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Exchange City



  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2015

    So I guess my implant has dropped in the MX side as it looks a little lower as in sagging than my right side where i had a slight reduction and very small implant to lift...this is the one that seems to be on the side of my breast... Still no sure that is normal.. PS said I would get used to it but Have never heard of anyone having an implant mostly on the side...unless it was needed to be done this way to lift the sagging boob??

  • hummingbirdlover
    hummingbirdlover Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2015

    Mysunshine, best wishes for you today!

    Lkscolo, congrats on being on the squishy side! I feel exactly the way you do. My implants seem smaller than the TEs were and I have a hard time understanding that. 4 weeks post exchange I am warming up to them but they still seem smallish to me. Hang in there and give it some time.

    Thinking positive, that sounds odd to me, but I don't know a lot it seems. If it continues to bother you, keep talking to your PS. It might just need some crappy as more surgery sounds, I know. I am trying to be happy because I do NOT want anymore surgery but we also need to be happy, right? Take care

  • hummingbirdlover
    hummingbirdlover Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2015
    DaisyQ, your post was so positive and upbeat, I'm so happy for you! Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of receiving "the call" even though I expected those results, it still sucked.

    Congrats on being where you're at today
  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40
    edited October 2015

    thankshummingbird lover- mine are 375cc. I just worry these are gonna shrink with time.

    I hope with time they look better! Pain isn't too bad. I'm thankful for that but discouraged at outcome.

  • hummingbirdlover
    hummingbirdlover Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2015

    lkscolo, mine are 375 too so I know exactly what you're talking about! I was hoping for 400 but apparently PS couldn't get them in. Oh well. The silver lining may be that we get to go bra-less in the future?

  • summerangel
    summerangel Member Posts: 182
    edited September 2015

    ThinkingPositive, I would not be happy if I told my PS I wasn't happy with something and he said I would "get used to it"! That's just wrong, imo. If he (or she) CAN'T fix something, that's one thing. If he just doesn't want to bother, it's another.

    I've had my implants for exactly 4 weeks today and am very happy with the size and shape. I haven't experienced any shrinking or moving around (at this point, anyway). My PS scheduled the nipple surgery for December 4, and he says he's going to do additional fat grafting on my left side because he's not as happy with it as the right side. Frankly I hadn't noticed until he pointed it out. I'm glad he's a perfectionist, though!

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2015

    I have followup appt in Nov. My MO and OB/GYN felt the implant and all agreed with me that its there on the side. Will need to discuss if its there for a reason??

  • Msmath
    Msmath Member Posts: 38
    edited September 2015

    So I am one week post op and I am miserable. I will go to my PS today and hopefully I will get these awful drains out and be able to take off these torture devices. I feel like my PS is extra cautious....which I guess is a good thing. I did end up staying the night at the surgical center it was just me and my husband and two nurses. They took great care of me. I have two awful binders one is like an old fashion girdle around my lower stomach and hips (basically the liposuction areas) the other one is from my armpits down to my belly button. They are both secured with Velcro and let's not forget sticking out in between these two lovely garments are my drains. I have taken two showers and each time I get more depressed about how my implants look. I keep trying to tell myself to be patient but it is so hard. I think I would feel better if I was more comfortable. These drains are so uncomfortable and are not helping my mood. Yesterday was the first time I was left alone in my house and I just lost it. I called my DH at work and asked him not to work late he could tell I was crying so he asked where everyone was. I told him where they were so he said he would head home as soon as he could. In the mean time he ended up calling my neighbor to come sit with me. Yesterday was the first day I had cried in front of anyone except my DH. I just feel like I have to be strong for everyone all the time. I thought the surgery would be so wonderful that I could be done and happy for real. I am off to see my PS in a few hours hopefully I will get some good news.

  • hummingbirdlover
    hummingbirdlover Member Posts: 78
    edited September 2015

    ((mismath)) I'm so sorry you have drains AGAIN! You are going to feel so much better when they come out. I think it's delayed trauma for so many of us. When you're first diagnosed, there isn't a lot of time to sit and think, or dwell, you just race off to the next test or appointment or surgery and you're in the middle of the storm just trying to keep it together and now? Everyone else has moved on, and we are "all better" and it feels like we are supposed to bounce right back and be our old selves. I believe I'll get there bit the ride certainly isn't over. Take care of yourself and let DH and friends take care of you.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2015

    lkscolo. . .they should have given you or your dh warranty cards with the implants types,size and id number. If not call you PS or surgery center to get them. Also give them time to settle mm in. I'm almost 9 weeks out and still fluffing and Moonflower would say.

    Msmath. . .I went through a similar day after BMx. It was the first day dh went back to work and my housekeeper was there cleaning. She stayed an extra hour until dh came home because I was freaking out about the pain making it hard to breathe. Hang in there. HUGS


  • AudreyB
    AudreyB Member Posts: 108
    edited September 2015

    When anyone asks me how I'm doing, I always answer that I'm getting physically stronger every day, but mentally I'm still fragile from the whole experience. Its a nice way of letting people know, hey, this shit isn't over.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited September 2015
    Hello Everyone with a special hello to SpecialK who sustained me in such a SpeicalK way when I was doing my chemo 2 years ago 💐

    Must be the pain killers I am on from yesterday's nip work but for the world I cannot find a "nip thread." Is there one? It was such a mind-blowing surgery: to walk in with leftover-nips and walk out with 2 pointy pink nips. Not many people gets to buy/replace their nips! They also did a bit of fat grafting for my top pole but I don't know if I can peak now. My fear is what if they are NOT symmetric? I also would like to know where to buy a nice looking stretchy things for my tummy - I don't even know what they are called but the one I have on in hospital-ugly. I asked how much will be billed to my insurance, was told 33k and 2k to me. Wow!

