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Exchange City



  • sandgar
    sandgar Member Posts: 53
    edited May 2015

    My new nipples I'm told may or may not take. My ps said the healing process could t ake a few months. Just what I want to deal with all summer ugh! Still optimistically hopeful.

  • kfinnigan
    kfinnigan Member Posts: 490
    edited May 2015

    sandbar, when was your nipple recon? Mine was May 4th. I had the stitches removed from nipple,areola, and skin graft donor site (groin area), have to say didn't feel the breast area at all, but ouchie on the donor site stitches coming out! My nipple/areola look great. Sorry to hear yours may or my not take, keeping the faith that it will. I had fat grafting too, so thighs are still sore

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2015

    kingster - so glad the "girls" are finally settling in and you'r liking the results.  I hope you will love them more each day.

    thinkingpositive - glad your surgery went well last week.  If you're still having fresh blood at this juncture, I hope you have called your PS.  If you have steristrips, they will come off on their own within two weeks.  Do not try to peel them off.  I had dissolvable sutures IMF and the steristrips were covering mine.  As far as what to expect when healing, you will see many changes over the coming weeks and emotionally you will have highs and lows.  This is all normal and try not to fret too much.

    jabec - I was away so i didn't get to wish you luck in your TE.  I hope it all went well and you'll love those new "girls".  Warm hugs!!

  • jabec
    jabec Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2015

    thanks for thinking of me, mjh. I had my exchange yesterday. My PS seemed to really listen to what I wanted the outcome to look like and I'm hoping he delivered. He did a lot of stitching inside me - down both sides to keep implants from going into my armpits and also had to raise one IMF. So, quite a bit of pain. When I got home yesterday started to get nauseous and then vomited several times. Not fun!! And I couldn't take my painkillers b/c of it. Finally called my PS and got him to call in a prescription of anti-nausea meds, which worked. Very strange that I was vomiting b/c I never did with my MX surgery. Feeling a lot better today and when I saw my PS this morning he said everything looks good. I couldn't really see anything so I have to trust him. I can't tell yet if the implants are more comfortable b/c of the pain from all the pocket work, but I'm assuming they will be. I'm glad that I still can move my arms pretty well and can even get a shirt on over my head. I'm now really hoping that my drains come out on Friday so I can enjoy the weekend sitting at the pool. I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel and I even got my tattoos scheduled with Vinnie for the end of November!

    Hope all goes well for everyone else!

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2015

    mkh1....having a lot of difficulty dealing with this. It seems as if it has started the whole thinking process again...just when I thought I was going to be okay. So far there is now fresh blood on anything. Just looks like dried blood all around where he cut the good boob (lollipop incision is what he called it) on the bandage. I was cut all around the nipple on the good boob. And it looks really weird. Starting to wonder whether he reduced that side enough. It seems to be a little bigger than the mx side. The incision on the mx side is smaller than the incision for the mx. So that side is not so bad. I still feel tight and I am wondering if it has to do with the tape that is underneath each boob.

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2015

    thinkingpositive - what you're feeling emotionally is all normal.  Everyone of us has felt it to some degree or another.  Even though the surgery was smooth it still takes a toll mentally and emotionally.  If you need to cry, cry.  If you need to vent, vent.  Dried blood on bandages is normal.  I know you can't help yourself but to critique your new "girls."  Yes, we all did that too.  Your swelling will start to go down by week two but the "girls" will take a while to adjust.  Even though you have one native girl, she had work done also so she also needs time to adjust.  Only after 3 months will you be really able to judge.

    Sandgar -  stay positive and don't give up hope just yet.

    What's rippling?? just another unwelcome thing to deal with as if we all haven't been through enough.  The only thing that keeps me going as I'll be goin in for my 2nd revision to try and correct the rippling is knowing that there were many ladies b4 me that have also had this unpleasant side effect of MX and implants that were able to get it corrected or at least have it camoflouged.  I stil don't know why we can get a man to the moon yet no one can create a better solution to prevent rippling after MX.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited May 2015


    How long does the average wear their surgical bra for

  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited May 2015

    sherry - I only wore the surgical bra for a week after my exchange and then was allowed to wear a sports bra.  I actually still only wear the genie bra now as I find it most comfortable and I still see another revisoin on my horizon that I don't want to go and spend money building up my bra collection when I don't know how they'll fit when I'm finally done with my "girls".  Every PS has his own preferences, so just check with him.   I was lucky enough to have my PS gmail address so I was able to send him an e-mail with any questions I had.  If you don't have his e-mail, don't feel silly about calling his office. 

