, thanks again to all! This community really has been a godsend!


  • sandgar
    sandgar Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2014

    I had full range of motion after my exchange. Good luck on all upcoming surgeries. Does fat grafting truly help with rippling? When I lean forward it's more prominent ugh!

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited December 2014


    No one has randomly come up and touched my reconstructed breasts; that is no different than uninvited touching of native breasts, and you can bet I would file a complaint with HR and/orthe police if that ever happened to me! Even my PS asks permission first and I consider them HIS artworks, ha ha.


    The Alloderm softens up. When they first put it in is a bit stiff, and over time your own body tissues integrate with it (blood supply, etc) and it becomes softer and more stretchy. I had Alloderm slings placed during my direct to implant surgery and initially it was stiffer there. Over a few months, it softened and now feels just like the rest of my breasts, meaning soft and squishy.


    I go in for my revision in February or March, after I come back from holidays. I will know the actual date in early January.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited December 2014


    A few women have had success with fat grafting, though sometimes it takes more than one session. It is normal to have more rippling when you lean forward due to the way the silicone moves. I have a prominent dent on one outer side, and some other other contour deformities, even while standing straight. The one side when I lean over is very ripply because of thin tissues and the way the implant sits/silicone moves. I am switching to anatomicals hoping the firmer gel will resolve my issues. Fat grafting was offered as an option but I want to try gummies instead.

  • Olaf
    Olaf Member Posts: 133
    edited December 2014

    Sandgar, I have no rippling when I stand straight. But if I raise my arms or bend forward, yes there is some rippling. As DiveCat said, I believe that is the nature of the beast (well not in those exact words).



  • julieped
    julieped Member Posts: 42
    edited December 2014


    Hope all goes well with your exchange today. You will be much more comfortable with implants. Let me know how it goes.

    Thoughts and prayers. Julie

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2014

    I am confused. Do most people have the alloderm put in at time of initial mastectomy and TE or do they have it put in at exchange?

  • ojoyjoy
    ojoyjoy Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2014

    Luvivesay- thinking of you and sending positive thoughts! I've been bumped to a 12:30 check in and 2:30 surgery so you are leading the way today.

    Can't wait to be on the other side of this and be squishy again!

    Much love to all!

  • oceansky
    oceansky Member Posts: 77
    edited January 2015

    Angela, Alloderm is used when patients have immediate implants and don't go through the tissue expander process. Most PS put the immediate implants in during the same surgery as the mastectomy. Mine put the immediate implants in 8 days after the mastectomy to be sure I didn't develop necrosis etc...He does all immediate implants that way.

    Marianna, your PS works for Orlando Health but he is not in the same practice as the PS I had. There are all kinds of doctors with different practices under the Orlando Health roof. Glad you're doing well!

    Divecat, when you said due to 'thin issues' are you referring to thin skin? Also, you're going to try anatomicals. Does that mean you'll have TE's first or can your PS put in anatomicals directly without TE's. Also, how long have you had your current implants?Good luck!

    That's interesting about the alloderm. I feel a short hard-ish band in one area under my breast and thought it was scar tissue but have been pressing on it with shay butter. Is that alloderm?

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2014

    Alloderm was put in with my expanders at time of my mastectomy. But I believe some Dr.'s wait until the exchange surgery to add the alloderm and some patients never get it at all.

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2014

    Ocean, no, I had mastectomy by a general surgeon. After she removed the breast tissue, the plastic surgeon came immediately and put the alloderm in and tissue expander and then he did the actual closing of the incision. So, I have had mine since the orig. mastectomy.Of course, never having had any of this, thats why I was confused when I would see people who got it at exchange, although, I can see that if you only had the general surgery at time of mastectomy, that would be a seperate surgery.

  • oceansky
    oceansky Member Posts: 77
    edited April 2015

    I was confused than. The purpose of alloderm with immediate implants is that it serves to make a sling which allows the implants to be placed immediately without the use of tissue expanders. I didn't realize it was also used with TE's.

    Sandgar, I'm curious about your exchange. You were unhappy with the 450 cc rounds because you felt they looked too big. What size did you switch to?

    Regarding size...It's interesting because I sent an iphone pic of my natural breasts to Whippetmom and she suggested 475cc based on my size so 500 ccs is right on the money, but she is exceptionally good at helping to determine size and brand prior to immediate implants or exchange after TE's.

    I'm happy with my implants. The only thing I didn't expect is the weight of them. We've talked about size on petite women but has anyone else been surprised by how heavy they feel? 500 ccs feels heavy without a bra.

