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Exchange City



  • cheddiecat
    cheddiecat Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2016

    Newgirls: Glad you found it! - - can you imagine if you didn't and some unsuspecting person later finding it and realizing what it was! ;)

    My surgery was ~2 hrs outpatient procedure under general anesthesia (another reason I was on the fence - 3 surgeries in 6 months - ugh!). You would definitely need to be off work until your first post-op appointment (mine was 1 week after) when you have the bolster removed. The bolster is a yellow foam-type thing that's actually stitched (4) onto your body to protect the reconstruction. It's about 1-1/2 to 2 inches round and 1/2 to 3/4 inches high. I was in a surgical bra which had 2 cross slits cut in each cup to allow that to project thru & protect the bolster. Was able to shower after day 3, but had to keep that area dry. Even wearing loose patterned tops couldn't disguise the bolsters! My graft was taken from skin adjacent to the end of the exchange incision under the breast line, extending the scars on my sides under my arm about 3 inches (stitched and glued and will be hidden by bra). PS had left excess tissue there and planned all along to use it for reconstruction. On another board, someone mentioned having skin taken from upper inner thigh, so it varies by PS and individual. After the bolster was removed, had to place medicated gauze (xeroform) over the NAC & cover that with gauze for a week. I had no pain from the NAC reconstruction, but had the "slows" from anesthesia for a few days. Would get a little tugging sensation if I lifted my arms too high for a week or so. But I did have pain for about 3 days from the lipo (only 100 fat removed) from abdomen. Whew! That was the worst of it! Cannot imagine what it feels like to have liters removed in a cosmetic procedure!! Need to get back to dieting and exercising!

    Best of luck in whatever you decide

  • summerangel
    summerangel Member Posts: 182
    edited January 2016

    I had nipple reconstruction with the origami method and no areola reconstruction so there was no need for a skin graft. I also had fat grafting during both of my reconstruction surgeries, the first one didn't really "take", so he grafted 150 ml on the left and 90 ml on the right during the nipple reconstruction surgery (left was worse, I'm a lefty and I think that made a difference). I didn't have a "bolster", I assume that was necessary for the skin graft. I just had to wear nursing pads with holes cut into the centers for 4 weeks. I took one day (a Friday) off from work for this surgery (general, about 90 minutes). I was a bit tired the following week but I have a desk job so it wasn't too much of an issue. My thighs were quite sore for a couple of weeks, too, as the fat was taken from the inner and outer thighs. I'm thrilled with the results so far, and I will be getting tattoos in June.

  • Angie4
    Angie4 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2016

    So, I have capsular contracture, stage 4. I have chosen a new PS and think that I have found the right one for me. She has scheduled me for surgery February 2. She is going to replace my current implants and use Strattice mesh to prevent contracture from occurring again. Anyone out there have any experience with this? Thanks and blessings to all!

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    Hello lovely ladies,

    I just got back from my PS and I have a date for my exchange: January 18, 2016. That happens to be MLK, Jr. day, so hubby and the children all the day off. No worries about getting someone to/from school.

    I'm looking forward to getting rid of these TE's and moving forward.

    I understand that they have a job to do, but the TE's feel stiff and awkward and alien to me. My muscles sometimes spasm and my armpit has a pectoral muscle in it.

    Please tell me: do the implants sooner or later feel normal to you? That is, do they feel like they are part of you now?

    Also, anything I need to know before this exchange surgery? (Obviously, I've already had a PBMx.) I heard the exchange surgery is much easier than the BMx. My PS says that he does use drains with the anatomical implants because he has found that the fluid buildup with not having drains leads to more cases of rotation.



  • mjh1
    mjh1 Member Posts: 263
    edited January 2016

    mominator - yay you're finally coming to the squishy side. After enduring the MX and expanders this surgery is a breeze for most of us. My 1st PS didn't put drains with my first set of gummies and 1 did rotate although I can't comment if no drains was the cause or just poor surgical technique. 2nd PS did use drains but also did a lot of pocket work to correct 1st PS work and so far so good. Just remeber to taske it easy for first 4 weeks and not do anything strenuous so the gummies can properly adhere to your chest wall to prevent rotation. I'm almost 4 and a half months out from my 2nd revision and I hardly even realize I have man-made boobies. The only time I even take notice of them is if i brush my arm against them and feel the coldness.

  • maxdog
    maxdog Member Posts: 47
    edited January 2016

    That is so interesting that you mention the cold! I just realized today how cold implants were....weird!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2016

    mominator, I am 10 months post exchange today. I have gummies and very happy with results. I didn't have drains but some PS do use them. It depends on fluid in pocket. I had some pocket work done but very little pain. I was out of work 2 weeks but could have gone back in one. I had to wear a sports bra 24/7 for 6 weeks. Remember, just because you can doesn't mean you should.


