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Exchange City



  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited December 2016

    EX day tomorrow! Send me your good thoughts, please. 9:30 start.

  • Keiki
    Keiki Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2016

    Wildtulip, Good luck tomorrow. I will be watching for your results. I'll take my Xanax in a few minutes, and include you in my prayers.

  • kingster
    kingster Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2016

    Wildtulip, best wishes for your surgery. You will not be missing those tissue expanders when you wake up!

    Novmoon, you might still feel tight because you only had TE for 2 months. I had mine in for total of 8 months. 2 months to fill, and 6 month dwelling time. If the foobs are pretty soft, it's probably not cc.

    Grandma, all my docs say that the implants are pretty tough. Not supposed to damage just by sleeping. Actually, I exercise with a lady from my ps practice...and she said it was actually good to lay on them at times. I guess it helps stretch the space and makes them less tight feeling.

  • marketingmama
    marketingmama Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2016

    HI Ladies! Just posting to share that I'm heading back to surgery this Thursday to repair my right side where I have capsular contracture. PS is going to remove the capsule, clean the pocket and start all over with a new implant. Then we pray that the CC doesn't recur. Since I'm going in anyway, he's also going to do some fat grafting on the opposite side where I have rippling, a dent and a pretty significant drop off in cleavage area. He's also going to remove and tighten up loose skin under my armpit on the CC side. I got pretty stretched out there, I think because I had TEs twice. In any event, happy to get rid of the extra blobby skin.

    I think this might be my sixth surgery since my BMX. Starting to loose count...

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited December 2016

    Wildtulip guess you are either going in to surgery or already there. Best wishes!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2016

    marketing - good luck! I just had what I hope is my last surgery on 11/9 and had some lipo in that underarm area (bi-lat) and it smarts a bit! I think it is because there is not a larger bed of fat, like from the abdomen or thigh. I did get some firmness there, and it comes and goes, and my PS advised pretty firm massage to help break up the edema.

    nov - ask your PS about massage of the implants, that is supposed to help with prevention of CC.

    wild - good luck!

  • marketingmama
    marketingmama Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2016

    Thanks SpecialK!! Yay that you're (hopefully) done. Are you happy with outcome? Yea, I'm a bit nervous about the discomfort from lipo and from the skin tightening (extending incision). But very much willing to deal with pain now if it means I'll be done!!

    Best of luck to those ladies getting ready for surgery or in recovery.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited December 2016

    marketing - happy is a relative word when it pertains to my recon. I started off with NSM and now have no nipples, I can never wear a V-neck top or regular bathing suit, I do have to wear a bra every day with some amount of padding to conceal both the shape and position of the left side, which has been incised 16 times. While all of that is fact, I am thrilled to have two like objects in my chest, at the same time, and when I am strategically dressed nobody would guess what is going on underneath. I look as good as I possibly can considering the circumstances, and I look better than I expected to before I changed surgeons. Happy? Yes!!

  • marketingmama
    marketingmama Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2016

    SpecialK, you keep me grounded! Amazing attitude.

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited December 2016

    Recovering at my mom's now. Sleepy & nausea. Thanks for well wishes

    LADYnKY Member Posts: 36
    edited December 2016

    MrsB and grandma..... I slept on my side! lol consciencely of course. Not all night but gave it a go. I kept looking at my chest to see if I was causing pressure

    I guess I'm worried it will push them

  • MrsB88
    MrsB88 Member Posts: 77
    edited December 2016

    Grandma - That was some nightmare! Hope your next side sleeping excursion gives sweet dreams!

    Novmoon - Try wearing a bra & see if you feel more comfortable. I'm 11 1/2 wks. out & I'm more comfortable wearing one. I still have a bit of tightness but it doesn't concern me at this point. I think it just takes more time to adjust to the new implants.

    Wildtulip - Glad you're resting & EX is over! Hope the nausea was brief & I wish you happy healing & great results!

    marketingmama - Good luck on Thurs. & may all the surgical corrections leave you with the results you hope to achieve!

