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Exchange City



  • willowreed84
    willowreed84 Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015

    I have a question for anyone who had her exchange and is all healed up.  How is your range of motion now compared to tissue expander days?  I am waiting for exchange date, maybe in March,  and my range of motion stinks!   I do stretches and yoga everyday and still have trouble.   Also can you sleep on your side?  Can you sleep on your tummy?

  • Olaf
    Olaf Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2015


    I am 6 months post exchange and my range of motion is very good. I got my range of motion back quickly after BMX. But I didn't have any chemotherapy, radiation or lymphnodes to deal with. So I am sure that made a difference.

    It took a while for me to sleep on my side. Even now I roll gingerly to my side but don't stay there long. I never slept on my stomach and for sure I don't now. I find uncomfortable even in yoga.

  • willowreed84
    willowreed84 Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015

    Thanks for replying Olaf.  The radiation seems to have shrunk the skin and caused some of my trouble.  I'm hoping the exchange will loosen up the rad side some.  I'm a little discouraged now, waiting for exchange and being so stiff.

  • Olaf
    Olaf Member Posts: 133
    edited February 2015


    I am sure those that have had radiation will chime in to give you heads up. Hang in there and keep doing everything you're doing to help. It is a process!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2015

    I too didn't have chemo or rads. I got range of motion back quickly and didn't have any problems with TEs. I am 3 weeks from exchange! Hoping my recovery is uneventful as BMX!

  • angelia50
    angelia50 Member Posts: 168
    edited February 2015

    no problems with range of motion at all, I had exchange 12/19/14. I am not a stomach sleeper but I am a side sleeper. I do sleep on my side, and have since about 3 weeks after surgery. I could have done it sooner but doctor told me not to.

  • Sandrac3
    Sandrac3 Member Posts: 11
    edited February 2015


    I am 9 weeks out from exchange. I had both chemo and rads. I have full range of motion on non cancer side but was very tight on other. 2 weeks ago I went to PT who specializes in working with reconstruction patients. After 2 weeks of stretching I have 85-90% range back. Not quite 100% so I still have more stretching and exercises to do at home. Today she said she will continue to work with me until while she has me on the table I have 100%. She said I would tighten up a little after I left the office but if I continue to stretch on my own I would get back to 100% permanently.

    I could not sleep on my side after BMX but I was able to about 2 weeks after exchange!! Never slept on stomach, never will.

  • Blondie7
    Blondie7 Member Posts: 6
    edited February 2015


    I had my exchange 1/27 and whippetmom recommended the Mentor Ultra High profile for me as well. I had 450 expanders overfilled to just over 500 cc. PS took the 535 and 590's into surgery and I ended up with the 535's. I am actually larger now than I was pre BMX (which is what I wanted). 2 weeks post-op and I'm pleased with the results and projection. So far so good! Hoping you have the outcome you are looking for as well. Good luck!

  • Fourminor
    Fourminor Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2015

    I had radiation in 2009 for DCIS, and just had my exchange surgery on the same time for ILC picked up this summer (new primary). I got the talk that in the past it was taboo to do implants where there was prior RT, but since unfortunately this is common (wish I just did mastectomy in 2008!) PS said he has successful results in 70-80% of prior RT patients with implant recon. I have always been compulsive about skin care--used calendula based organic products on my breast when I was doing RT, my RO was impressed at how well my skin handled therapy. Otherwise I favor food grade body oils for moisturizing, i.e. apricot, avocado, jojoba, almond. After my TE placement I discovered coconut oil to be a fantastic moisturizer, not only for the scar and skin over the implant but also for the rest of me, including nails. Great for winter dryness. As soon as I am cleared to shower I will resume coconut oil over my new foob.

    Also, sunscreen!

  • willowreed84
    willowreed84 Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015


    Thanks for your reply.  I'm going to ask about pt.  Maybe I'm not doing the right stretches.

  • anothernycgirl
    anothernycgirl Member Posts: 821
    edited February 2015

    Fourminor, - glad that you are doing well! Did your ps put same size implant in radiated side as other side? Also wondering if your te's were expanded to same size as implants?

