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Exchange City



  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009

    Alice:  Oh duh!!! Of course it was YOU who switched out the anatomicals!  I have been trying to figure out who it was and TIS YOU!  So glad you hooked up with Wendy...

    Celine:  Don't push the exchange.  You need at least two full months after the last fill - the longer the better - and your PS wants to see you in six weeks because it is appropriate that he evaluate you at that point to see how your skin is doing and to make sure all will be well for the exchange. Val - I think it was packergirl who came up with the list...wasn't it??? 

    Jan:  My original breasts were so densely fibrocystic, the mammogram films showed up just as yours does - like dense white fibers.  Nothing could be seen on mammogram.  My cancer was not found on mammogram.  You just will have to see if you can get on an MRI schedule - every two years at the minimum - and ultrasounds in between times...Forget mammograms...

    Deen:  Well, if your PS is considering opening you up for a lift....see if instead your insurance will approve Alloderm.  I would push for this....I do not know the mechanics of getting it in there AFTER the exchange....I'll research it for you.  I think your implants look great.  You really have a nice size - I do not think they are too big at all.  I am shorter than you I think - a TROLL actually - and I have 550 cc's which are only 50 cc's less than yours and mine are not too heavy.  So there is something else going on.  Makes me wonder if perhaps the implants have slipped out from under the pectorals?  That can happen - although unlikely that it would be BOTH of them...You just need to get some supportive bras. I would invest in one bra to use for sleep which is devised for women who have had breast lifts.  We are assured of the supportive nature of such a bra. 

  • Believer1st
    Believer1st Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009

    JAN- yes...I too have the dense breast thing going on...Ultrasound or MRI is the way to go or at the very least--there is a high definition (can't think of the exact term) type of mammogram. I also have one healthy and now closely monitored breast.  A spot showed up on MRI but, too small,too soon to tell.

    I am very interested in opinions of silicone implants ----I really wanted the gummy bears but opted for local surgeons who can't get them.  Are they any closer to getting FDA approval?  I'm hoping the timing of my fill versus wait/stretch time will coincide with availability but, then I'm thinking-that the expander is expanding for the round silicone type and it will create too big a pocket anyways---any thoughts on that?  Since I'm small and already got 100cc at MX surgery with another fill due next Monday I'm thinking I'm not going to have much time to pick implants.

     What would the safest/most comfortable silicone implant make and model be?  How can you truly determine what finished size bra you'll wear?  I read some posts that women ended up an odd size which didn't match regular bra sizes -how possible is that?


  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2009

    KEW.. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pleased you liked what I sent you... I love it too.. I keep it with me ALL THE TIME.. I almost NEVER ever fear dying from this BC... I know, I was healed. I DO have that faith... I am SO GLAD you like it!! :)

    Ladies..; I am having PC issues.. so not online as much right now... :)


    KBELL... Karen.. I have one rad side and one implant only... my other side is not mine. I had a bi-lat. So... I am pretty even... OH GIRL... I wish in Vegas that I had remembered you had a rads side... I AM SOOOOO SORRY!!!!! I would have shown your my boobs...LOL... if you can go to the pic page... you can see me there. I cannot give you advice on one natural boob and one implant rads boob... but you can at least see the rads boob. SHOOT.. I wish I could have looked at your rads skin ... I would have known how you were gonna do after this year I had too... I finished Rads right before you......PM me if you wanna... I can send you some pictures in your private e-mail of me... other than what is on the pic page too.....Let me know....

    Ladies.. LOVE YOU !