    SpecialK - You truly are an inspiration to all of us & we are so lucky to have you share your wisdom & exceptional attitude in going thru this process!

    LADYnKY - Congrats on giving side sleeping a go! I have anatomicals too & while I do wear a sports bra to bed for support, my implants look really good after 3+ wks. of side sleeping! I don't think you have to worry about them being "pushed".

  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2016

    Kingster, that makes sense since I did not have the expanders in for that long of a time.

    SpecialK, the PS is having me push them in 3 different directions holding for 60 seconds each direction. Maybe I wasn't doing it enough?

    I have been trying to sleep on my side for brief periods but seems too uncomfortable. I did sleep on one side last night for a couple hours and was sore when I got up.

    MrsB88, I don't have any bras anymore, just sports bras. I have a couple that fasten in the front but seem too uncomfortable even though I got them a few sizes too big.

    Any comments on nipple replacements?. My PS said 99% of his patients get them but I am not so sure.

    Bless you all for your comments. I wish you all the best in your treatment and recovery. This group has been a godsend.

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited December 2016

    Thanks for the well wishes & support. Holding food down now..yay! I have post op with nurses tomorrow. They will remove bandages. Can't wait for the big reveal.

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214
    edited December 2016

    Wild tulip congrats on your exchange 💕👍🏼🙏🏼

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited December 2016

    Bikefam and LADYinKY: it took me a long while before I felt comfortable sleeping on my side. Give yourself some time while you're recovering. You'll be back on your side soon.

    Kingster: I had a lot of pocket work done at exchange. I still wear a bra to bed. I gives me extra support. I may give up the bra at night soon.

    Grandma3X: Sorry about that nightmare! I hope the next time is uneventful.

    Novmoon: I still feel better wearing my bra. I've been weaning myself slowly off bras at night, and I'm nearly 11 months out from EX. I only feel tightness when I'm cold. I prefer wearing bras during the day for modesty.

    Wildtulip: Yeah! I'm so glad your EX is done. I hope you're feeling better every day.

    marketingmama: wishing you smooth sailing on Thursday. I hope this will give you the results you desire.

    SpecialK: I'm always happy to see your posts. You have so much wisdom that you freely share with us and an amazing attitude as well!

    LADYnKY Member Posts: 36
    edited December 2016

    wildtulip hope you're pleased with exchange!

    MrsB thanks for encouragement I am sleeping for brief periods on my side I keep looking at my chest to make sure they don't go all Uniboob from side sleeping hopefully it will feel more natural in time not use to having boobs so not sure where to put my arms when I'm trying to side sleep lol never had boobs to get in the way lol

    Novmoon how's your side sleeping? Are you getting the origami nipple? I think I am in the early spring I'd like to hear how it goes from someone before I do it

    Thanks bikefam and mominator hopefully sidesleeping gets more natiral

  • marketingmama
    marketingmama Member Posts: 62
    edited December 2016

    Thanks for all the well wishes. So sweet!!

  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2016

    LADYnKY - haven't decided on the nipple yet. See PS in a month and will discuss.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2016

    I'm on tap for Friday. With the BMX I was in 2 nights at the hospital with 4 drains, 2 for 2 weeks and 2 for 3 additional weeks. Then I got infected which led to hospital for a week followed by home IV abx then oral abx all through chemo. So it's hard for me to hear, again, no worries as that was supposed to be not so bad either. Looking forward to having these rocks removed but worry about if the SEs I have from the BMX of lots of numbness, sometimes burning and pain- will get worse by going in again.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited December 2016

    Artista, have you've had your TE's for 16 months? I am amazed at your fortitude!

    My BS believes that the numbness from breast surgery lasts about 2 years. She has been polling her patients.
    My PS says that the EX is less invasive than the MX, so healing should be quicker.

    I understand you are worried. Would it be worth discussing with your doctor a plan for avoiding/handling infection? My PS gives everyone prophylactic antibiotics, and starts them about 30-60 minutes before the surgery. My PS also does drains for all anatomical implants. He says it lowers the risk of rotation.