    Just curious how my ps's plan compares to yours! Thanks!

  • maidentiredofwaiting
    maidentiredofwaiting Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2015

    Hi all! Just had exchange surgery on Friday the 13th...bad omen.  DH drove me home, 45 min from hospital that did surgery.  When I got in the house and took off my coat I was covered in blood.  It had soaked through 2 abdominal pads, surgical bra and my shirt.  I freaked out!  Called PS and he told me to take everything off clean it and find where the bleeding was coming from and then put pressure on it for 15 min.  Well, when I took it all off it was a gusher and the whole side of my boob was gaping open 3-4 inches. I started crying and hyperventilating.  My DH called PS back to advise of open wound.  He wanted us to drive back 45 min to ambulatory surgery.  No way!  We went to urgent care here in town and PA stitched me up 16 + stitches.  PA also prescribed antibiotic since I had open wound for 6 hours.  These are not dissolvable stitches so will have to have them taken out.  Had my port taken out the same as exchange and it burns!  Now I'm scared I will have terrible scars and cording from trauma.  I'm so upset with my PS.  Not only did he do s crappy job sewing me shut but I was supposed to have surgery on Feb 12th but his staff never checked they had the right size implants for me so while I was on operating table under partial sedation I was advised they had to abort procedure and reschedule.  Which is how I ended up having surgery on Friday the 13th.  What a nightmare.  I now have ace bandages around my chest as our ER has no surgical bras.  I'm worried about the outcome now.  Any advice?

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited February 2015

    I am so sorry this happened to you. What a nightmare. I would not go back to that BS unless you have no other options. changing his mind after sedation and sending you home improperly stitched up sound like irresponsbile practice. Best wishes to you, Hugs

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited February 2015

    Maiden, you did the right thing. Don't worry about the scars. You were going to have them anyway and don't know that the ones you would have had without the "horror detour" would be different. Is your plastic surgeon in a group practice or by himself? You might have a difficult time finding another PS who will take your case at this point. They don't know what was done by the other guy and everyone is so worried about lawsuits these days. Hopefully your PS has a partner who will continue your care.

    Your shocking treatment is one reason why I'm opposed to these "drive thru" surgeries. Even though most exchange surgeries go smoothly, you never know when something unusual can happen. I blame it on insurance plans that don't allow overnight hospital stays.

    You are one brave lady. I don't know if I would have come back on Friday after being told ON THE TABLE that they'd made an error. Shoddy, unprofessional, and frankly dangerous is what I'd call that doctor. Does the hospital know what happened to you? I would raise the roof on Monday and make sure everybody hears about this.

    In the meantime, watch your temperature. Anything over 100.4 may warrant a trip back to the hospital. Infections can happen quickly and all antibiotics are not created equal. It took three different ones to finally find an antibiotic that would stop my infection. (IV Vancomycin)

    Please stay in touch and let us know how you are. You might send a private message to Whippetmom from the Breast Implant Sizing 101 thread. She keeps a list of good plastic surgeons all over the US and Canada and can help you find someone to take your case.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2015

    Maiden how horrible for you! Do what Sandra suggests. Watch for fever BUT, please don't worry yourself to death! That would not be a good option. LOL. The good thing is you did get treated, you are on an antibiotic and I had just some big ace bandages on my breast area no surgical bra either. So that part s the P'S choice not necessarily the only good outcome maker.

    Someone else was sent home from the table too. I just can't remember. I'm sure they'll fill us in.

    Things happen usually on a weekend. Isn't it always on a weekend? Sigh.

    As for scars, if they are worse than normal, that's when your P'S can pay for remedial work.but like Sandra said, you were going to have scars anyway, but you can't know just what they will look like til everything heals up. So hats for another day anyway.

    Take a deep breath and try to relax and get some sleep.

    Hugs. And do give the hospital hell on Monday.

