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Exchange City



  • tennischick888
    tennischick888 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2017

    I am 3 days post exchange surgery. I ended up with Natrelle 410FX 450 cc. anatomical drains. I had a lot of tightness the first 24 hours but now I am much better. My final tissue expanders were only filled to 210 cc. so maybe that's why I felt so tight. Everything looks really smooth and no more weird bumps from the TEs! I know that they will have to settle so I will have to wait to see what the final foobs will look like

    LRGO Sorry to hear about the setback. Sending lots of prayers and positive thoughts your way for a speedy resolution! Keep up the positive attitude!

    mom2allboys Glad to hear that your surgery went well!!

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2017

    wow tennischick, from 210cc TE's to 450cc anatomicals - no wonder you felt tight. Your skin must have been stretched like a drum head! Have you tapped on them to see if they are in tune?! ;-)

    I had 450cc TE's replaced by 495 cc anatomicals with fat grafting. Felt good immediately and I looked like a barbie doll for a while. .. all boobs! But the majority of the fat graft has vanished. We will fat graft again next week when he either repositions or replaces my slipped implant. Did you have fat grafting? I found that the burning discomfort of lyposuction was the worst part. The initial numbness worried me but 3 mos after, all the feeling has returned to my stomach area.

    Compression garmets are your friend if you had lypo. They ease the pain.

    Hope you heal well and fast!

  • grandma3X
    grandma3X Member Posts: 297
    edited January 2017
    LRGO - I'm so sorry for your setback! I hope your implants behave themselves next time.

    I'm liking my implants more and more (300 cc smooth rounds). After 2months the scars were still pretty ugly, though, so I started using silicone strips. What a difference! Just one day and the redness has disappeared.
  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2017

    grandma, I am almost 2 years post ex and have a really bad keloid on right foob. I wore the Scar away silicone strips for months and it didn't help. My other scars are better. But a keloid scar tissue is just too thick. The only solution for this is scar revision and I don't want to do that. Hope the strips help you.


  • Dafne
    Dafne Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2017

    LRGO, sorry abt the setback! I was wondering though, you did not realize the implant rotation when it happened? There were no visible sings or sny discomfort or something?

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2017

    Dafne, yeah, I knew something was amiss about a month after the fat graft thinned because of the asymmetrical appearance, but I had no pain and no infection and could not get an appointment with my PS during the holidays so I just waited for our upcoming presurgery meeting in January to ask. I did not recognize it had rotated until the ps commented on it. Then the shape it had made sense.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2017

    LRGO, Do you think the fat grafting could have dislodged the implant? Did you follow the strict rules that gummies require? I was told to wear a sports bra 24/7 for 6 weeks after they were tightly bound for the first week. I actually felt more comfortable wearing a bralette after about a year.

    I didn't sleep on my side for a year.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2017

    This week was 1 year since exchange surgery. I have Natrelle 410 Style FX Anatomically shaped implants. Left is 450cc and Right is 495. 

    I am doing very well, am fully healed and have resumed all activities. I was jogging again in the spring after about 10 weeks of recovery. I developed tendonitis in my feet, so I had to back off the running for a while. I resumed jogging again, just in time for the winter months (blah!).

    Somewhere around six months, I finally felt comfortable enough to sleep on my sides again.

    My breast surgeon thinks that skin feeling may come back around the two year mark. I do have a little feeling in the skin of the right breast: if touched near the cleavage, there is a tingling sensation in a line from there to the arm.

    My breasts are sisters but certainly not twins. I look pretty good in clothes and even bathing suits. Left still looks like a hamburg roll and looks larger in volume than the right. Right has settled a little lower than the left, also has two large dimples of missing volume, and ripples when I raise my arm. PS says the ripples are caused by adhesions. PS has offered revision surgery, a lift, and fat grafting to correct all of the above. I decided that I've had enough surgery for a very long time.

    I'm not complaining about my breasts, just observing where they are now in the reconstruction process. I have no regrets and I would do it again. I have achieved my goal: reducing my risk of breast cancer.
  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2017

    Mominator, It is unusual for Natrelle 410 to ripple. That is too bad. I too have the Natrelle 410, both 475cc in a 420cc pocket. Mine are FF. I have twins! My PS very experienced in anatomical implants. The only thing I deal with is a keloid scar on one side of right side. I am stuck with it. 😞 Nothing seems to lessen it. Not even silicone strips. It will be 2 years in March.

    Sweet dreams to all.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2017

    Robin, I might not be describing it well. The ripples occur when I raise my arm. I think the ripples are how my skin and underlying tissue moves, not ripples in the implant itself.


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited January 2017

    I too have Allergan 410's that have been in place since 2011. And I am very happy with them. I had a BC recurrence in 2013 and had ALND surgery, so the right side is higher & tighter due to radiation changes. My PS offered to make the left match. I too have had enough of surgeries for now. Maybe later down the road.

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214
    edited January 2017

    Reconstructive surgery consult is scheduled...February 23rd, yay! Granted it's 28 days away (I'm totally running a countdown) but I have something to look forward to & after everything I'm over the moon to be at this stage! I'm crossing my fingers my exchange surgery will be March 8th which is my anniversary of being diagnosed, would love to change the date to something more positive. Hoping everyone is having a good week, momtoall I hope all is well with you & your surgery.

