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Exchange City



  • willowreed84
    willowreed84 Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    I'm just back from ps office for a checkup. My exchange was monday.  I have swelling on my rad side but feel good otherwise.  I have to report I had a really bad reaction to tylenol3.  I was given tylenol3 for pain but they made me very depressed and I could not sleep.  I tossed them out and used regular tylenol instead.  

  • Cannoli1
    Cannoli1 Member Posts: 23
    edited April 2015


    I had 16 nodes removed on my left side, and I just had my exchange surgery March 18th. I had some minor lymphedema in the "fatty part" of my underarm before my exchange surgery...the part that connects my arm to the rest of my body. That's the best way I can describe the location. I was hoping the exchange surgery would make this better, as I thought the tissue expander pushing up into my underarm was part of the problem. The surgery did not make my lymphedema worse, but it did not take away any of the swelling or pain that was there before my surgery either. My PS feels that it is from radiation, and that it may never go away. This is something I did not want to hear, and I certainly hope she is wrong because I cannot live in pain for the rest of my life, and she refuses to give me pain medication for it. Tylenol and Advil do nothing. I am going back to occupational therapy today.

    But, as I said, in terms of making my lymphedema worse, this did not happen with the exchange surgery. It is pretty much the same as it was before.

    Just curious, were any of your nodes positive?

    Hope this helps. Good luck, and keep us posted.



  • di2012
    di2012 Member Posts: 871
    edited April 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    Today makes eight days out from my second exchange surgery(3-26) as the mentors wanted to live in my armpits and were quite painful and one side looked a shark snapped off 1/2 the foob( not a pretty visual).....this also makes the T=H=I=R=D revision....and hoping I am now D-O-N-E! My new implants are Allergan Natrelle MF-410-580cc, I also had fat grafting from the foob to another part of the same foob "sharkie"....looking good right now but not holding my my first revision was perfect until everything just deflated (swelling went down) The Natrelles are firmer but seem more stable in my pockets......need another little nap.

    Hugs to all


  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2015

    Di2012 - I'm glad you're feeling well and everthing looks good.  they say the 3rd time is the charm and that's what I wish for you.  Just focus on healing well right now.  Good luck!!

  • sunflowercat
    sunflowercat Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2015

    So I'm 3 days out from exchange and have a question for you ladies who've been through the process. I noticed today when I leaned against the bathroom counter that my abdomen and pelvic region is very tender and sore. I am very be expected after surgery, but wondering if anyone else experienced this abdominal/pelvic tenderness after exchange? I noticed quite a bit of blue dye on my skin (just right side), so I wonder if maybe they had heck getting the TEs out, had to use some force (pressure on abdomen) and one ruptured in the process (blue dye)?? I don't see my surgeon until Wednesday and its not a big deal. Just struck me as odd and im curious.

  • CaliRN
    CaliRN Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2015


    I had my exchange surgery on 3/2. My abdomen is also very sore and bloated but I had fat grafting done during the procedure so I have attributed the discomfort to that. My PS also took fat from my inner and outer thighs and flanks. My boobs don't hurt at all but everywhere else does. The blue dye might be a preop skin prep used to clean the skin. Hope you feel better soon:)

  • dianems
    dianems Member Posts: 46
    edited April 2015

    Sunflower, the blue could be from the skin marker that is used to mark where the incisions will be. Pre op soap is usually brownish/ orange Betadine. I did not have abdominal pain. Hope you get some answers and relief by Wednesday.

  • sunflowercat
    sunflowercat Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2015

    Thanks ladies for your input. Its not terrible, but feels and looks like I gave birth. I do know for a fact that the saline in my TEs were dyed blue. I was told after my BMX about the dye in the TEs because of the type of closure he did and I had a seroma. The fluid they withdrew from the seroma was not a huge relief for me and my PS. The blue dye was only on the my back, side and armpit that's why I assume it was a TE that ruptured during removal. I'll just have to wait and ask my PS on Wednesday. They most definitely used the orange stuff during this surgery. Lots coming off during my sponge baths.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2015

    Hi. My ps stabbed the implant to drain the saline prior to removing the tissue expander. I am sure that is what the dye is from. He would not have wanted to squeeze my te filled to 700 ml out of my incision. He only opened my incision 2/3 of the length of my original scars. No worries. Did you have fat grafting at the same time of exchange? My ps prefers to do one step at a time, so I had the exchange only (4 weeks ago now). No abdominal issues for me.

  • Cindy_K
    Cindy_K Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    Hi everyone... I am now scheduled for the exchange on May 5, seems like everything is moving quickly which is great. I had my BMX on March 5 and my last fill about 1 1/2 weeks ago. The TE's are still sore? Anyone else have that issue? Also my PS thinks one of my breasts is red (I can't see it) but has put my on another antibiotic.. Has anyone had an infection while having TE's and been successful with the antibiotic and not having to start all over again?

  • jenwith4kids
    jenwith4kids Member Posts: 216
    edited April 2015

    I am so excited that it is April! I have been eyeing this thread, waiting patiently until I could post that my exchange is coming up!! Monday, 4/27!!! WooooHooo, finally!

    One more week, then a spring break trip, then another week, then BOOB day!!!

    Yay. Jen

  • RainDew
    RainDew Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2015

    hey Cindy,

    I had multiple TE infections - two requiring hospitalizations and multiple rounds of antibiotics. Never had to have the TEs removed, just kept going. Eventually my PS felt that enough time had passed to go ahead w exchange.

    All well on the squishy side!

    Good luck!

  • Cindy_K
    Cindy_K Member Posts: 31
    edited April 2015

    RainDew, As bad as it is, it is good to know that you did not have to start all over. You have given me hope! Thank you!