  • maidentiredofwaiting
    maidentiredofwaiting Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2015

    Thanks ladies.  I will be calling his office tomorrow.  I'm scheduled to see him Wednesday but now not so sure I want to.  I'll probably cry as I do that sometimes when I'm really mad.  Luckily no fever so far and the skin isn't red or hot, no thanks to him!  The spot where they removed my port must be starting to heal already as its itchy.  I'll take that as a good sign.  Thank you for listening and the good advice.  You'd think the PS would have done his very best since they screwed up the day before!  Haven't we been through enough dealing with breast cancer, mastectomy, chemo and now this?   And he was highly recommended by several people.  Oh well, I'm ok now, I guess that's the main thing.  Take care everyone!

  • Fourminor
    Fourminor Member Posts: 118
    edited February 2015

    OMFG. I can't get past this story maidentiredofwaiting. You were anesthetized on Thursday before he realized he did not have the proper implants??? And they woke you up and told you to come back the next day??? And then your wound pops open on the way home and you start hemorrhaging??? And now you have a four inch wound that was closed with regular sutures??? (Actually, I agree with Sandra-that is probably not the worst thing to come out of it, as it is still going to be a scar, but none the less, how traumatic!)

    Insurance companies run the whole world, but your PS just created a nice potential lawsuit for himself. If his head is not up his behind he should be quite aware of that. He should be VERY VERY nice to you now. It might be worth seeing him at least once for follow up since he's the only person who knows exactly what he did and to make a decision of whether you need to move on. But he must dictate an operative note as part of your chart so its not impossible for another physician to pick you up if you can find someone who will give you a consult.

    I'm so sorry!

    @anotherNYCG...I had a unilateral mastectomy so I cannot compare side to side. My PS said there's always a slight difference between a reconstruction on a breast that was radiated, but what are you going to do? Just cross your fingers, take good care of you skin; you can't change the past and hopefully it will be slight. I think my TE was filled to 420 and i got a Natrelle 410 FF 525. The shape is totally different so I don't think you can use comparative volumes alone in determining the implant size. Good luck!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2015

    This has to be the most disturbing post I could read 2 1/2 weeks before my exchange! 😞 I am praying for you. Get whatever help you can get.

    I am a little confused about one thing; you said he removed your port? Don't they remove the entire TE? I see my PS on Wednesday, I will be asking lots of questions! Robin

  • roadrash
    roadrash Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015

    Maiden- this is Terrible. THere just aren't enough words to express my absolute disgust. My heart goes out to you. I absolutely can't imagine the fear and confusion you have endured. You have such an incredible spirit of grace and disposition. My exchange is Thursday and the first thing I am asking to see from my ps is the two sets of implants. Your experience has given many of us things to things about. I hope you get your situation quickly resolved with no further issues. I'll be thinking of you. PLease let us know how it goes.

  • maidentiredofwaiting
    maidentiredofwaiting Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2015

    Sorry Robin, didn't mean to freak you out.  Normally things go smoother.  I did have the TE' s exchanged out for saline implants and also had my port a Cath removed from my chest as I was done with chemo.  I'm still having herceptin every 3weeks but hated the port and opted to just get the rest of my treatments in my arm.   My suggestion would be to request your PS come and talk to you once your awake in recovery so they can relate to you what size they ended up using, how it went etc.  I wish I had requested that as i was sent home not knowing much.  Hind sight is 20/20.  Also watch that they check all your incisions for bleeding before discharge, not just look at the top of your chest, which is what happened to me.  My wounds were bleeding lower down by my left armpit.  They never looked there.  I have to say I had a much better experience with my bilateral mastectomy (i was kept overnight for that) and I think sending a patient home the same day as surgery wasn't so good for me. Definitely felt like a drive by.  Wishing you a much better experience and quick healing!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,418
    edited February 2015

    Robin - the port is not related to the TEs in any way.

    Ports are used for chemo or blood draws or to input various liquids for tests - like nuclear "fluid" for a PET CT. My MO recommended a port because he knew I would have a year of Herceptin. Also I ended up having more & different chemo after my node dissection surgery since there wasn't a PcR (complete response by the tumor). Unlike Maiden, I LOVE my port. I finished Herceptin October 2014 and I just don't want to let it go. Since I already have lymphadema, I'm so glad they don't have to use the veins in my feet or ankles to draw blood & prep for tests. Maybe I'll have it removed later this spring.