  • JustAJennifer
    JustAJennifer Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2015

    jabec congratulations on your exchange February surgery sister! Glad you are happy with your PS and I hope you start feeling less pain every day. My exchange is two weeks from Friday, I am excited and nervous all at once. Like you, I'm nervous about the outcome. I feel like it's the third set of boobs ;).

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Mjh1

  • bbbbun
    bbbbun Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2015

    Good morning Sisters~ Well all was going well. :D

    Monday I started physical therapy for some cording issues. Some of the exercises were stretching the pec muscles and I mentioned to my PT who is lymphedema therapy certified that I understood I was not to use pec muscles much. Well now I am having pain like muscle cramping on both sides....feels like they are trying to contract. This is the most pain I've had since EX and FG on April 1st.

    Called the PT yesterday and she was supposed to call me back...but hasn't yet. :(

    Anyone else have these issues? Thank you in advance for suggestions.

    Hugs and Peace, Valorie

  • bbbbun
    bbbbun Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2015

    Hello again! Well I can answer my concern. Called PS nurse. She said she would call PT and tell her no stretching pecs with resistance like bands or weights for 6 months. I am to take Flexeril and Advil. And rest the pecs.

    Hope this helps someone else......Even tho this PT is lymphedema certified...she didn't know that. :(

    Geez.... we just have to always second guess even the "experts" and advocate for ourselves!!

    Fight like Girls!!! Love to all of us!!!! Valorie

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2015

    Its been one week since my exchange surgery and reconstruction and I still feel swollen. The exchange side doesn't really feel any different than the TE... dissappointing. I was hoping that I wasn't going to feel like something was sitting on my chest. The good side had a lift with implant and reduction..althought it looks bigger than the other side.... Its lifted up but bigger. Should I worry? Is this normal..starting to feel depressed all over again.

  • fe_princess
    fe_princess Member Posts: 125
    edited May 2015

    I am three weeks out today and the swelling is just starting to subside. Don't judge it yet. I just got massage excersizes yesterday as well. It's hard though and the whole processing can be very depressing. I am sorry that all of us have to go through this. Be easy on yourself. These are not easy times.

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015

    Iwannacookie- I went to see my PS today and he said I don't have rippling! He was actually very happy with the results! He said they still need time to settle just like all of these girls have said here that have gone through this before we did.

    After 3 weeks I am cleared to lift my arms from my side but no elbows above my shoulders yet. I am stiff and sore so will start again with finger crawls up the wall and light stretching. No driving yet ( I drive stick shift), steri strips are still in place, he is allowing me to hike but no running for another 3 weeks. He wants me to massage/push my implants inwards 3 times a day. I'm still not cleared to lift above 5 lbs. So I am slowly but surely getting back to some normalcy.

    The other day as I looked at myself in the mirror I just started to cry. I am a little critical of how I look but know that my outcome is actually pretty damn good. As everyone knows this is an emotional time for us. My sweet husband told me that it was okay to cry and to be easy on myself because I did have my breasts amputated and had reconstruction. And reconstruction is not augmentation. May all of us find comfort in one another. I want to thank ALL of you for sharing your thoughts, emotions and experiences.

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2015

    Trailrose--your report sounds good. Did your doc explain what the appearance of rippling actually is? My next appointment is this Friday, not next week, so I guess I'll get some answers soon.

    I was relieved to hear that your steristrips are still on. I was wondering if it was normal that mine haven't loosened up.

    I also drive a stick shift and have to shift into first gear using both arms. Lol. I have been so bad about lifting and carrying on as normal. I feel fine but I fear what might be going on inside.

    Good for you for having a cry. That's a very healthy response. I haven't shed a tear since the time I got the results from my first biopsy. A lot of people have told me it's only a matter of time before realize what Ive been through and finally have a good cry myself.

  • RAK1
    RAK1 Member Posts: 97
    edited May 2015

    Hi Ladies,

    I read this thread, but I haven't really posted on here before.

    Thank God for this forum, It has been so helpful to me.

    Trailrose I am feeling the say way!