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631
    edited October 2009

    I was told I was having a C implant size put it and I was a D but even an A is too big but I still love them  If I lost some weight by boob size would probably look bigger.  Love you all.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009
    kjbell/Karen:  I don't see what the problem is with getting good symmetry.  Are you going to have a lift and/or augmentation of the healthy breast?  I think it is a matter of taking in more sizers than he might otherwise take in for other patients - but why not?  Sometimes these plastic surgeons do not get the message clearly from us that it ALL matters....size, symmetry...and so him up and talk to him or at your pre-op at least - tell him that you have been thinking about it and you have decided that symmetry DOES matter - in fact - it matters VERY MUCH!!!  And ask what he can do - how he can strategize to achieve this desired symmetry.  It seems that augmenting - putting an implant in the healthy breast - and lifting if necessary - increases the ability to gain more symmetry.  Could you post pictures to the pictures forum so that we can see what we are working with?
  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited October 2009

    Wow ladies,  you have given me a lot to think about with your comments.  Thank you, Karen, Angel, Deborah and Sue for your input. The place I go to has a dedicated breast center upstairs and other x-rays stuff downstairs.  I got scared today because they had me go into the radiologists office after the mammo,  I thought I was in for it again.  He showed me the digital x-rays, and I could see the implant and in the middle of the breast tissue was all white with normal tissue on the edges.  He did say that tumors show up as white on the x-rays and I have so much dense tissue that if a tumor was there, he wouldn't be able to see it, but didn't see any changes from last year.  I wonder why he didn't do an ultrasound right then?  They did for my Mother in Law.   I think I am going to heed your advice and ask my Family Dr. for an ultrasound or MRI just to put my mind at ease, all this because YOU have been there!  Thanks, I was just thinking of waiting a year, and to be perfectly honest, almost wish I would have done a prophy on the other side.   Jan

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2009


    Deborah... it is more a challenge with KJbell because her Mast. breast is radiated. It will be tighter are firmer.. no matter what. So... she may not be able to get the lifted real breast to look exact. Radiated tissue inside and out is very different... GRRRRRRRRRRRR I wish I could have let you feel my rads side up in Vegas.....

    I do, however, think Karen can get real close to a matching set. The rads breast/foob will just be a tad bit perkier and firmer. For me... my non rads side feel REAL and my rads side feel... more like what I 'thought" fake boobs felt like...

    Does that make sense? I am telling you.. rads tissue is different.... in a category all by itself...

  • kjbell
    kjbell Member Posts: 454
    edited October 2009

    I wish I could post pics, but that is way beyond my basic computer knowledge. I am going to have a lift and implant on my real boob and a silicone implant on the mast side, so size wise i should match, i think he was talking about in general just how they won't look the same because of the texture(?) of the skin? You can still see the "rectangle" on my skin from the bolus. Laura-I will go to the pic forum and look at the pics. I forgot about it. Thanks ladies! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009

    I see what you mean...but I think Karen should go Sandy's route with the healthy breast and ask her PS about using an expandable saline implant in THAT breast and also, it MUST be placed under the muscle - it cannot be subglandular - for mammo detection purposes.  But the expandable gives the PS the ability to keep adjusting the implant size in the healthy breast to get a good match. 

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2009

    GOOD point Deborah! I agree with this!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009
    Believer/Sue  There are really only two manufacturers commonly used who have silicone implants - Allergan and Mentor.  At the top of this page you will see links to those manufacturer's websites where you can see implant styles and sizes.  High profile and moderate plus profile implants are used in about 90% of the women here on EC.  The gummies - not going to happen by the time you need implants.  Most of us have silicone implants here on EC.
  • KEW
    KEW Member Posts: 450
    edited October 2009

    Sisters, since we have a new Karen, how about, I, KEW, become Karen W?

    Welcome Karen!!!!

    Deborah, I'm curious, are you thinking Deen's PS should try an Alloderm sling, instead of a lift?  I started a thread about step off and some women have had Alloderm added in the step off area, do you have any thoughts on this? 


    Jan don't wait a year.  I've been really reflecting on my story, and I think I may have felt my lump in 2007, but my mammo was clean so I didn't persue it, in 2008 during my gyn exam I asked my doctor if he felt a lump, he didn't, but I did.  I waited until late September when my yearly mammo was do, and pushed for a diagnositc and as I said that didn't show the 2 tumors, or the DCIS, but the ultrasound did, but it didn't show the DCIS.  I've had a mammo every year since I turned 30 in 1990, I had one questionable mammo in 2002, followed by a cone depression, and I've just sent for the records because I can't remember which breast it was, but I will be really PO'd if my cancer was seen in 2002, and the radiologist determined it to be nothing and it grew all those years.  Jan, don't wait, get an ultrasound or MRI.