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited February 2015

    Had revision today. Surgery was 11:00 a.m. today. Got home about 5:45 p.m. Pain about a 6. On percoset. More pain than original exchange but way, way less than BMX! But had pocket work this time which I didn't have at the first exchange. Surgery went well--no surprises. Got 410's 475 FF with lateral capsulorhaphies--seems to have gotten the implants out of my armpits FINALLY. Still swollen and bandaged across my front but no drains :) and no surgical bra. PS said I should remove gauze on Thursday and can shower on Friday.

    Really felt comfortable in my new PS's hands. I owe so much gratitude to all of you for sharing your experiences which helped me learn and be prepared for this.

    Hugs and well wishes to all.

  • DiveCat
    DiveCat Member Posts: 290
    edited February 2015

    A "no surprises" surgery is the best surgery, Lori!

    I'll be keen to hear your impressions once your swelling goes down. I am 3 weeks away from my own revision to, as you know, 410s. I should not need as much pocket work though as I have not had any issues with implant migration. You have a nice short wait until you can shower, hang in there!

  • maidentiredofwaiting
    maidentiredofwaiting Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2015

    I saw the PS today and had more stitches put in.  Apparently, he took extra skin off during surgery and it was too tight and the tension broke the stitches open.  So now I hope I can start healing and put this behind me.  Trying to take it easy so those stitches stay put! Hope everyone else is doing well and things are going smoothly.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2015

    I saw my PS today to find out what he needs to order. I think I have decided to go with the Gummies. I have 420cc in TEs and he will use an Allergan 450 high profile. I would like some feedback on your experiences with Gummies. Thanks, Robi

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2015

    i am glad you saw him, maiden. Now take it easy.

    Now is the time to repeat the Mantra, say it with me now: JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD!!!!!.

    Yes, it means exactly that. Sometimes we forget we are healing because the exchange is usually so much easier than the BMX. So we do more. BUT we shouldn't! !!!!! We are still healing inside. So put your feet up and don't lift things or pull for a while. Fir Whatever amount of time your P'S tells you. We have to repeat this Mantra cause we all or get it! LOL

    Much love

  • horsemom
    horsemom Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015

    2wks post exchange. Everything looked good at first.

    I'm guilty. Im judging already. Righty has lost most swelling, and just looks weird, wrinkled when I lift my arm, lower IMF. Lefty is still swollen and looks to be more lateral.

    I KNOW I have to wait. I've read the posts. I've heard the warnings.

    I'm trying. I have already told DH I won't have any more surgeries that require general anesthesia. I want this done. But I want them nice.

    Ugh. Sorry. I'm done. Back to waiting.

  • Togetherness
    Togetherness Member Posts: 89
    edited February 2015

    Horsemom I hear you wanting to look and judge. I am three week post op today and I keep finding little things each day, but then the things I saw two days ago are gone...... Lol my main concern is the mud flaps on the side. I hope once the implants settle in they may go away. Did not like the response I got from my plastic surgeon when I discussed my concern. He said that I would just have to work the mud flaps off. Oh that was the wrong thing to say. He will definitely be going in to lipo that stuff off. I didn't have them before breast cancer and I am definitely not gonna have them after all I have been through. Just excessive skin does not look good. Hang in there and step away from the mirror..... Lol

  • roadrash
    roadrash Member Posts: 31
    edited February 2015

    maiden- I'm glad to hear you are recovering.

    Togetherness and horse mom - I wound up looking when I was dripping blood. I was prepared to be disappointed but Eventhough my intellect knew I what to expect my eyes were still shocked. I have dents, dinks, bumps, and a lemon peel look going on and I haven't even seen under my bloody bandages on the lower half.I posted some pics. I have a lot of swelling on the right one so the size is more like the left minus the swelling it is currently having right now. My ps said it will take 3-5 months before they settle and he will think about revisions.

    It's going to be along process

  • maidentiredofwaiting
    maidentiredofwaiting Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2015

    Is it normal to feel a burning sensation after surgery?  My left boob with all the extra stitches is burning like crazy.  Is that part of the healing process?  My port removal site burns too a bit  but itches more.