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Exchange City



  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2015

    Loriekg, You tell him under no uncertain terms that you do not want to go over a certain size. There are a lot of ladies on this board that have gone too big because the PS told them blah, blah, blah and they ended up having a revision to a smaller size. It is your body, not his. You have to live with it. My PS said, "don't you want to go bigger?" NO!! I told him I wanted to be as close to my normal size as possible. He did a beautiful job and did as I asked. I am very happy. Don't worry about what they think, express your concerns and wishes and make him accountable to you. God bless, and best wishes for a great result. You will do fine! I will send you a PM with pics.



  • wildmountains
    wildmountains Member Posts: 9
    edited August 2015

    Hello ladies, so glad to be on the "squishy side "

    I am about a week a few days out from EX and I am feeling good. I too got very used to my TE's since had all of my fills done within a month between BMX and chemo starting. They of course were uncomfortable rocks in my chest but I just got used to them and of course their projection.

    My EX went well, PS decided not to do FG/lipo and just wait to see how things settle. My rt side does seems to sit higher but he did do extra pocket work so it could be do to the swelling not sure. Overall they look good size. Although I am 5'8 150lb my chest seems to disappear with my broad shoulders and wide chest. I was a very full 38C before I honestly do not know my size now. But PS did manage to fit 800 cc Mentor HP on each side. They do not look crazy large at all. Only did pain meds for a few days then only extra strength Tylenol since then. Been in surgical bra after 48 hours and looking forward to my 2 week post op coming and seeing how the new girls will look once settled more.

    I did lots of working out, started running again and getting more fit. I am little restless or I guess grumpy too that I have to wait a good number of more weeks to be active again. Right now only light walking 1-1.5 miles a day and missing my workouts and hiking :(

    Wishing all the ladies well with their EX and recoveries!!


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2015


    Just be patient and let them heal. You will be back to normal soon. It is worth the wait. You don't want to mess anything up.


  • loriekg
    loriekg Member Posts: 118
    edited August 2015


    PS wasn't trying to talk me into going larger than I wanted. He was telling me that I would be the size I wanted to be (like where I was at 300cc's in TE—now at 360cc) with 500+ implants. I was just not expecting such a jump, plus after Whippetmom said I would be good at 400cc's, I was surprised. (Now worried.) I will have to tell him, if there's any doubt, err on the smaller side!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2015

    Lorie, Whippetmom is usually right on! I don't see how you could put 500cc into 360 TEs. Just doesn't make sense!


  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2015

    robinblessed54 - It is, I can assure you, quite possible to go larger than your TE capacity during exchange. I had 450CC TEs and ended up with one 550CC implant and one 650CC implant. (Yes, two different sizes - both high profile silicone rounds - due to an uneven chest wall.} And I don't look big by any stretch of the imagination. In the end, you can only express your wishes and hope that your PS is skilled enough to give you what you wanted (sometimes by thinking ouside of the box).



  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2015

    Very pretty. I hope Lorie gets a good outcome. 😃


  • fe_princess
    fe_princess Member Posts: 125
    edited August 2015

    Hi Trailrose, I have not seen my swiss PS yet. My US PS did have much of an answer either. The implant is slipping down so the scar appears to be moving up. The fat graph did not take either. I hope you are satisfied with the new outcome. I wear the tightest sports bra that I can tolerate and it seems to keep them in place. The implant side is a constant source of irritation and pain. Do your scars itch uncontrollably?

  • Badgergirl
    Badgergirl Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2015

    Hummingbird -

    I am a little over two weeks out, and honestly, I would feel fine going to a conference and managing the process. In my experience (and I realize that everyone is different), two weeks is fine for a recovery, so long as you don't do any lifting ;-)

    Robin, I had anatomicals too, but I find it so interesting that you had an ace bandage and went to a sports bra. My PS didn't want me wearing anything except a camisole or soft bra for six weeks!

    Lorie, congrats on your EX date! I wrestled to the point where I drove everyone crazy (with size, shape, etc.) before my EX...I feel your pain, and hope that as your date gets closer you find some peace in your decision.

  • mazy123
    mazy123 Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2015

    Hi Everyone, Have been reading your posts and have learned so much. Thank you! My exchange date is set for August 20th and I am so excited! Audrey, we are a day apart!

    I had my pre op appt on Thursday. Currently filled to 550. He is planning on anatomicals, but will have inspiras in the surgery too. He is planning on doing fat grafting during surgery. He said maybe not with anatomicals, but probably with the rounds he will. I am nervous about this since my brother is getting married 3 weeks later and I don't want to be so sore and unable to move around and dance. Thoughts on that?