    Night sweet sisters...

    Karen W. 

    FACECRAFTER Member Posts: 433
    edited October 2009

    I'm going to be off the boards for a week.  I just didn't want anyone to think I was ignoring them...:Cry   I won't have access to a computer..  But everyone here is in GOOD HANDS..  JUDY

  • REKoz
    REKoz Member Posts: 164
    edited October 2009

    Hi Ladies-

    FINALLY getting to the point where I feel near enough to introduce myself on this thread!  I feel like I know some of you already just by lurking here or meeting up with you elsewhere on the board.  Of course, Whippetmom is well know by everyone needing good advice regarding the exhange! 

    Here's my current status. I think I am coming close to the end of fills. At least that is what my chest is demanding!  I was real small busted to begin with so losing both did not take any weight off me whatsoever!  I will definitely be back with my rib cage measurement but first things first:

    1) I have the allergen 133MX-13 expanders which I cannot seem to locate on their site. All I see is MV, so am I missing something? They are 500cc size. I'm at 380 right now and can't imagine I can take much more. But we'll get to that later...for now, do you know anything about MX and what it means?

    2) My left side had to be replaced in July, right has been in since MX last November. As a result, the right has more scar tissue and sits higher. It is also tighter and only filled to 300 cuz I couldn't take anymore on last fill. I am still getting Herceptin until January and here's another problem that I have not ever seen discussed: Being that the right is higher, it is pushing my port sideways more and more with each fill. Last Herceptin, they were able to hook me up no problem. But as I expand more, I worry about this. The PS says he has not encountered this problem before. Seems as long as they can properly access the port, it will be OK. Don't know how much longer that will last though.  Anyone?? EVER heard of or dealt with this??

    I am SO grateful to all you women for SO many reasons. What would I do if I couldn't come here and ask questions of the real pro's?

    So, there's my intro. and I am happy to be here among such loving souls. I so appreciate any help.



    PS..Whippetmom: I have a good friend with 2 whippets and a rescued greyhound. They are awesome!

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited October 2009

    Welcome to Karen and to Ellen  I come here for sanity checks, I don't have the knowledge that some of the ladies have here, but everyone has a story and we all learn from each others experiences. 

    KEW, or Karen or My Karen,  you make sense to me about getting the ultrasound.  I will call Dr. Soliz and ask for one next week.  If I know her, she will call me anyway with the same suggestion, but I don't want to wait because of the fipple decisions coming up.  Why can they see things on an ultrasound that they can't see with the mammo?  Hmmm.  

    Judy, Have a great trip!!!  I hope the weather is nice and that you experience fun and relaxation on this adventure.

    Laura,  I wasn't too concerned since he said there were no changes from last year.  His exact words were "there is a caveat however"  "tumors show up as white areas and your breast is so dense I wouldn't be able to see a tumor if it was in there"  I am going to listen to Deborah and Karen and call my PCP next week.  I leave on vacation next Thursday for a week, going to see the grandsons in upstate NY.  Hopefully I can get the ultrasound done before I leave.  Jan

  • TXBadboob
    TXBadboob Member Posts: 109
    edited October 2009

    Deborah, you are an angel to me!  I will ask my PS about the Alloderm sling.  You mentioned you were sleeping in a new bra, how is that going for you?  Is it actually more comfortable to sleep in a bra or not?  I'm never comfortable anymore at all.

    Jan, my tumor didn't show on the mammo because of dense fibers, but the mammo tech could see it on me visually(2.9cm) kinda sticking out.  They sent me for an U/S right then.  It had only been 7 mos since my last mammo, so it grew pretty fast.  I say don't wait, especially for your peace of mind.  You've been through so much already.

    Ellen, wow, I never heard of something like that!  I hated my port, but I got it out at the time of my mx., so I don't know about this.  Just take your fills a lot slower,if you have time, and you want the best results you can get.  You've been waiting a year, so I'll bet you're ready to get your implants!!!  You will be so happy!