  • MsVeryDenseBreasts
    MsVeryDenseBreasts Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2016

    Mominator, I'm about 10 days out from exchange. I have the Mentor MemoryShape anatomical and I did have drains. The PS did a fair bit of pocket work and Alloderm (to hopefully minimize rippling). I got the drains out after 8 days. One of them probably could have come out earlier but the holiday interfered. I even got clearance yesterday that it would be okay to sleep on my side. I have not noticed (at all) that the implants feel cold and I've been out walking in the winter temps here etc. Even after only a week they feel comfortable enough that I honestly forget about discomfort. The drain holes are my biggest issue (sore and itchy). I was off all pain meds later on the same day of surgery. Best of luck to you!

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2016

    I don't know about Mentor annatomicals but my Allergan 410 have a textured exterior that adheres to the muscle and chest. Rippling is very uncommon with them. I have no ripples at all. They are more firm than rounds but I love them. They look very natural. I didn't sleep on my side for months. Are you supposed to wear a sports bra all the time? That helps them from migrating or rotation. Be careful and enjoy your new foobs!


  • pch
    pch Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2016

    Hey, I've got a question. I've had TEs in for about two months, exchange in another month. Once the silicone implants are in, do the pecs stay hyperextended into the armpit? I can barely get deodorant in there, let alone a razor. Does squishy equal more normal pecs?

    Also, for those of you who had nerve pain after reconstruction with TEs, does it start all over again when the exchange is made? It's gotten milder, but have like two things I can wear that don't feel like they're rubbing me raw. Looking forward to wearing real clothes. :)

    Any insight welcome!

  • PNY
    PNY Member Posts: 90
    edited January 2016

    I finished my last chemo (TC) almost four weeks ago and I have been scheduled for my swap January 26th. Not sure what implant I am getting just know they will be round with extra projection. Ps said I would need about 2 weeks to recovery.

    PS said she would take fat for grafting from my abdomen via liposuction through my belly button. Anyone else have that. How painful is that? I gained weight from the chemo and steroids and am hoping that would at least give me the flatter stomach I had before this whole thing started.

    Happy healthy new year to all


  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited January 2016

    pch - Yes, your arm pits will revert back to normal after your exchange and the two 'bat caves' that the TEs create will disappear.

    PNY - I've had fat grafting twice. The first time was during revision surgery and the fat was taken through my belly button and distributed across the upper pole of each foob. It hurt to stand up for a few days, but nothing horrible. The pain and bruising are both manageable and the end result is so worth any temporary discomfort. So much so that I had another surgery about six months later that was all about fat grafting. I have terribly thin skin and so my PS was going for both coverage and aesthetics. The second time, they took the fat from my flanks and again, it hurt to stand up for a few days, but the technicolor bruising was quite entertaining - and in the end the result was well worth any pain!

  • exercise_guru
    exercise_guru Member Posts: 333
    edited January 2016

    I could really use some input

    For those of you who had your Exchange did you have a corset post swap and if so how long were you required to wear it? My doctor had me wear my pink corset from my Double Mastectomy. I am just wondering if that is standard? Also I wonder how long I have to have it on.

    What was your care for your breasts the week after swap as far as protection and support, incisions etc.

  • MsVeryDenseBreasts
    MsVeryDenseBreasts Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2016

    PCH, I'm post exchange and proper shaving of the pits is still a challenge for me. It's better than it was with the TE's but still more concave that it used to be. On the plus side, I did not have any nerve pain or twitching or tightness after the exchange. The only think limiting my range of motion at the moment is the docs restrictions on activity. The implants also seem to stay warm (yeah).

    Exercise_guru, I did not have any corset/dressing....only stitches and surgical glue. The surgical bra they put on me was huge. I switched to one that fits better and have to wear it 24/7 for two weeks....after that only during the day until I hit 6 weeks. After 6 weeks I was told I could do whatever I want in terms of dress and activity.

    Robin, as folks have noted on these board so often these PS's all seem to have different instructions (don't we know it!). Yep, I'm wearing a bra. In my case I was told by both the BS & PS that sleeping on my sides would actually be beneficial as it will help gently "massage" the implant in the pocket as it settled....and it does look better this week than last (fingers crossed) All the textured anatomicals are designed to adhere to your chest wall as you heal. Re: rippling....that's a function of anatomy vs. the implant brand characteristics. It appears to be where the science of medicine meets the art of plastic surgery. If someone is very thin (thin tissue, no fat), they are more likely have have rippling (less so with silicone than saline). They can try to rectify that with Alloderm if the patient doesn't have fat to graft from elsewhere but like all else with this process there is no guarantee that either fat grafting or Alloderm will work (as evidenced by some of the posts on these boards). I've been told to wait 3 mos to see how things end up. If there is mild rippling I think I'd still consider this to be a closed chapter. I want to get on with life and it's not like I'm gearing up to do porno! :)

  • Scottiemom11
    Scottiemom11 Member Posts: 1,072
    edited January 2016

    exercise guru. . .for both BMx and EX, my PS had me wrapped for two days and I had surgical glue + inside dissolvable stiches. After that I was able to take off the wrap and shower. I had a surgical bra for BMx which I wore most of the time for a few weeks just because the support felt better, but I was not required to. For EX I went right back to my Bali sports bras. Every surgeon is different.