    I am having insurance issues. I went out of network with the plastic surgeon and knew I would be paying higher deductible and would owe the plastic surgeon some money. Well, my insurance company isn't being generous. It is going to turn into a fight with the insurance company unfortunately. I am trying to keep things in perspective, but it makes me nervous. The insurance company won't pre approve exchange surgery since it is outpatient. They have a new policy not to pre approve any outpatient procedures. That seems really odd to me, but the whole insurance thing is hard for me to fully grasp.

    Thanks again for posting all that you have posted. It really helps to hear your stories.


  • AudreyB
    AudreyB Member Posts: 108
    edited August 2015

    Hi Mazy! Insurance is tough. I hope it gets settled for you. I stayed in network, luckily with great doctors too.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2015

    For those who are recovered from EX, can you tell me if it's normal to still have pain at not quite two weeks out?

    PS did put larger implants in and did some lipo on each side to even out. Still, I thought I would be off pain meds and muscle relaxers by now and just getting my energy back. I have one more week off work.

    Today a 6hr. (total round trip) in car to get 13yo from his summer vacation with cousin hurt like heck. I was just riding in car, getting out for stops and not even carrying my purse half the time. Now I'm laid up in bed paying for being up all day. I did go to the gym when we got home and walked slowly on treadmill for 40 minutes to stretch my legs and back.

    Very frustrated. I see PS again on Monday and can extend leave for a 4th week but don't want to.


  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2015

    To all the Ladies that are waiting to get back to normal exercise, just be patient because you will! It's hard when we are used to being active but once you do get back to your exercise it will be all the sweeter. I am planning on getting 3 D nipple tattoos and am actually enjoying that when I finish a run or feel cold there are no hard nipples to contend with even though it feels like I have nipples!

    Fe Princess- My scars don't bother me at all. I can feel the implants move around some with certain movements. I'm still massaging them every day as directed by my former PS.

    AZ85048- You look great!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited August 2015

    Trailrose, you will love having the 3D nipples! And I too love no nipple projections when cold. Do you have phantom nipples when cold? I do and it is strange.

    Scottiemom, it does seem like you are having a lot of pain this far out. I went back to work at Two weeks with no problems. Sorry you are having a tough time. 😞 Make sure you tell PS everything.


  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2015

    Robin thanks. I am going to have a very realistic talk with PS tomorrow. I have had an unusual amount of nerve pain since BMx. Luckily Gabapentin works on nerve pain and HFs. I think it's just my makeup, not a specific surgical issue, although I have a pretty high pain tolerance at least in the past. PS did say she'll be showing me how to massage the girls and I'll be doing that for life to avoid scar tissue I think.


  • macb04
    macb04 Member Posts: 756
    edited August 2015

    I had my exchange on the L on Thursday the 6th. He put in a Mentor, moderate profile 420cc anatomical implant. When I woke up I immediately felt it was too small compared to my real right breast which I have a lift planned for in 5 in a half weeks on the 17th of September. My TE was expanded to 600cc's. Every one on this site said that they would always put implants in bigger than the TE's. I tried to tell him that I worried that the 400cc range size sounded too small. He thought I had a great cushion from fat grafting, but then he told me the day after surgery that the fat had thinned down from 4cc depth at my incision to now being only 1mm because of the pressure from the TE. I know he was trying to match my native breast. I wasn't planning on getting my real right breast reduced, only lifted. I see my PS tomorrow to take out my drain. My PS had said before that I might need a revision, but I really wanted to be done. My husband is mad I am even getting my untouched right breast lifed to create some symmetry. Originally when this nightmare started I said no to touching my right side. My thoughts on this changed over time because symmetry became more and more important. My husband doesn't understand, he says just put on bra. Not good enough for me.

  • ca55
    ca55 Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2015

    Exchange Surgery 8/14

  • ca55
    ca55 Member Posts: 11
    edited August 2015

    macb04 - I have not posted before, but my exchange surgery is scheduled for 8/14. I am having an implant placed on the left side, and a lift and small reduction to my right side. It was my only option without having a lat flap or DIEP procedure on the left, which I was unwilling to do. I admit I've had some anxiety over doing anything to my native breast, but realize that symmetry is important to me.

  • Badgergirl
    Badgergirl Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2015

    Scottie -

    Thinking of you today and hoping your conversation with your PS brings some resolution to your pain issues. I'm two weeks out and feel great, although I've been surprisingly obedient about following my PS's orders regarding lifting and exercise. Please update us to let us know what your PS says!