    KarenW, you will always be KEW to me!!!SealedThanks!

    Have a great day,


  • geneskirt
    geneskirt Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2009

    Hi Ladies; I am new to this thread and am awaiting excange Nov. 24.  My last fill was 11 days ago to 490cc.  Is it my imagination or is it possible my filled TE seem a little less in volume(both sides) than they were after last fill?  I have just felt well enough to return(carefully) to the gym and golfing this past week, and feel like there has been a change in volume.  I am worried that the activity is contracting the TE some, and the ache and muscle tesion at night is more contracted. extreme and 'cordy' feeling than ever.

    Should I stop?  Do more?  Stretch? I just want to be able to be strong and flexible and healthy enough to handle the exchange surgery in 6 weeks.  Any advice?

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009

    Ellen and geneskirt - Welcome to EC...Some of these gals here will be able to answer many of your questions...I am going to be gone for the day - gotta dash out right now - but I'll be back this afternoon to help if necessary....

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited October 2009

    Deen,  You are the 4th person to tell me the same thing.  I was going to wait, thanks to you ladies that have told me your stories, I will call my MD for an order to have an ultrasound  I needed the information you provided, otherwise I would have waited a year.

    Karen, I always look for the KEW too,  I think that is how I always look for your posts.  I think of Kewpie doll with those initials and you sure are a cutie!   

    Geneskirt, Welcome, I think when Deborah or Sandy (where did she go now?)  extract more information from you to help you along in this process.  I will let you know that I had contractions and aches after the later fills for 2 weeks.  I also get those same contractions after a good workout.  You may have a combination of things going on.  I don't know why you seem to have less volume unless the TE's are settlling a little lower, mine did that with the last fill.  Wait for Deborah to give imput she is our  "Breast Whisperer" here.  


  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited October 2009


    Just an FYI...ultrasound images can often catch a "mass" (cyst, tumor, lump or what have you) better than a mammogram particularly in dense breasts, but do a lousy job on seeing those white micro-calcifications (specs) that a mammogram can generally do a better job on. Cancer puts out calcium so radiologists are interested in watching for that. ...but normal breast tissue puts out calcium, too so you need a breast radiologist to discern from benign vs suspicious calcifications. MRI's use contrast and measure how quickly there is uptake and release (on a graph like chart) that correlates with having cancerous vs non-cancerous activity.  Each has a specialty, a niche if you will, and since dense breasts are a challenge, they tend to use at least 2 of the 3 if not all of those tests with them.  Mammography is the "gold standard" because it can catch both, lumps or calcifications but u/s is a very important addition for dense women. MRI's are usually asked for when there is something suspicious, a family history or for further confirmation of what has already been found...They use contrast in your vein so are considered "invasive", are much more expensive, and unfortunately, can often tell you there is something suspicious there, when there really isn't. That is called a "false positive". So they are not used for first line of testing.  I have been noticing a shift away from breast MRI's from a lot of centers when reading the literature out there.  I think radiologists are becoming a little more "discerning" as to when to use them and when not to.

    Hope this helps!

    God Bless! 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009

    KW:  Someone on these forums had Alloderm placed in the upper pole to address the step-off defect.  Either that, or I read it somewhere in my research.  I'll see if I can find it.  I just know Kaiser will not cover it for I won't even bother to ask.

    Ellen:  Your MX TE means "moderate height, xtra full projection" You have a 13 cm width on those TE's.  There ARE circumstances which dictate that a TE which becomes adversely malpositioned should be removed and repositioned, but only rarely really does this occur.  It is not what we WANT to occur, but very often these TEs will migrate - usually upward and toward the armpit.  It is better than they move up than downward - which would disrupt the inframammary fold.  It would be worrisome if the TE migrated TOO far upward to the extent that it damages the delicate skin tissues of the upper pole and/or damages the pectoral muscles.  I am concerned that at 300 cc's, you are pushing the envelope - and you should get to at least 400 ccs to get sufficient projection/expansion with that 500 cc TE he used.  What IS your ribcage measurement? 