  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    exercise guru, I had my exchange on September 25 with Inspira 600 cc's. I wore nothing....just my button up blouse. I graduated to a Cobie bra, which I love - look them up online, about 3 weeks after the exchange and the incisions were healed enough. My PS used surgical stiches. I read about all the women who wear these special bras after surgery, but my PS says they are not necessary, so, that is what I did. Everything seems to be fine.

    And, AZ, yes, you will have normal armpits once again.:)

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    Hello ladies! Thank you everyone for your experience and wise advice. Interesting that some ladies feel the implants as cold and some don't. I wonder if it depends on how much tissue surrounds the implant? I had a skin-sparing, nipple-sparing BMx, so maybe there is enough tissue so not to feel the cold? Considering that I am still having some hot flashes, having cold implants may be tolerable.

    mjh1: yes, I am looking forward to being on the squishy side. I'm glad to hear the surgery is a breeze compared to what we've done! I will remind myself frequently to take it easy those first 4 weeks.

    hello again maxdog/Tricia! We met at TE primer.

    robin/blessed: Thank you. I'm glad to hear how happy you are with the gummies. I had a lot of brusing and swelling with my BMx. Three weeks after BMx, I had a debridement procedure, and there was fluid squirting out from the healing BMx. So we are worried about fluid in the pocket.

    I will definitely ask about bras.

    MsVeryDenseBreasts: You had drains for only 8 days? Nice. I had drains for 12 days with BMx, so I can handle another 8 days or so. I hope to follow in your footsteps of getting off all pain meds later on the same day.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited January 2016

    For my exchange sx, i had no drains..Since I had drains every time I got the TEs, i was surprised. LOL. But it worked. My implants are warm but I wonder if because they are saline if that makes a difference. .I also had dog ears aka side boobage removed at TE placement so it took longer o heal.

    Much love

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    Mominator, I also had skin and nipple sparing, but we only have skin that covers the muscle and implants, so, yes, they are cold. I have not heard of anyone with warm implants. Yes, the surgery is a lot easier than the BMX. I had no drains and was doing great after a few days. Good luck!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,409
    edited January 2016

    The temperature of my foobs with implants is no different than the rest of my body. I have Allergan 410 anatomical implants.

  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    Wow! That is great!

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited January 2016
    I can't wait to get rid of my expanders. It is cold here -13F and when I shiver it hurts. The muscles contracting overtop of my expanders is very uncomfortable. I also had my expanders filled yesterday so they are super tight today. My back between my shoulder blades gets very sore after a fill as well. I'm all done with my fills. Yay!
  • mysunshine48
    mysunshine48 Member Posts: 915
    edited January 2016

    Dee....YEA, no more fills. My back hurt with expanders and some after the exchange, but has gotten a lot better.

    Yes, expanders were so uncomfortable. Hold'll get there! :)

  • deeratz
    deeratz Member Posts: 319
    edited January 2016

    32 more sleeps until I am free from these things. That is my Christmas. I will becounting down like my kids used to for Christmas.

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited January 2016

    PCH, I'm also post-exchange and my underarms are a little better than when I had the TEs but not by much. I've heard this complaint from other women as well.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    Moonflwr/Monica: I'm sorry about your side boobage. I have some extra skin under the breasts. I think PS left it because he thought I would want to go bigger. He may tweak that skin now, or wait and see how things are after this surgery. I really don't want to have another surgery after this.

    Mysunshine: thanks

    MinusTwo: I will also have Allergan 410 anatomicals.

    DeeRatz: yes, it hurts when I have the shivers. Only 8 more sleeps for me.

    Leslienva: the underarms are a big concern for me. I am a flutist. I told PS that I want the implants not to stick into my armpits like the TEs, and I need full ROM when done.

  • bikefam
    bikefam Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2016

    DeeRatz, I too am annoyed when I shiver. Glad I'm not the only one. This was true when I had the TE and even now, 5 weeks post exchange. Now it feels like my implants are moving around when I shiver. Hopefully that will go away.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2016

    Mominator, I don't shiver much in So Cal but sometimes when I get cold, I feel a phantom sensation like when your nipples stand up when you are cold. So weird! I never had the arm pit problem with TE's or my implants. My implants, Allergan 410 anatomicals, are in the same place my TE's were. They don't move much either.


  • pch
    pch Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2016

    Thanks everyone. Tried playing pool the other night (for the first time in years) and could barely hit a shot the TEs were so far into my armpits. Try explaining that when you sink the cue ball. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I get my (hopefully) last fill tomorrow and exchange a month from today. Looking forward to the squishy side and sleeping on my side and the brighter side in general. (And yes, I get the weird cold phantom nipple thing too. Glad to know I'm not alone. But really?)

  • Leslienva
    Leslienva Member Posts: 343
    edited January 2016

    For anyone looking for bra recommendations, I just tried the Jockey brand crop top bra. It's cotton, has removable padding and it's very comfortable. The regular type bras aren't comfortable for me now.