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Exchange City



  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited September 2015

    Mysunshine, yes, reconstruction is not like augmentation. But usually results are livable. But give yourself time. They do settle in and 6 months is about right to see the realty.

    Also, for all you new exchange people, remember : Just because you can, doesn't mean you should! Please take it eady, even if the surgery went well and you feel good, you are still healing. Don't rip out interior stitches!.

    Much love.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited September 2015

    Hello, All! Drop and fluff works something like this:


    The swelling lingers much longer than you'd expect - usually for a minimum of several weeks - but can take as much as two to six months to completely resolve.

    A couple of things. When going to Nordstrom's I'd suggest that you call ahead and make an appointment specifically requesting a surgical bra fitter. I waited almost four months before I felt that I was ready to make that call; and in the end, that was probably to my advantage. The fitter with whom I spoke asked me what insurance company I had, and then explained that I would need to bring a prescription for mastectomy bras from my plastic surgeon. From there, I just picked out what I liked and more importantly what fit and felt good! Nordstrom filled out all of the paperwork and submitted it to my insurance company. (As with everything else, it's all about the medical coding...)


    And don't let the verbiage throw you. Any bra is considered a mastectomy bra as long as it's comfortable and supportive. And Nordstrom will sew a pocket (or pockets) into any of their bras free of charge, to make them ready for prothesis, I was allowed to pick out any color, any fabric, any brand, but stuck mostly with the Chantelles, Natoris, Freyas, and a couple of Wacoals. Once you start trying them on, it's really hard to beat those three part bras for sheer comfort and support! You girlls are in for an adventure!

  • Suze72
    Suze72 Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2015

    Hi Badgergirl,

    Thankyou. I'm both glad and relieved that your new additions look and feel somewhat natural. I've heard some negative feedback about the gummies so it's nice to hear otherwise. I've just had my final fill and am using Palmer's Cocoa Butter twice daily. So far so good.

    I'm sorry to hear that your FG didn't take. Do you plan to try again? My PS says she'll be doing FG at my exchange. Any idea why yours didn't stick around? I've been reading about angiogenic foods to encourage the fat to stay. There's so much info on the internet though, one has a hard time soughting out the wheat from the chaff ;-)

  • hummingbirdlover
    hummingbirdlover Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2015

    AZ, thanks for posting that graphic, it explains a lot. I'm two weeks out from ex today and feel really good. I'm having to seriously force myself not to do too much. I go back to work on Monday where the real test of taking it easy begins. I'm still in post surgery bra 24/7 so I haven't spent much time looking at my implants. I do know the right side seems lower but maybe that will change. PS said we'd wait and see and talk about revisions but I'm OVER surgeries at the moment and not really interested in revisions. I'm opting out of nipple reconstruction but am doing tattoos. I'm tired. It has been a long year. I don't mean to whine, I'm grateful to be where I'm at.

    Good luck to those facing surgery. It's scary every time!

  • Elizabethaw
    Elizabethaw Member Posts: 165
    edited September 2015

    Hi Suze72! I'm scheduled for FG on Sept. 30th (previously Sept 11th, but they had to reschedule). I've been driving myself absolutely crazy trying to find the magic solution to prevent fat absorption! So far everyone agrees that no one knows. My PS said it's just completely unpredictable. I have not seen a single published study about how patient lifestyle/choices/post-op behavior affects fat retention. I wonder if lying totally still and eating nothing but saturated fat would help--or would it just stimulate a new cancer!

    There is a fat grafting thread here:

    Good luck at your exchange!

  • Suze72
    Suze72 Member Posts: 11
    edited September 2015

    Hi Elizabethaw,

    Thanks for the info. I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed!

    Wishing you all the best on the 40th!

    Suzette 👍😆xo

  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2015

    Been reading all the recent posts. Please add me to the exchange list- sept 24 is the day! Getting nervous and anxious again. Had a hard time sleeping last night due to uncomfortable expanders and realized in 13 days they will be gone and maybe sleep will be more successful! You're all my heroes!

  • Badgergirl
    Badgergirl Member Posts: 41
    edited September 2015

    Hi Suze!

    No idea why the FG didn't take, but I will say that there was hardly any fat for the PS to use in the first place. He really had to struggle to find any, which, mind you, is not the worst problem for me to have ;-)

    And no...I'm done with surgery. They work great for this 40 year old - I don't need perfect, I just need cancer free!

