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Exchange City



  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited September 2016

    Thank you, ladies! So interesting!! I specifically remember when I interviewed my PS that he said when I'm all done I will not need a bra, which I'm very happy about. I went flat for a while after BMX, then prosthesis. Although I liked the shape of prosthesis, I didn't like going back to a bra after getting used to not wearing one. I have read on other threads that larger implants should be supported with a bra, but I'm not going very big. My PS has a great deal of experience and I completely trust him, but my concern is any potential complications that would change the long term bra need. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited September 2016

    Hi everyone I too have been hanging around reading everyone's posts. I will see a PS next month to set up for exchange. My first PS left for another position in another state pretty far away. She had told me I would never have to wear a bra again once I was done

    I don't know what my knew PS will say. He is with the original group where my surgery was done and is supposed to be good.

    I wonder if it makes a difference whether the implants are above or underneath the muscle. My TEs are under. Also I can't even wear a bra of any kind now because of excess tissue under my arms and deep dimples under there too. Looks a little like 4 boobs. Not comfortable at all!

    I already feel and look at myself so much now I hope I don't get worse after exchange. Ha! Catch myself sometimes in public about to adjust or rub the area. I tell myself it's because they are uncomfortable but I think it may be because they still feel a little like they are someone else's. You know no feeling it the skin. I have noticed every since my April surgery I have felt like I already have a tight bra on.

  • SanFranKitty
    SanFranKitty Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2016

    Hi Seedsally! Oh yes the numb feeling is weird. I am started to get some feeling back in certain areas, but I don't think all of mine will. My two front teeth are also numb from a surgery years ago, so I feel like a patchwork person. I'm sure you're foobs will look a lot better after your exchange! what type are you going with?

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited September 2016

    San Fran I don't know for sure what type. I was originally told that 800cc Mentor rounds high profile was recommended. My TEs are 750ccs. I have no idea how much tissue was removed but I was a D and sometimes DD cup 36-38" band. I am tall and a little overweight so I didn't look that large. I'm thinking about silicone instead of saline for a more natural feel. I worry because I can feel ripples and dents where my skin is so thin. I hope the implants feel better.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited September 2016

    Jessie...yep. I get my seam ripper...make a small slice in the outer part...and just pull out the wire. I find that with the good quality bras, that there is plenty of support from just the "wire casing", that I can wear virtually all of my bras all day long (12 hour shifts), with my no more wire underwire bras, lol. I did that with a swimsuit as well. So much more comfortable;) Platex full coverage, maidenform comfort devotion and vs body by Victoria, Olga are my favorites. Also, cloud 9 warners is very soft. The inside material has to be soft and not itchy. We must be careful because of all the numbness post mx to prevent skin damage. Burlington, Gabriel bros, and vs are my favorite bra places. Soma is supposed to be good, but expensive...and I don't like spending a ton of $ on bras.

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited September 2016

    Seedsally, my TE's produced a tight feeling too. I had deep creases and dents, and the shape of the expanders was too round and way too out-like half grapefruits under my thin skin. I exchanged for anatomical silicone. Went from 450 TE to a 495 implant. The doc fat grafted and filled the deep dents. The size and shape are perfect now after the swelling went down. The comfort is amazing. I don't even notice them any more.

    My deepest dents will need a second round of grafting. Not enough of the fat survived this first graft. Good news is I have plenty to donate for round two, or three, or four.... whatever it takes.

    I actually think th lyposuction was more painful than the exchange. Feels like a BAD sunburn....

  • SanFranKitty
    SanFranKitty Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2016

    For me lipo hurt more than the exchange too. In fact I still have sore areas on my abdomen, and have not been able to wear jeans yet. I went with round saline, which I think I already mentioned. I like the shape a lot. I do have a slope at the top like a normal breast and actually they are kind of soft. They don't feel or look like TEs. But I have this weird feeling my fat took more on one side. I know that they put 360 on one side and 370 the other. But the outer area of the right foob looks fuller on the side than the other. At first I thought it was swelling, but now I wonder. Maybe I need another fat graft, but at 5'6 and 116lbs it might be tough to find. Bring on the Ben and Jerry's I guess!