  • Nigelsmom
    Nigelsmom Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2017


    It's 48hrs post T&he exchange! It has been a long and different road, so different that emotionally it was too difficult to discuss. With the power of forgiveness and turning negative energy into something positive, I was able to get back on track.

    Had a high profile NYC breast surgeon, who refused to work with my choice of PS in Aug 2015. I chose to have a 2x a mastectomy after lumpectomy & chemo for my stage 1 TNBC diagnosis.

    PS that my Breast surgeon picked was talented, but only performed the surgery on the strength of my breast surgeon. PS did not take my insurance & instead of standing my ground and going with my pick, I folded used the recommended surgeon and the betrayal began.

    PS canceled appeal 2 weeks prior to immediate reconstructive surgery & never told me. I fought tooth & nail to get the insurance company to get it covered, but you can't fight if appeal was cancelled! Surgeon told me my T&E exchange would be on hold. I freaked and refused to be held hostage. Insurance company sent me a copy if a $65,000 bill from PS (attempt to charge) but after confronting him, I received email I writing that he performs the surgery free of charge.

    Severed my relationship with breast surgeon & plastic surgeon & begged original PS to take me back. He agreed filled my Allergen 133 MX 800cc expanders to the max amount. Overfilling the left expander by 50cc because it was underperforming and he believed had a slow leak, which the original PS never addressed, just questioned. That bastard treated me like a second class citizen but the original took up slack and had everything looking good.

    Scheduled for exhange in Nov 2015 & while I sat there in my scrubs, just outside the OR I see my breast surgeon (who is the chief appear). After questioning why I was there (pretty obvious we both know I'm about to get my exhange, cause I'm not here to do laundry) my PS walks in and and cancels the surgery (says there is a problem with another patient in the OR and says "it's a sign)

    I pack up my clothes and turn my back on surgery & spend 2016 living. Advocating, farming, mentoring, blogging, partying and learning. Eventually meeting another survivor, who introduced me to her plastic surgeon.

    I had given up hope that the exhange would happen. Lost all faith & trust & when I did make an occasional inquiry I would not even get a response. I started to feel tainted & ostracized. The only thing that saved me was my attitude to turn a bad situation into something good, & then the Angel Scenario appeared.

    So I feel good. I have 775cc Mentor Memory Shape Medium Height , Moderate Profile implants. Although i feel I don't have the projection the T&E's gave me, I'm happy to finally cross the threshold and be alive. I have 2 drains and a little discomfort.

    I am on pain medication & am resting comfortably. I'm just wondering are there any steps I should be taking after the drains are removed to keep my anotomicals in place. What about scaring? I used coconut oil after the mastectomy. I have a feeling this surgeon gave me a different cut. I'm going to eventually get tattoos (interviewed several super talented ones ). Any recommendations on bras to keep things in place functiontionly?

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2017


    Yeah, followed instructions to the letter. 24/7 sports bra after PS ok'd switch from post surgery dressings. He did not want anything super tight on my thin skin though. No side sleeping for 6 weeks after, but then he said ok. So I started side sleeping with a pillow. Maybe it was too soon for me. I had drains for 5 weeks after each surgery.... maybe I heal slow.

    I get "Hope" (that's my nickname for righty) replaced tomorrow. Wish me luck ladies. This time, no side sleeping for months following. I really don't want another setback!

    Nighelsmom, I suggest keep to back sleeping as long as you can tolerate it. I suspect my side sleeping is the reason my anatomical slipped. Keep up with the pain meds, and be meticulous with the drains. It will soon be a distant memory. I'm so glad you finally found someone to do your exchange. Squishies are so much better than TE's!


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2017

    LRGO, prayers go out to you for a successful ex with no complications. Keep those girls surrounded by softness and stay on your back!

    I haven't ever heard if drains for that long. Is your skin naturally thin or was it caused by surgery?

    Keep us posted.


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2017

    LRGO, adding my prayers for a successful ex with no complications.

    Please don't feel as though your side sleeping was the possible cause of the rotation. If your PS had you with drains for so long, whatever was the cause of the fluid may also be the cause of the rotation.

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2017

    Hi all! I'm back home and resting on my back! Exchange went well. I'm sore and the lypo areas are typically tender but I'm doing well.

    My body seems to be an excessive fluid producer after surgery. Both after the BMX and after the first exchange, I had drains for over 5 weeks. They were remove only when PS began to worry about infection risk and or when the fluid amonuts FINALLY got below 30 mils daily.

    Guess this time I'm going to have to be more patient and hope the implant will adhere properly. PS said he intentionally "roughed up" the pocket to help internal scar tissue to get started and to create a more grippy space for the implant to reside. I hope this strategy does not lead to contracture. We must now wait and see.

    Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes. It seems to have worked! I'm home safe and as sound as possible. Pain meds keeping me tolerably comfortable. Hope you all are likewise doing well!


