Exchange City
Hello everyone from one of the "old timers". I have not posted for months but try to check in every few weeks. One subject I would like to address is Meghan's concern about thin skin and healing. Because of multiple prior biopsies, a great deal of scarred skin had to be removed at the time of BMX and TE (August, 2008), plus my surgeon leaves thin flaps to assure removal of as much breast tissue as possible. I quit expanding at 870 cc because of thinning and tightness of my skin and three months later exchanged for 600 cc silicone implants. My PS was able to use the same incisions at the time of exchange and the incisions healed without any complications. I applied Vitamin E and Emu oil on the incisions, and they are slowly fading. Hope this helps, but if you have questions, I will try to answer.
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my560sel ~
I too am sensitive to the tapes & adhesives post surgery & develop horrible rashes all around my incisions which then eventually spread.. I was referred to a dermatologist who then Rx'd me with Fluocinonide Ointment 0.05%...I think this is the generic name. It is also referred to as Lidex...maybe this is the brand name?? I used benadryl cream to relieve the itching but the irritation still remained with OTC stuff. Hope you find some relief soon! I was told I must be sensitive to the ingredients in the adhesives.
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Hi Everyone,
I saw some talk about HP vs Moderate plus implants. I just had another exchange about 4 weeks ago. I originally had 650 moderate plus implants. I had very poor projection and they were just to wide on my chest. I had them replace with 700 HP implants and it is so much better. Im just thrilled.
My chest measures at least 38 inches. Thats not a little number but for me I needed HP. There are other things to take into consideration not just that number.
Just my input LOL
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Hi Everyone,
I saw some talk about HP vs Moderate plus implants. I just had another exchange about 4 weeks ago. I originally had 650 moderate plus implants. I had very poor projection and they were just to wide on my chest. I had them replace with 700 HP implants and it is so much better. Im just thrilled.
My chest measures at least 38 inches. Thats not a little number but for me I needed HP. There are other things to take into consideration not just that number.
Just my input LOL
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MooreTennis and Teresa thank you for the hp input.
Francine, Welcome, you're too cute. The comment of not needing sympathy but giving your information is how I feel so often when I talk to others. From what I've seen here, you'll get the input and compassion you need but not pity.
whippetmom, Thank you for your patience! I know it seems like I'm repeating the same questions but it's the little details that make me question things more.
My PS is known specifically for reconstruction, he covers about half of new mexico in these surgeries and has for about 10 years. He is difficult to get information from but he is reputable and known for his fabulous outcomes. This said, I am neurotic so his lack of information and my need for information have been a challenge but I do think I'm with the right guy. I just have to be very clear on my questions so that I get the information I need from him.
Your input is helping me piece things together. He did tell me that he may need to do some repair work because my TEs are too wide. He also told me that he's thinking 475cc would be a good implant size for me. I thought he only used mentor but from what I see on the charts, the only 475 is an Allergan Style 20 which is a HP. So maybe I'm being neurotic again and he's planning to use hp anyway?
Reading your explanation, I think he originally planned to use closer to 400 moderate and when I told him that wasn't big enough for me, he switched. I'm currently expanded to 500 and it feels about where I want to be and maybe a little big so I'm thinking that 475 may indeed be a good size but then I wonder will the actual implants feel/look smaller even though the cc's are nearly the same? It seems that most people regret not going a little larger versus the other way around so even though this size feels about right I wonder if I should push for a little more to be on the safe side (on the other hand I'm not sure my skin will tolerate it).
Thanks, Julie
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whippetmom - thanks for the info. My BS and PS work as a team, so I know he has experience with recon. They've both also been on New Yorker's 100 best doctors list. As Murphy's Law would have it, whatever can go wrong will. Almost all of my recon problems were on my left breast which I did voluntarily. He's said there is always a lot of scar tissue that builds up and maybe that sidetracks the needle. Because of the scar tissue, left had a lot less fluid in the TEs but breasts were the same size
my560sel - I always have a reaction to the adhesive too - especially the big clear waterproof ones. I'd either leave it alone or put bacitracin on it.
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My PS said he is ordering 3 different implants to be available in the operating room as the time of the exchange. Sounds crazy but he said he puts in the one he thinks will work the best then sets me up and all in the room (except me of course as I will be knocked out) give their opinion as to if it looks good or not. He said he is the the final word but likes to get input from his team.
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Question about implant size: I originally had the Natrelle 20-400 High Profile implants put in: Diameter: 11.9 cm and projection was 5.0 cm.
They were replaced with the 20-325 High Profile implants: diameter is 11.2 cm and projection is 4.6.
That sure doesn't seem like a huge difference on paper. It's less than 1 cm for each dimension. So why do I feel and look so much smaller?
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Texas357. It doesn't sound smaller in dimensions but put your mind back in the expansion phase. When I'm expanded by 75cc's it feels and looks significantly different.
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Ladies ~ Merry Post-Christmas!!
I finally took the time to post my updated pictures so you can see my exchange on 12/4. This will give you an idea of the hamburger buns I have and the dent/divot/dimple on the left side. Wondering if my fat will work it out or if any of you have had this issue and had to have it repaired surgically. Am thinking that I will wait for the "drop and fluff" (Terri ~ don't start without me!) before making any other surgical decisions. Let me know what you think.
Deborah ~ I have my next PS appt on the 4th and should get the Integra TE expander data that I asked for. Will call PS and remind him.
Have to get back to work ~ everyone is probably freaked out because I closed my door. Wouldn't want them wandering in while I am re-sizing and posting my foob photos. That would be too scary!!