  • sunflowercat
    sunflowercat Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2015

    thanks kingster for your reply. That makes sense. There's no way he could have taken the full TE out through my that I think about it. (I'm still foggy from the pain meds and obviously not thinking clearly). I did not have fat grafting. He wants to wait and see how things look before moving ahead with any other procedures, but we have discussed it for later on down the road. I'm more comfortable with taking things one step at a time myself.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2015

    Sunflowercat, happy Easter!!! I have a ps appt in 3 months, and then we'll see how it is. I sure am hoping that mine will drop a little more so it will be a little fuller on bottom. Gravity usually works against me, but I was hoping it will work in my favor for my implants, lol. Maybe you were just bloated from air that might have gotten in your stomach from having general anesthesia. Also, I was able to call the medical records dept in my hospital to obtain my operating room records. You can do that if you want all the details. I am a nurse and like to be well informed, although living through mastectomies and reconstruction is something that nothing could have prepared me for. I think my ps just wanted to let me know that there are options regarding fat grafting to improve results if needed. Hope you heal well:)

  • sunflowercat
    sunflowercat Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2015

    hey kingster, that's so exciting! I will be watching to see how you like your results. After looking at photos on the picture forum, it's pretty amazing how much change occurs in the months following the exchange. Sometimes I see a photo and think there's no way they'll drop and fluff and bam a few months later they post an update with gorgeous looking foobs. I'm sure you'll look fabulous. Just give it some time.

    As for the bloating I lost 3 lbs yesterday and then some more last night. I went up 10lbs with the surgery from all the fluid and even got myself a pair of sexy cankles for the weekend. My husband had hell trying to get compression socks on me. It was pretty funny watching him struggle to put them on and asking if it was really necessary. Yes!

    Jen and Cindy...good luck on your upcoming exchange dates.

  • CaliRN
    CaliRN Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2015

    How long after the exchange surgery can you drive? My instructions just said not within 24 hours of surgery and not while taking narcotics.

  • AlexaP
    AlexaP Member Posts: 90
    edited April 2015

    I was cleared to drive one week after exchange.

  • CaliRN
    CaliRN Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2015

    1 week sounds good! Thanks AlexaP.

  • sunflowercat
    sunflowercat Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2015

    Mine said not while taking narcotics. I'm off those and 7 days out. Not sure I could drive well, but feel like I could in another day or so.

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2015

    you can drive whenver  you no longer take the narcotics but you just need to be careful not to make any sudden movements.  I waited a week to make sure the stitches took hold.

  • CaliRN
    CaliRN Member Posts: 28
    edited April 2015

    Thanks for your responses Sunflowercat and mjh1!

    Sunflowercat- How is everything looking for you? What type of implants did you get? I am just a couple of days behind you and am hoping things will change drastically! I had the 410's 595cc with fat grafting. The most painful part is where they took the fat which was from just about everywhere!

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2015

    And that's why I'm scared of fat grafting. Let me know if it sticks. Although, it's not too hard to find fat on me, lol. I drove myself to my pod #6 appointment after exchange, but was not on narcotics. It's like drinking and driving, not good to drive on drugs. Good luck to everyone on their exchanges.

  • sunflowercat
    sunflowercat Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2015

    I ended up with 600cc HP rounds. I'm incredibly pleased with the outcome so far. For the first time in my life I have cleavage! I know they need to drop as they're sitting somewhat high, but not as high as my TEs though. I am still wrapped up, but did post some photos on the picture forum. I'm anxious to see what they look like in a few months. As for pain I'm off the narcotics and just taking IBU or Tylenol. My follow up is on Wednesday so I'm excited to see my incisions and hope that he takes the tagaderm off. I loathe the tagaderm, but know it serves a purpose.

    How are you doing? Are you happy with yours? It's probably too early to tell as you are likely swollen from all the surgery and fat grafting.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2015

    Sunflowercat, I sent u a private message. Just wondering how to get on the picture forum? Is it on this screen even? So confused. I did hear that it takes like 3-6 months to see what the results will be like. I think mine are improving a little, but seem to want to make a beeline for my armpits. I am wearing a bra day and night, so what the heck? Anyway, thanks for the pep talk.

  • Michele2013
    Michele2013 Member Posts: 232
    edited April 2015

    Kingster, are you on Facebook? There is a closed group you can join. It's called prophylactic masectomy. It has over 5000 pics before and after.


  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited April 2015

    Thanks. I guess no matter how many pictures I look at, there is no telling what I will end up looking like. I must be patient and quit looking at myself so much.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2015

    First, congrats to all who just came over to the squishy side!

    willoweed, if you had that bad of a reaction to Tylenol tell your doctor. I can't take T3 because I am allergic to Codeine. If you are they need to be aware of that. But just remember that addicts who show up in ERs Claim to Be allergic to it so they an get oxycodon Instead! LOL

    And a reminder of the Mantra - Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD!

    IN other words, Remember you are healing inside.

    Much love

  • sunflowercat
    sunflowercat Member Posts: 37
    edited April 2015

    thanks Moonflower for that little tidbit about pain meds. Now I know why the docs get so weird when I tell them I have a reaction to Vicodin. I have a paradoxical reaction and makes me very agitated and I can't sleep. Everything you don't want when needing pain meds. I assume there is a nasty note in my records as we have rampant drug abuse in our county. Oh well, PS gave me a rather generous RX for Percocet this time and I'll be saving those for the next knee surgery.

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2015

    kingster - to get on picture forum you have to send a PM to nowheregirl to ask for access.  Search for picture forum on the discssion boards and there's a whole list of instructions from nowheregirl.  send me PM if you can't find it.