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2015

    Thanks Badgergirl. . .I'm also 2 weeks out and getting up with Dh and 13yo Ds today to get him to first day of school was rough. Maybe I'm still using my arms too much. I have been on a treadmill but not lifting anything. Ds even carried my purse yesterday at church. Kinda cute. Dh thinks he's too manly, but he will carry it if I insist. Will update later today. So glad you're feeling great!


  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2015

    Well. . .not a happy puppy. Two more weeks out of work instead of one, but I know when to cry uncle and PS said I still have some swelling. Just nend more time. Going to have to read more kindle books or something and I will get some physical therapy in starting next week.


  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited August 2015

    ca55, I know your Aug. 14 surgery will go well. It's nice to finish one more thing on the long list of procedures. And I totally get why you're having the reduction on the one side. You're right -- symmetry is important. Let us know how you're doing. Is it a day surgery or will you be spending the night?

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited August 2015
    Thank you to those who answered my question last weekI I was away for 4 days and now I am totally behind my reading. Busy thread, lots of posts, it is so nice to see how everyone is so supportive and generous with their time.

    Scottie - adorable purse story. Take advantage and keep reading! If looking for funny and mindless movies, I saw "Prime" (1998) with Meryl Streep yesterday and my family could hear my laughter from upstairs.

    Hugs to all, Nisa
  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited August 2015

    Robin, I do have phantom nipple sensations! So amazing what the brain and body can do. I went to see my BS today for my 6 month follow up and he said those sensations may stay or go away.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited August 2015

    I am 5 months post ex. About half the time I don't notice them, and the other half I fell like they are heavy and aches. I use my chest muscles a lot during work. Does anyone else feel like this? I have 700ml mentor memory gels smooth round high profile. If anyone feels this way, how long did it last? I really don't have any phantom nipple sensation though.

    And also, does anyone else feel lumpy along the outside edges of the implant? I was told this was scar tissue.

    One more question...if after having bmx, does anyone have any regular diagnostic testing such as ultrasound, for surveillance purposes in lieu of mammograms? I have heard from friends and family, some yes and others no.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2015

    kingster. . .I've gotten mixed messages from surgeons on post implant testing. One said MRIs every 2-3 years the other said local recurrence would present as a pea sized hard lump right under skin so no need. I think I will probably insist on MRIs. I hate them but will do whatever I have to for peace of mind.

    No phantom pains for me, just really ticked - off nerves.


  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited August 2015

    Scottie, the instructions in the implant book, says mri 3 years postop, then every 2 years after to test for silent rupture. Apparently, silicone implant rupture can be asymptomatic. My husband's aunt and her daughter both get yearly ultrasound, one had autologous reconstruction, and other had no reconstruction. Maybe it depends on the type of cancer.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2015

    kingster. . .I guess I just have to have followups with PS ever few years and she can schedule the MRIs. BS said they were not necessary even for silicone implants. BS is concerned with cancer recurrence and PS will have to be concerned with the integrity of the implants. Thanks


  • Badgergirl
    Badgergirl Member Posts: 41
    edited August 2015

    Scottie -

    I'm so sorry to hear you have two more weeks of recovery...I would tell you that it will pass quickly, but I know that it might feel like an eternity to you right now. However, I will say that I've read some great Kindle books lately, so if you want recommendations, I'm your girl ;-) I bet the PT will be very helpful, but in the meantime, definitely load up the Kindle, subscribe to Netflix so you can watch House of Cards, and get some good old fashioned R & R. I'll be sending good thoughts your way!

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2015

    Badgergirl. THANKS!!!! We have Netflix, Amazon Prime, Kindle all of the above. I hate stores so only shop at Sam's, Costco, BJs, Biglots or Dollar Tree. I am sulking and feeling sorry for myself but I know that this extra time is best for me.

    On the bright side, I took a medium hot bath, with dead sea salts today and loved it. I forgot to ask PS yesterday if I could immerse so only from the waste down but I am soooo a bath girl and have been missing my big spa tub since surgery. I know I can't complain. At least my PS both times has let me shower after 48 hours even when I had drains from BMx.

    I do need to start House of Cards. It will fill in the time between this falls Outlander and next Spring's Game of Thrones. My dh bought me the dvds to GOT before BMx and I watched all of season 1-3 with my daughter while recovering. Then we had to wait a month for season 4 to come out. We are in Draughtlander at the moment, so House of Cards it is. LOL