    I should stop rambling and ask if you know the nip thread I think I remember?

    Hugs, Nisa
  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Home from exchange surgery. Went in at 7:00, home by noon. Definitely easier than BMX, but I am sore. They did put a stretchy bra on me with Velcro in the front, but PS said I could take it off. I think I will because my incisions are under my breasts in the fold. I have no stitches, only special glue. Feeling sleepy, but sitting in chair, eating a chicken sandwich. So far, happy with results. Inspira 650.

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2015

    mysunshine. . .glad to hear all went well. Take it easy.

    Audrey, I wish I could admit to anyone outside this board that I'm still sooo emotionally delicate especially as I approach my 1 year anniversary. I have to act stong for everyone except dh. Cancer sux but working out and my photography help. Typing from the gym while on the treadmill.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited September 2015

    nisa - hey - you are sweet! Yay for nips! Don't stress too much about the FG - especially if it does not look even at first - many PS over-graft with the thought that some will reabsorb. It will take a bit for all to shake out and you can see the permanent look. I don't know if I have seen a specific nipple recon thread - I have seen it mentioned on a lot of other threads, including this one - just type nipple recon in the search box. Here is a site for some binders:

    mysunshine - very good!

  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2015

    PS put a surgical bra on me but its too loose, doesn't feel supportive. He suggested I buy a sports bra with front zipper or Velcro. Anyone know where I can buy that

  • AudreyB
    AudreyB Member Posts: 108
    edited September 2015

    lkscolo, try the cure diva website.

  • NisaVilla
    NisaVilla Member Posts: 505
    edited September 2015
    SpecialK - thank you so much for the info. It is so nice to talk with you today. I kept searching for nip recon but could not find one. May be I will start one called "all about nips" LOL. I read some helpful posts and sent a PM to the generous person who volunteers her time to manage a private site where BC women post their recon photos and give feedback to each other. Maybe I could post mine when I remove this thing. "Binders" was the name! Thank you for that. Looked under "lipo garments" and found things I don't want to wear. How are you? Notice your long list of interventions got summarized. Please write a blog or a book. You could help even more women than you already do!

    Mysunshine - Congrats! It is truly liberating to get rid of the TEs. You are done! Celebrating with a chicken sandwich sounds great, and this calls for ice cream too :-)

    Scottie - I totally get your fear at year 1. I'm 2 years out and while I am thankful that by now I go for a few days not thinking about my cancer, deep in my heart I think I will end up like my mom and all her sisters - losing to cancer before age 60.
  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Thank you for your help, Special!

  • marketingmama
    marketingmama Member Posts: 62
    edited September 2015

    Hey ladies. Got my drain out today. That was a relief! PS says probably 3 months until we start reconstruction again. He said he did research last night to see if there are any stats that confirm how long you should wait to put in a new implant if the old one was infected and removed. Seems there is no clear answer but he's going to watch how I heal, particularly my skin. Was hoping we might be able to start sooner but December holiday time works since I'll be off work anyway. Probably also will be good for my psyche to stop focusing on my reconstruction.

    Got my prescription for prostheses, camis and special bras and they set me up to visit a shop they work closely with. DH and I are going to go there tomorrow and I'm looking forward to getting new stuff to keep me looking ok in clothing. Apparently the store will directly bill my insurance company, which makes things simpler.

    Happy weekend to all.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    marketing mama, Glad you are at least getting some answers. This is not as you at planned, but you will get it done. Praying that you can focus on some other things so it will not seem so far away.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,412
    edited September 2015

    Lkscolo - I got my sports bras w/front zipper or velcro at WalMart. In my neighborhood, their selection was better than Target.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Lkscolo, how are you feeling today? You might check out for soft, front closure bras.


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited September 2015

    nisa - Lol, I was tired of my list of surgery taking up half a page every time I posted - everyone else probably was too! I decided to just use my sig line and make it shorter. Also check out the nip situation on - just use the search bar there and you get lots of hits.

  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2015

    Lynn I'm feeling pretty good. Only took norco once last night. Just Tylenol today. Nerve pains mostly through my sternum area where the pocket work was done. I'm gonna shower tomorrow.How are you feeling?

  • Lkscolo
    Lkscolo Member Posts: 40
    edited September 2015

    Thanks ladies for the bra suggestions. I ordered one on Amazon with fast shipping but I'll check out these too.Smile

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited September 2015

    Doing OK. Tired and some pain and discomfort. About to try and sleep without pain meds, but have Tylenol on my nightstand.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2015

    Got a real nice zipper front closure bra at JCPenny's recently. Very soft and cotton. Also, got a foam zipper front Dansko's bra at Gabrielle brothers. My favorite, and most expensive ($50), is my Dr. Linder bra. Ordered it from their website for my exchange surgery. Supportive yet comfortable. Great bra for the gym.

  • Angie4
    Angie4 Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2015

    Has anyone had any experience with Capsular Contracture? I've had weird sensations, pain and now it is hard on my right side. That foob is pulling upward. I called my PS and he said that it sounds like possible capsular contracture and wants to see me. Ugh! We live in a rural community about 3 hours from my doctors. Loading up and heading for Little Rock Thursday

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2015

    How far out from exchange are you? I am currently 9+ weeks and at 4 weeks PS told me to do daily massage of the foobs to help avoid capsular contracture. Ask your PS about massage.

    Good luck