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2015

    it's been four months since exchange and reconstruction and they still feel weird. I feel them all the time. Wish I did not do the lift and reduction on the good side. The implant is postioned on the side and is hard and ps says there is scar tissue as well. Do they ever feel somewhat normal.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Question about expsnders before exchange. I have 13 days until exchange surgery and have had these in for 5 months. Did your expsnders bother you? Mine are pushing so hard on my rib cage it has caused inflamation (shown on a chest CT scan). They hurt where they are attached (I guess) under my arm. My back hurts. Is this normal? When I had my pre op appointment with PS, he said all sorts of things happen.i sure hope exchage will bring relief.

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2015

    mysunshine48- I, too had back pain from the TE's which went away after the exchange surgery. You should experience relief from it.

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited September 2015

    ThinkingPositive - It honestly took about a year before I got to the place where I realized that I (finally) wasn't aware of them every minute of every day. You'll get there, too - it just takes some time.


  • Nocalmom
    Nocalmom Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2015

    sunshine: The rock on my chest wall pain was constant and bad enough that I never got completely off narcotic pain meds the 2 1/2 months between my mx and ex. Cant imagine 5 months of it. The implant is so much more comfortable; the relief is pretty immediate. I didn't have back pain, but can believe it's not unusual. TEs are a bear!

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Thanks for replying. I am sooooo uncomfortable. I don't like surgery, but sure want these out!

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2015

    mysunshine. . .I went almost 8 months between BMx and EX. The TEs, while positioned totally in front, felt like an iron bra most of the time. Sometimes I had to just distract myself from that feeling. My implants are so much better most of the time. I'm having twice weekly PT because my pecks are sooo tight that I still have nerve pain. I'm also now doing daily self massage to avoid scar tissue forming. It takes time after exchange for the implants and your muscles to settle in. I still have swelling at almost 7 weeks post EX. Everyone if different though. Some feel instant relief after exchange and I certainly felt the iron bra gone.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    How was the surgery? Up and around the day after? Is physical therapy covered by insurance?

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2015

    mysunshine. . .EX was day surgery, although PS left it open for admission if needed. Surgery was at 7:30 and I went home around 3pm. I was mostly in bed rest with my tablet for first two weeks. Everyone is different. I've had excess nerve pain from tight pecks and maybe from the lipo she did each side. My leave was supposed to be 3 weeks and was extended to 4 b/c of nerve pain. I know some are out and about at two weeks post EX.

    I was restricted to no lifting for 6 weeks. I'm almost 7 now and will start back with 2 lb weights at gym tomorrow. PT is wonderful. I have exercises for home in between, he's doing massage and muscle stim (that's for L4/L5 lower back issue from old injury, got referrals from both PS and ortho). My PT is focusing on ROM as that along with tight pecks are my problems. Ironically, since I met OOP in April do to onco treatments, both surgery and all my PT for rest of the year is/was free. Insurance covers but before OOP I would have paid $25 co-pay per visit so $50 each week. It all adds up. I'm going as much as possible through December.

    Get a good referral. I specifically asked my Chiro for someone with experience in both BMX/EX recovery and lower back disk issue. My PT is great and fun to work with. Also local and I can go after work.


  • Eee3
    Eee3 Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2015

    hi everyone. I had my exchange last week and I am having some rippling on one side already. Any chance this will go away on its own?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,789
    edited September 2015

    Hi All, and thanks to those who have already posted!

    We would really like to put together a slide show showing all your faces to show the amazing diversity of our community, reaching around the world. Please share with us here, or PM us. We may also present this at our annual fundraiser in October.

    Photo (best quality possible)

    Where you live


    Your Age

    Quote about how the community/BCO has helped you.

    Thanks for being a part of our community!

  • rebecca54
    rebecca54 Member Posts: 67
    edited September 2015

    Question to the group re: fat grafting. I will have some done when the do the exchange surgery on 10/7. I was thinking about having the fat taken from my love handles but now am thinking that I will then have no comfortable side to lie on, my front will hurt from exchange and back/sides from fat grafting. So now I'm thinking to have them take from stomach. (so many places to choose from!). Am I thinking about this correctly?

    Mysunshine....good luck! I wish I was on your schedule! Hate these TEs too!


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Anyone's back hurt with TE's? I have had them in for 5 months, but my back has really started hurting the past few weeks. If I lay down for an hour, it goes away.......until next time. Ugggg I SURE hope this pain and agony goes away after exchange

  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2015

    Yes! My back hurts a lot too. It was bad before mastectomy too but sleeping all crazy I think has made it worse. Going to see my orthopedic doc this week. Hoping for some relief. Hate taking all the pain meds before my exchange next week!