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    hi SanFranKitty,

    It sounds like overall you had good results with your exchange. I know my ps said that they would do the fat grafts or revisions until I was satisfied. How long has it been since the exchange? How did you come to the decision to go with saline. That was my first inclination to go with but I was told there could be a lot of rippling. I didn't even mind the little rippling I had with the tissue expander. At least they projected and looked in proportion to my body and even looks quite natural. I am so overwhelmed, impatient but I just am perplexed when I read on the reconstruction thread that what implants my ps picked for me. Others complained about the naturelle 410 style being so flat and no projection and was probably not a good fit for a thinner body frame as mine. I wanted a round look but natural. Thanks for your support. It is so appreciated.


  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2016

    Hi Remi50,

    I thought I'd share my current experience with the 410 natrelle. I'm also very, very thin and small on top (this being one of many factors leading to the implants I have) and she said rounds would simply look artificial on me (more than one reason for this, too). I have the LX410 290 extra full projection which are not very big by any stretch of imagination. I had my surgery 1 1/2 weeks ago. My PS warned me that I might feel smaller when I first looked down as these implants are less full on top, while my round TEs were more evenly full top to bottom.

    Anyway, my first look down I was surprised to have the opposite reaction than she thought I'd have. I thought I looked bigger and these guys seem to project more than my TEs did. To be honest, I'd be surprised to have felt differently. These implants are competing with nothing to project off the flat surface of my chest. She padded around the top with fat and I can't say for sure how much that is adding to the look.

    One additional note; she showed me the options prior to surgery - round saline and the silicone anatomical. Her main point in that was to talk about rippling and that there would be less with the silicone. My implants are above the muscle so rippling is a greater risk, I think, for me with only my skin covering it.

    I'm wearing a 32D currently, but I don't think that's correct. I just tried to get something with the underwire (needed for my healing period) not sitting on the implants. My best guess is I'm a 30D (although my daughter's 30D didn't fit correctly but think that's a strap issue - she has broader shoulders than me). I tried on several 32B, C sizes and I filled out the cup in the C and B without gaps in the cup - just the underwire wasn't correct.

    I have not looked at many pics online and I'm not sure I'm comfortable sharing mine, but I'd be surprised if anyone would be able to easily guess these are anatomical vs. round. I keep feeling them and they feel full and pretty roundish to me. I know a picture would be most helpful, but maybe my description helps a tad.

    Ok, I'm editing this to add that I just stared at them for quite a while and from the side I can see the slope of the anatomical design. It's just pretty slight and gradual and that may again be due to the smallish size.

    It's kind of confusing, isn't it? Best wishes as you make your final decision!

  • SanFranKitty
    SanFranKitty Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2016

    Remi, I sent you some pics. You can see that they don't look like two coconuts on my chest. I don't have a lot to compare them to of course. Like most of you, I don't have any friends who have gone through this type of thing, and it is different from breast augmentation.

  • SanFranKitty
    SanFranKitty Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2016

    I actually have some rippling on the outer part on one side. That is the side where I don't think the fat took :(. I am going to discuss it with my PS when I see him next. No rippling on the cleavage area. Thank goodness! I went with smooth round saline because I'm a worrier and have fatigue issues. I knew I would always be stressing out if I had silicone, and blaming the silicone for health stuff. PS said it was no problem and they didn't want me to have to worry about it all the time either. Also I'm kind of obsessive about my cosmetics and food being free of this, that and the other. So it's just easier for me this way. I did kind of worry about what they would look like. But they turned out to look fine. Luckily these days we do have choices, and I think there is something for everyone.

  • Gabby56b
    Gabby56b Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2016

    Hello all....scheduled to have latisse dorsi flap surgery on Oct 3. I see my plastic surgeon on Tuesday. He is not sure at this time if he will put in another tissue expander, or if he will be able to put in implants. Have others who have had this surgery had hospital stats, or is this outpatient. The Dr. Said I would be in 2 days, my my insurance company says it can be done outpatient. I was looking for others and their experiences....