  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2017

    So glad to hear it went well! Take it easy and let your body take over the healing. Keep us informed about your recovery.


  • dccancer
    dccancer Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2017

    I have my last fill scheduled for 2/13 and my exchange surgery is on 3/8. I am a little nervous. I had my MX on the left side on 12/7 and was surprised at how much pain i was in after the surgery. I am assuming the exchange is much less traumatic. I am planning the surgery on a Wednesday and thinking I can go back to work on Monday. I can work from home if i need to but hoping to be back in the office. Can someone whose been through this share their experience. I am having right side enhanced to match the left. I was a b and will be going to a c. I was a C before kids so thought why not!

  • LRGO2016
    LRGO2016 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2017


    Give yourself the time to heal if you can. Will you be getting lyposuction and fat grafting at the same time? Heading back to work on Monday sounds quick. I had 4 drains after my first exchange with lypo and needed 5 weeks to recover. My PS advised me to stay home until the drains could be removed.

    I just had one implant replaced on Friday, it had rotated and was uncomfortable. My ps said I could return to work when I was ready this time though I have 1 drain. I'm definitely not ready to go in for a full day yet. WAY too sore from the lypo and reopened breast. I may try to go to work on Friday just to put in an appearance. Doing so will keep me from having to take FMLA leave.

  • robinblessed54
    robinblessed54 Member Posts: 485
    edited January 2017

    dc, I took two weeks over spring break two years ago but could have gone back in a week. I say Monday is too soon. Like LRGO said, you must allow yourself time to heal.

    "Just because you can doesn't mean you should "


  • dccancer
    dccancer Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2017

    Ok thanks so much for the information. They will do some lypo and fat grafting. I still have time on STD. I go back to work Feb 1 after being out since late June when this all started. guess I need to be patient and let myself heal. Thank you for the input. I am trying to back through the thread but it was so long I figured i should just ask. Thanks again :)

  • Wildtulip
    Wildtulip Member Posts: 470
    edited January 2017

    dc, exchange IS easier than MX, but it also depends on how much pocket work your PS does. I did not have FG at time of exchange, but had a lot of pain from IMF stitches. You should feel pretty good by the Monday, but my thought is don't push yourself too hard, as it takes energy to heal.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Member Posts: 3,008
    edited January 2017

    I need some advice. My PS just went solo after being in a shared practice for a long time. My exchange was already approved and my date set for March 20th. That is the first day of my daughter's spring break at the school she works at. I need to schedule around her because I don't have any other help and I take my grandson to school every morning. I spoke to the new office of my PS. They don't have their agreements with the insurance company yet although they are working on it. She said it could take a few weeks. Well I only have 7 weeks and then I am out of luck until Summer. The other option is to use another PS at the practice my PS just left since I do have authorization with them. I am frustrated and don't know what to do.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984
    edited January 2017

    1/20 Exchange Surgery Completed

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2017

    Oh no, Molly! How frustrating!

    The insurance approval process makes for very close time constraints.

    Did you like any of the other surgeons at the shared practice?

    It may come down to a choice between the date you want or the surgeon you want.  

    ~ ~ ~ ~ Calming vibes ~ ~ ~ ~

    Sending prayers your way for guidance

    (((HUGS))) Madelyn


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2017

    Congratulations on your exchange, coachvicky!

    I hope your recovery continues to be smooth, and that you are pleased with your results.

  • eemaxx
    eemaxx Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2017

    Hi everyone, I'm new here! I'm 5 weeks out from my BMX performed on 12/27/16 and am already looking forward to my exchange. No chemo or radiation needed! Hooray! Femera for 10 years though (only 9 years and 51 weeks to go!) I've only had one fill in my TEs so far and go for another tomorrow. I am an elementary school music teacher and am always up and down on the floor with my students. I also conduct a 5th grade chorus. I am planning to return to teaching this week. Originally I was hoping for a late April exchange date. Is it realistic to have surgery on a Monday and return to teaching the following Monday? Any other elementary school teachers out there? I didn't want to take too much time away from work since I already missed the whole month of January. Overall, I'm pretty active and healthy (well, I was before the BMX anyway). I could wait until summer for the exchange, but I'm already tired of the iron bra feeling! I also feel like the TEs are too far into my armpit area. Thanks in advance!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,407
    edited January 2017

    eemax - Although I found the healing easier & quicker, my PS had the same restrictions - don't reach above your shoulders and no lifting over 5 lbs. Also I had drains again for the exchange surgery - probably for 2 weeks. They are a pain, but I was glad to have them & avoid seromas.

    It will also make a difference if your PS has to do any pocket work, or is going to do any fat grafting. I was off heavy pain pills in 2 days but I don't think I could have gone back to active work like you describe in a week.

  • dccancer
    dccancer Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2017

    Wildtulip, LRGO and Robin,

    Thank you so much for the info. I will ask about the pocket work. As i said I am pretty sure they are doing lypo and grafting. I was hoping not to have drains again but we'll see. I will meet with the PS on the 22nd and ask about the recovery time again. Scheduled for 3/8! I am excited. I go back to work tomorrow after having been out since June. I was hoping to have all the surgery complete but it didn't work out.