    Thank you ladies for sharing! Smile

    Found out that my exchange date changed from June 5th to June 16th!

    Not so happy about it and I was all emotional, thank you MJ I needed what you posted!

    JustAJenn I'm glad you will have yours soon!

    Jabec, YaY!!! you will be just fine! Like all of you I just want this to be over, and I had myself a good cry about last night!

    I found out that I may need to have fat graphing in Nov. oh well, not much I can do. I am still grateful!  

    Love Robin


  • JustAJennifer
    JustAJennifer Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2015

    robin, you aways have an amazing attitude! Your new surgery is my birthday- I'll be thinking of you!

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2015

    Do any of you have that tape underneath and up the sides of the boobs? When does that come off. Mine seems to be adhered to my skin... some areas it has loosened but when I try to lift in other areas its a killer.

  • sherry67
    sherry67 Member Posts: 370
    edited May 2015

    Thinking positive ,

    All depends on the PS. Some like the use of the Hyperfix tape for some support.


  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015

    Iwannacookie- My PS said rippling looks like ridges or ripples in the skin. I see one small ridge on my right foob on the inner cleavage side. He said they are still going through the "drop and fluff' stage and seems to be confident that it's not rippling. So I have to be patient and wait another few months!

    That's funny that you're shifting with two hands! I really have to wait until I have more ROM with my arms to get out driving since our roads are curvy and twisty here in the mountains.

    You may or may not have another cry. Through all of this I was very calm and accepted what had to be done. I cried some before the BMX because I was afraid of what else they could find but was completely calm the day of the surgery, I cried when I had my final path report out of happiness and relief, and I cried a couple times when I had pain from the TE's due to frustration and exhaustion. Other than that I've been my usual silly self!

    Thinkingpositive- Do you know what kind of tape your PS put on you? I would give them a call. I had a reaction to the adhesive tape they put on me after the exchange surgery. The area was extremely itchy, red and I was instructed by my PS to remove it and had a couple of nasty blisters from it! Call your PS.

  • Iwannacookie
    Iwannacookie Member Posts: 117
    edited May 2015

    Thanks again Trailrose--you've given me some hope about my undulating boobs. Lol

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited May 2015

    Sherry67 and trailrose..had my follow up with PS. He took the adhesive tape from under boobs off. Hurt and am black and blue a little under the good boob side. He took out the stitches on the MX implant side and removed the bandages from the good side with lift / reduction. He will take the stitches out of that side next week. He said healing nicely, although the good side is more swollen than the MX side and he said that is normal. Will go down. I can use my arms now, but not for anything strenuous. Can shower normal and wash both incisions instead of just trying not to get soaked. Still feel tight like tissue expander is still in. Does that feeling go away?

  • fe_princess
    fe_princess Member Posts: 125
    edited May 2015

    TP, I still have my tape on the bottom, sides and nipple. I will just let it fall off naturally.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416
    edited May 2015

    Thinking & the rest of you that are recently exchanged - Moon doesn't check in often anymore so I thought I'd post the mantra for her. You have lots of stitches & healing going on inside too that we don't think about as much, so take it easy with the arm movements and maybe even lifting a full gallon of milk.


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2015

    Amen to that sister! Be careful and it will pay off in the long run! I am 11 weeks post EX and feeling great! Look great too! My Gummies have settlted nicely.

    I didn't have any tape. I was closed with glue and had to wear surgical bra and ace bandage for a week.

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited May 2015

    MinusTwo- Thank you for the reminder! So true.

    Thinkingpositive- Good news on your visit with your PS. I still have a "tight" feeling. Not anything like the TE but am aware that there is something under the pec muscle.

  • fe_princess
    fe_princess Member Posts: 125
    edited May 2015

    Has anyone been give excersizes to move their implants side to side. My outer muscle is tight and it's pushing the implant towards my cleavage side. Has anyone had this happen and did it "fix" itself? I'm worried about having frankenboob forever.Scared

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416
    edited May 2015

    Fe - every PS is different but my doc told me NO massage that moved implants in any way. Check w/your doc before you do that.

  • fe_princess
    fe_princess Member Posts: 125
    edited May 2015

    Hi Minus Two, he is the one who told me to do it. I was just wondering if anyone had the same instructions and what their results were. I get to go running next Tuesday! I haven't gone since March 10th!