  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited September 2016

    Hi Gabby, I had LD flap with TE placement this summer. I stayed two night in the hospital. The LD flap surgery is pretty major and I would expect to stay at least one night.

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    hi Jessie Jake ,

    Will respond later.. So tired.. Thank you!!


  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    hi Jessie Jake,

    Thanks for sharing so much with me. That's ok if you don't feel comfortable with showing me pics. Your description was quite good. My ps basically said the same thing as yours. She is highly recognized and I wanted to trust her judgement. However, mine are under the muscle so I may not get the projection you experienced going over the muscle. She felt I may be disappointed with the size after exchange. She felt she would only be able to put in 360cc. My skin just could not stretch anymore. This is so anxiety provoking. I research so much about all aspects of my treatment. I even started to work with Whippitmom for sizing etc.. But then the ps and pa said that she would be trying different sizes shapes when I was in surgery and she would pick what she thought would work best on me. I felt that I would leave it in her hands and pray for a good outcome. So far that isn't happening. I am looking for encouragement from my bc sister's along with anyone who may have close to the same style and size implants and what their final outcome was. I appreciate everyone sharing their info with me. Naturelle 360 cc , 410FX anatomical silicone under muscle.

    Also good luck to all you other bc sister's that are experiencing different issues that I don't have the experienced myself. You woman are phenomenal with your outreach and support that are passed around these threads. I hope I can help others after this next phase passes. For now.. I'm still hanging on that ledge.

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    hi jessiejake,

    Didn't mean to make it all about me. I am so grateful you shared with me what size and style implant you just had put in and the reasons your ps felt that would be a good choice for you. It sounds like you will be very happy with the overall results!! I will continued to try to remember what you have told me when I start to get anxious about my exchange. I will continue to keep you posted. 💕


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited September 2016

    Hello Remi50, I have 475 Natrelle 410 FF annatomicals under muscle. I am 18 months post EX. I am very happy with my results. I haven't had any problems with my implants. Yes, trust your PS. I had the choice but like you, I didn't want to look unnatural and wanted the best outcome possible. PM me if you want. I am willing to send pictures if you would like.


  • JessieJake
    JessieJake Member Posts: 170
    edited September 2016

    Hi Remi, no worries - You can be all about you right now! I totally get it. It is very confusing and anxiety provoking (as I think you said exactly!). I didn't even know I was worried until about a week before exchange surgery - Way more worried than before BMX which seems a little backwards, doesn't it? I also had a limit on the skin stretching which left me at my smallish size. It was kind of fun during the expansion process to watch my chest grow and I started getting a little greedy. It is probably for the best that my skin put a limit on the expansion. LOL, I may have ended up a little tipsy top heavy on my frame!

    At the end of the day, it's all so individual as our body shapes are all so unique. Robinblessed, that is so nice of you to offer your pics! I bet that will help you a lot, Remi, since hers are under the muscle.

    Sometimes I find when my expectations have been set low I end up more pleased with the final result. Maybe you will be fortunate in that way with this! It's great you are having open communication with your PS. That will help to make sure you are both on the same page.

    Good luck and best wishes for perkiness!

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    hi robinblessed54,

    I am new to this thread as I just had my exchange surgery 9/15/16..last Thursday. I have been conversing with jessiejake and SanFranKitty that have been a savings grace. I had an exchange to 410 FX( high profile & high projection) silicone anatomical implant .. 360cc's. With fat injection at time of exchange. I was so disappointed when I woke up because I did not have any where close to the projection I had with the tissue expanders. Looking down in the compression bra they look flat like pancakes. Can you give me any insight how your implant exchange looked with having the same style implants that my ps chose for me.



  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    hello again to all that are helping and supporting me on this thread.