    I had drains with the EX and it was easier than the drains from the MX. I really wasn't as sore with the EX as I was with the MX.

    Good luck to you this week.


  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2016

    Yep. I've had TEs since 8/6/15! With all the complications and hospitalisations I've had, I'm at least 4-5 months behind my fellow sx mo peeps. Thanks for the well wishes. Glad my bro is able to drive up from LA for a few days just in case. I have my girl in my profile pic to worry about too in case something goes awry.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited December 2016

    Good luck on Friday Artista ! I have had one TE since August 2015. I think Artista and I were in the same surgery group . My second TE is from July of this year . I am waiting for my PS office to schedule my exchange , hopefully in January. I side sleep pretty easily with the TE's in . I am very anxious and nervous about exchange surgery because I had radiation on my left side and that TE is really tight . My other one is almost real feeling .

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited December 2016

    Thanks Molly! Yes, I remember you in our sx group. We're both long timers in getting the final chapter closed with the TE exchange. It took awhile but I've been able to side sleep for a long while now. I was more worried about moving them. Then I saw a youtube vid that showed that they are actually sewn in place.

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited December 2016
    Six weeks! Woo how - I can sleep on my side again :)

    Everything looks like it's healed up. The knot of tissue on the left has gone down dramatically. I'm not sure if the massaging helped, but I still massage the incisions once a day hoping they will flatten out. My right side is definitely smaller than the left (cancer) side, so now I'm obsessing that maybe the BS did not take all my breast tissue out and that the cancer may come back.....

    Artista, good luck on Friday! I had to laugh when you said you watched a YouTube video. I thought I was the only one who went looking for surgery videos on YouTube. I remember watching a video of breast surgery one day and for some reason closed my laptop while it was still playing. When I opened it back up again the next day at a meeting at work, there it was, still playing. I'm still not sure if anyone else at the meeting saw it.
    LADYnKY Member Posts: 36
    edited December 2016

    grandma ! How's the side sleeping?? I'm trying in the night but I find myself going to my back. I feel like they're pushed and it worries me lol what kind of position do you get your self in?

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited December 2016

    Thanks for your support, everyone!

    My new foobs don't look the seems higher and flatter, so hopefully when they settle things will even out. I keep telling myself what many have said, which is stepping away from the mirror. I have accepted that it takes time, but have people who keep asking me about outcome (because they are happy and excited for me). So although I'm being patient about it, I have to keep explaining that results take time. It hasn't even been 48 hours!

    One question I have (I don't remember reading here), did anyone else feel itchy after EX?

    I hope this makes sense..still have pain med fogginess.

  • Novmoon
    Novmoon Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2016

    Wildtulip I was extremely itchy after the EX surgery. I thought it might be due to pain meds but was on the same after the first surgery. Finally quit after a week or two. I still rarely look in the mirror after more than 2 months. PS says don't worry, takes time.

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited December 2016

    Wildtulip I was extremely itchy for about a week after EX. My PS thought it was probably the pain meds. Twice I took liquid Benedryl after the pain pill and it helped a lot. Now I'm a little afraid of the next time I need pain med. my chest had a slight rash and itched. The PS said the towels used in surgery had adhesive on them and I am sensitive to adhesives. So I wondered if that caused it. I quit pain meds and still itched some on my chest. I even had itching that felt deep like behind the implants that came and went for a week or so. That may be disturbed nerves or phantom sensations because I could have sworn my nipples itched and I don't have any.

    One of my mounds (non cancer side) seems smaller around, harder and tighter than the other side. I had not noticed that much swelling but there had to have been some. Maybe as that goes down I am just noticing differences between the two mounds. I can live with it as long as nothing is wrong. I am going to give it plenty of time. I wonder if swelling may be the cause of your difference right now.

    Glad you are feeling ok.

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited December 2016

    Thanks Novmoon and Seedsally.. glad I'm not the only one to experience itching. Good idea about the Benedryl. If my allergy med (loratadine) doesn't help, I'll try the Benedryl.