  • Nocalmom
    Nocalmom Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2015

    E3: I'm sorry to say my ripples haven't changed much since my EX on 8/24. I'm waiting until my 6 week f/u with PS to address it. I am not happy with this result, but am so done with surgery and recovery.

    I'll share this too because I'm curious if other women who had to have MX because of DCIS feel the same. UMX was my only viable option as I was small breasted and the DCIS was everywhere. The one and ONLY bright spot throughout this experience was that I was going to end up with good looking boobs. Didn't happen. That's what drives me. I'm disappointed and feel misled.

    Please let me know what your PS says and I"ll do the same. There's some good info on the sizing 101 thread about this too.

  • bbwithbc45
    bbwithbc45 Member Posts: 367
    edited September 2015

    Mysunshine, my back hurts sometimes too and it could be from TE, although I'm not entirely positive. I was told that exchange surgery relieves a lot of back pains. I'll get to see in a couple of weeks, when I have my surgery.

  • LoriWNY
    LoriWNY Member Posts: 178
    edited September 2015

    Ladies with back pain: I suffered from back pain during the BMX/TE's as well as immediately after exchange. This is what I discovered worked for me:

    1. Pay attention to your posture. I am sure your chest is uncomfortable and you may be hunching forward/slouching because of tightness in your pectoral muscles. Try ti sit up straight and rotate your shoulders up, back, and down which will push out your chest.and take some of the strain off your back muscles.

    2. Chiropractic adjustments. Yes, a chiropractor can adjust your back after your BMX even if you cannot lie on your stomach! Does your neck also hurt? Find a good chiro and tell him where you hurt!

    3. Physical therapy. Do you have limited range of motion in your arms or when turning your head? Get your BS or PS to refer you for physical therapy. It worked wonders for me!

    4. If you have no back or other health issues that would contraindicate it, get a foam roller and learn how to use it to roll your back (see this YouTube video:

    5. Massage therapy. Find a therapist who is experienced with breast cancer patients and will work with your limited positioning abilities.

    6. Yoga. I purchased a great video through Amazon called Yoga for Breast Cancer. See this link:

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2015

    For the ladies with back pain from the TE- The exchange surgery will help relieve if not completely take away your back pain and massage is the way to go! My husband had to give me upper back and shoulder massages every day twice a day when I had those TE's in. He would use the foam roller most of the time. I would sit on the edge of the bed and rest my forehead on his chest area (we have a high bed) If you have no one to help you then it's so worth to learn how to use the foam roller yourself or go to an experienced massage therapist. Remember to ask your doctor if it's okay to do so.

    As far as rippling goes I am over 4 months post exchange and still have the same rippling on my right side. And that is why I'm going in for a revision surgery! I was really upset over it at first because I followed directions to a T and didn't have the outcome that I expected. Hopefully this revision surgery will improve it. My new PS is confident he can improve my outcome but he can't say it will be 100% ripple free because it's reconstruction not augmentation. I would be fine with 2 ripples not ripples all over!

  • Nocalmom
    Nocalmom Member Posts: 10
    edited September 2015

    trailrose: when is your revision surgery? Please let us know. Rippling is so common. Hope your new PS can resolve it.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2015

    Lori. . .thanks for the tip on the yoga video. Will order it. There is one yoga class for cancer patients in our area but not close and only on Saturdays so can't go until at least Nov when dd's college soccer season is over.

    Also concur with you on chiro and PT. My back injury in 98 sent me to chiro and I've gone regularly since. I was able to lie down on table by 5 months post BMx for lower back adjustment and she works on shoulders etc with me sitting up. My PT does massage, muscle stim and works on ROM. Going 2x week for rest of year since I met OOP long ago and it's free.


  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89
    edited September 2015

    Nocalmom- My revision surgery is October 23rd. It was mistakenly put up above as an exchange surgery. I am switching from 400 cc Mentor silicone round gels to the Inspiras round high profile. I will have to go slightly bigger. It seems like the recovery and downtime won't be as long with the revision but we'll see. My PS said the surgery should only take 30- 45 minutes. I certainly hope I wake up like I did with the exchange surgery. I went out to lunch afterwards!

  • stephaniegee
    stephaniegee Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2015

    Hi everyone,

    My exchange surgery was last April and I had smooth sailing. However I just noticed that one of my breasts feels a bit "mushy" and ripples a bit. My left is firm but my right is very soft and I can feel the implant. Is this normal? Or is this something that could need corrective surgery?