    Robinblessed54... You beat me to the thread. I am still on all the pain meds and not myself with thinking what I have read and posted.. I keep having to review the posts to keep it all straight so forgive me if I seem confused.. You have 475cc's if I remember or close.. So I'm at 360cc's otherwise the same implant. Did you notice a big difference between the new implants and the TE's with upper pole project or just overall what difference or similarities stood out to you? I was greedy too with liking how the te was expanding just like jessiejake.. (Lol)... Then to wake up with such a flat looking chest and not feeling feminine at all has me devastated and not feeling so good. It's sounds awful that I should just be grateful that I have something. But to have a taste of perkiness and the te size complimented my shape .. Basically just gave me fullness and I looked balanced.. I hope I see an improvement and I become pleasantly surprised. I know you all feel like me in the sense of researching and finally climbing to the next phase and the constant decisions that have to be made. Undoubtably an overwhelming situation for us all . It so nice to have all of you to turn to. Thank you all for being so kind and compassionate.


  • SanFranKitty
    SanFranKitty Member Posts: 81
    edited September 2016

    Hi Remi, I bet the effects of the anesthesia are also making concentration difficult. That combined with the pain meds. The first few days after my exchange are a bit of a blur for me. :)

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    no doubt... I think that with this whole bc diagnosis it always seems to leave you second guessing something. I will let you know how my follow up visit goes on Wednesday . Again, I thank you all for your support and will try to nap for awhile!!! Feeling grateful..


  • Mimito5
    Mimito5 Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2016

    Hi Gabby56b,

    I had LD flap with TE's in April after a BMX last September. Mine was done outpatient and I had no problems. My DH was home with me the day after but I didn't really need him. Most of my pain came from the TE fill at the time of surgery more than the incision on my back. I am scheduled for my exchange on the 27th and looking forward to it. I hope this helps if you are forced by your insurance for outpatient surgery.

  • Gabby56b
    Gabby56b Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2016

    thanks so much, Wildtulip. Will be talking to PS on Tuesday....anxious to find out specifics....

  • Gabby56b
    Gabby56b Member Posts: 32
    edited September 2016

    thanks, mimito5...that makes me feel better...

  • HuskerFan
    HuskerFan Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2016

    Remi, I'm in the same boat you are right now. I'm currently almost 4 weeks out from exchange and am very unhappy. While my implants are larger than yours, I have the Natrelle 410 FX anatomicals. I also left it in the hands of my PS....he said he'd make the final decision during the procedure as to what looked best. I had asked for guidance from whippetmom and she said she is not a fan of the FX style because of the height to width ratio. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow.

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    hi Huskerfan,

    I am so sorry to hear you are in my boat. I, like you, probably research and gather as much info as possible to try to make an informative decision in all this madness. I have sought out what I feel are some the best doctors in the country. There is constantly some form of contradiction in all aspects of this treatment making it nearly impossible to have great confidence that we are making the right decisions. I know this sounds confusing but I guess I'm trying to say that I thought this would have the least consequence and the most reward. I have read also on other threads that the 410 tend to have a flat look after the fact. I still think if I read that before and my surgeon felt they were the best choice I would have still gone with her recommendation. As of now I feel like they were not the best choice. I am trying to gain the proper perspective and where to go from here. I think in hindsight I would ask my ps what are her patients feedback on the different styles that she used for other patients with my body type/frame. I would also have asked to call or have the patients be in touch with me so I could ask them myself what they liked or disliked about their implants. I will find out more come Wednesday at my follow up apt. Feel free to private message me and I will give you my contact number and we can discuss anything over the phone if you are comfortable with that. We will get through this together.☀️☀️☀️

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited September 2016

    My implants are Allergan silicone 410s, style FF, 650 cc. It has been a little over two years, and I'm happy with them. I went from a DD or DDD cup to about a C cup.

  • HuskerFan
    HuskerFan Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2016


    That's what makes this so difficult! We do our own research, but our PS is supposed to be the expert. So, naturally, we end up deferring to them as they ultimately know more than we do.

    Where are you located?

  • Remi50
    Remi50 Member Posts: 44
    edited September 2016

    Thanks Janett24 for the feedback. How did you feel about them initially after your exchange? Were you happy about them for the start or was it something you eventually became to like and what are your reason?