    geneskirt:  Sometimes with increased expansion, the TEs create pressure on the ribcage and so as they compress, they might appear to have less volume or projection.  It would be odd for you to lose volume in BOTH expanders.  Unfortunately, you would not really know if your TEs were malfunctioning, as you body would just absorb the saline.  So keep an eye on it...and certainly tell the PS if you still feel there is something amiss with the volume.  I would personally avoid any pectoral exercises or anything strenuous in the upper body.  The jury is out on exercise during expansion, but these TEs can too easily migrate and move and even rotate and why do anything to compromise your future success at the time of exchange?  So keep walking and doing aerobic exercise, but be kind to the iron maidens over the next six weeks.

  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited October 2009


    Great job providing the benefits of each test.  I was at the point of needing all three, mammo, sonogram and MRI.  I also had dense breasts.  While mammos are a great first line of defense after self and clinical exam, I believe they should not be the only test used on women with dense breasts.   I could usually feel my tumors but they never showed on the mammo, just the sonogram and MRI's. 

    There is also an increased number of younger women, in there 20's, being diagnosed with breast cancer.  I think we need to rethink 35 being the age for baseline mammos. 

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009

    Karen W/KEW: Here is is!!!! It is auriga -

    Sep 27, 2009 10:57 am auriga wrote:

    I had the same problem. I hated my divot. My PS wouldn't do the fat grafting however. He said it hardly ever works, and you end up with lumps. Instead, he put Alloderm in just a few weeks ago.  I love the results. It looks so natural now. I couldn't be happier.

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited October 2009


    I would love to see younger women get ultrasound as their first line of defense...particularly if they "feel" something or have a family history.  U/S does not use x-rays, they use sound waves, so have no long term or accumulative effect unlike mammos! good to hear you are satisfied with the Alloderm! With all you know and do, you deserve a great outcome!

    God Bless!

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited October 2009

    Angel Thank you for spelling it out for me.  I really thought that the mammo was the first line of defense.  I am concerned because I did have bleeding from the nipple from that breast about 3 years ago, had a ductogram and nothing abnormal was found, but that was on film.  I have never had an ultrasound of the breast.  I had an MRI with contrast last December, it came up negative.  You are another case in point that the mammo isn't the only tool for dense breasts.  

    Dani,  Thank you too for your input on the ultrasound idea. I am calling the Dr. on Monday to request an order for a breast ultrasound.  I think it will come out negative, but I don't want a surprise like Karen-KEW had.  


  • dani42
    dani42 Member Posts: 206
    edited October 2009


    I'm surprised you were given an MRI before a sonogram.  I'm glad you are going to ask for one.  As Angel said, they each give a different perspective and you want the whole picture.     

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028
    edited October 2009

    No....Dani...I did not have the Alloderm in the upper pole - I was pasting a post by auriga - who DID have the Alloderm graft to correct upper pole defects...Not me....I'm having fat grafts in three weeks...

  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347
    edited October 2009

    That was me Deborah who misread your post...are you sure you don't want to ask for Alloderm for your concerns?  Ha! 

    Take care and God Bless!

  • Jan1
    Jan1 Member Posts: 281
    edited October 2009

    Dani,  I was given the MRI  (11-2008)  after the diagnosis of BC.  They were trying to determine if the other spots of clustered calcification in my right breast were similar enough to the biopsied area to confirm mastectomy over lumpectomy.  They did the left breast as well and it was clear, last November.  Friday was my yearly diagnostic mammo for the remaining breast, and now I have learned from you ladies that the mammo is not the only tool for diagnosing women with dense breasts.  


  • lifegoeson
    lifegoeson Member Posts: 57
    edited October 2009

    Hello all,

    Just checking in and catching up after not being here for a while.  There's a lot to read!

    Welcome to all the new folks, you've found a great community here.

    I have rippling in one breast since my exchange, I have to get pics posted one of these days - will let you know when I do

    Hugs to all.