  • lulivesay
    lulivesay Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2014

    Thank you Julie! It went quickly and am home and just a little drugged! Lol feeling pretty well :)

    Ojoyjoy, as I am writing this you are being prepped I am sure. Things went well and I am praying the same for you! What a good way to start the new year. I hope you feel my virtual hug! Let us know how it goes. :)

  • happyteacher
    happyteacher Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2014


    I have the new anatomicals by Mentor. Had them put in last Friday, so a little soon to tell how it will look long term. The only thing I can say is that they do seem a little smaller than my former TE"s, but I can't tell if it is just because I lost that shelf that the TE's projected. I still have too much surgigal pain to tell how "comfortable" they are- but for certain they are far squishier than the Te's. I have the memoryshape, medium height, moderate projection, 775 cc- thei biggest ones. I have a 6'2'' frame, weigh 190 pounds. Not sure what the bra band size is, and too sore to measure at the moment. They seem a little smallish on me though. Prior to all of this I was a 38 DD. If I had to guess by looking maybe a C now, but might only be a B. I will have to see once the drains are out and swelling managed.

  • happyteacher
    happyteacher Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2014

    Staitlover- I had my procedure done last Friday. Today is the first day I could have attempted a pullover- but it would really hurt still. . I am 6 days out. I have lived in my cami marketed for mastectomy patients- velcro up the front and room for my two drains.

  • Marianna_Jay
    Marianna_Jay Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2014

    Thanks, DiveCat! That's good to hear.

    Angelia, I had Alloderm put in with TE when I had my BMX and again at exchange. I was surprised because I thought they only did it the one time. The things you learn on this cancer trip! I didn't even know there was such a thing as Alloderm a year ago. :-/

  • Straitlover
    Straitlover Member Posts: 20
    edited December 2014

    happyteacher, my PS says I won't have drains. I hope he doesn't change his mind!

  • angelfaith456
    angelfaith456 Member Posts: 33
    edited December 2014


    I had my exchange a week ago..Thanks happyteacher for describing how you are feeling! I felt bad that I was still in pain..I have the largest -800cc mentors..I am about the same size as happyteacher but shorter, 5'8"..I, too look like smaller than I was, but that is what I wanted..

    I have bruising starting to show up and it hurts big time where PS had to lipo on the sides to round it out..I have no idea if I am going to like them or not..Still too swollen to get an idea of what I have..

    All in all, I'm just happy I am alive and cancer free:)! I'll take the pain for now...

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited December 2014

    Ocean Sky,

    Yes, thin skin issues. My iPad does not work well with this site!

    No TEs...he is just exchanging and doing some pocket work. The anatomicals should be comparable in size to what I have, though shape will differ

    I don't find my implants to be heavy (at 435cc) but like I said, I am basically the same size as before (had about that amount of tissue remove too), I actually find these to feel more comfortable as they are firmer. I do almost always wear a proper fitting bra though, but I was like that before surgery too.

    That band could be the Alloderm, but I don't know for sure. I could feel a stiffer portion under my breasts for the first while. My PS confirmed it was the Alloderm.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited December 2014

    Dermal matrix products AlloDerm and Strattice, are not used all the time. Most of us don't have it no matter what kind of implants we get, what size, whether we get TE's or have Direct to Implants. I didn't get AlloDerm with Direct to Implants, later when I got one TE, or still later when I changed to gummy bears. 

    I get "replacement foobs" whenever I have another surgery (it's an infection control thing) so I have a lot of experience with new implants. So now I have 2 months of experience with AlloDerm after surgery #5 in October. The result?  I don't feel there is any difference in feel between my pre-AlloDerm foobs and my post-AlloDerm foobs. They are the same kind and same size as they've been for a year. They have been squishy all over from the beginning. I didn't notice any area of hardness, even on the left side which has virtually no fat.

    After all the years of carrying around two mega-boobs. my Allergan 410 FF 740 gr foobs feel light as a feather. They weigh 1.1 lb each. Pathology from my BMX shows that my left breast was 2,370 grams (5.22 lbs.) The other one was 1,810 grams (3.99 lbs.) Talk about relief not to have to continue carrying around those boulders. Now I have a nice 36 C. Love it.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,421
    edited December 2014

    Ocean - I too have no Alloderm or Strattice. And no wrinkles or waves with my Allergan 410s. There's only one rule about this all this stuff - every doctor is different and every one of us is different. We can only get ideas & possible guidelines, but in the end, each of us has to work with her own doc's practices, rules & requirements.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited December 2014

    Hi All

    I have a question, - does anyone feel that their implants feel cold? My mentors are now in 4 weeks, and often feel cold to the touch! Skin looks fine, thank goodness, but when I touch the skin, the area is colder than the rest of me! Winter is just starting, - I cant imagine being cold all the time! I saw the PS last week, and going back on Monday and will ask him then, just wondering if any of you notice that, too.


    PS I had the alloderm added when the switch was done, and only on the side that had radiation. No drains needed.

  • Mischief46
    Mischief46 Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2014

    Mine are cold all of the time. I don't notice unless I actually touch them but..yes, always cold. I wonder if fat grafting would help that?