Take care, Colleen
Edited because I can't type.
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juliempw - You asked about HP vs. MP and MPP. When I had the TE's they were Mentor HP and overfilled to 700cc each. When came time for the implant exchange, PS went to surg. with Mentor 750 HP and 960 MPP. He didn't have enough room to implant with the Moderate Profile Plus, so put in the High Profile 750cc fill. Once they dropped and fluffed, I had extra skin and the pockets got bigger so that when I lifted my arms there was nothing covering the breast bone. Reluctantly, PS exchanged the HP750s for MPP filled to 960cc when he did the areola/nipple graft. What a difference. Even though there is slightly less projection in the MPP, the covering of the breast bone (giving me some cleavage) has made me so much happier. Now if everything will just heal up. I am 1 1/2 wk. post exchange. The only thing is that my muscle tissue is really thinned out and must wear bra for several months, but that's ok.
my560sel - I feel for you with the tape reaction. I ended up in ER 2 times while on vacation due to the tape reaction. I finally put the clear Calamine lotion on it and it began to clear up. Benadryl did nothing. Rashes after implant surgery cleared up with prescription cortisone, but this can't be used too often as it will thin the skin. It does work quickly. Make sure to mention the tape sensitivity anytime you even think they will be using tape and make sure it is hypo-allergenic paper tape. I am very adamant about it now. It is a running joke in the doctor's office if I am allergic to this or that and I always say not yet, but give me time since everything seems to be an irritant, including almost all of the pain meds.
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I have had that 'lovely' pimply, pin-dot like rash, but only within an inch of where the tape makes contact. This was a nuisance with all four breast surgeries. I didn't have to resort to anti-histamine with that level of reaction, but it was ITCHY! As when the tape did the rash(within 3 days of stopping the tape use).
My PS suggested using my bra instead of tape to hold the gauze in place. A little less 'secure' and sometimes messy( you wil go through alot of laundry) but it is drug free, on top of all the pain killers and anti-biotics, etc.
Also, caution to some who have open careful with ointments/creams and oils. Contamination that causes infection is the WORST threat to newly excanged girls! Ask your surgeon!xoxooxoxoxoxooxo
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HuntersMom -- LOL I am sorry but the "sitting you up in the room and getting opinions" is too funny and maybe TMI? Seriously, I think most PS's have more than one when they go in, because some variables are only known once they re-open you.
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In regards to the tape sensitivity - I made it through 3 surgeries with no problems and on the 4th surgery developed the reaction to PAPER tape. My chart is now noted not to use tape on me. For my surgery last week, my PS used 'glue' over the incision instead of tape and it has been wonderful not itching.
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I found the tape on my incision was itchy (where I had feeling on the inner quadrant) but fortunately I had drains out 6 days after surgery -- so tape GONE and itch went away. Glad I did not get a rash. Sorry for those who have one.
Well I had fill #2 today and I am up to 360 cc's! Woo-hoo! Looks like a boob now Not as big as my left one but it will all get evened out soon. Today I thought about how nervous and sad I was prior to surgery and how truly at peace I've been since the surgery. I think it's because (a) it doesn't look so bad and doesn't hurt a lot and (b) (and most importantly) I have no more cancer -- which feels good. May it last a lifetime! For all of us!
I am off to Atlantic City in the morning with my dear BF to have some fun and ring in the new year. Will see you all in 2010. Here's to a better year for everyone
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I think they all sit you up on the table when they place the implants, its the only way they can tell if they have symmetry and where the placement really is on you. I really wonder how they keep our heads from flopping around, Though now I understand why my bangs always stick up funny after surgery, maybe they tape me to the table.
My Dr did the same thing, he brought in different sizes, because they really can't tell what is going to work until they are inside. So much for science/
560, how is the rash today? Any better?
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Thank you for posting that you are pleased with your revision. I am having my 363 cc textured moderate implants replaced on Wed. with Mentor Smooth Round high profile 475 cc's. We are going to head out right after work tomorrow and spend the night in a hotel. I switched plastic surgeons and will be traveling approximately 2 hours for this surgery. I am first on the schedule Wednesday and need to be at the hospital at 6:30 a.m. My anxiety level is starting to rise a bit so it is good to hear that you are thrilled that you went through with the revision.
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Yes everyone,
I'm an RN who worked for a PS many years ago. They do sit you up and ask for opinions. Funny thing is that now I was the one needing to be sat up and have opinions on my implants. Regarding the rash, sounds like maybe you are sensitive to tape. My old PS and I saw also allergic reactions to antibiotic creams. He would recommend cool water soaks (not for long just to cool skin and the allergic reaction). Also be careful of antibiotic creams and never use cortisone creams now. Benadryl orally would take too long to reach that area to do any good. Benadryl cream is a possibility but some people are very sensitive to some meds and should not be used for open areas.
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Thanks to everyone who responded. I've put Polysporin on it - it's not any worse but unfortunately not any better. I thought I was crazy thinking something like tape could give me this rash but after hearing all of you who've had the same reaction it must be a common occurrence. The itching and burning is driving me crazy! Funny, I got a rash from the "staples" they used initially to close up the incision from my lumpectomy way back. When I told the Dr about it, he said "impossible" because the staples are non-reactive...yeah right, just like the tape. Honestly, sometimes I think our Dr's think we stay up at night thinking of things to make up !
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OMG Wendy I'm sure you are right that they all sit us up (makes sense if you think about it) but wow not something I really wanted to know (and I thought I wanted to know everything)!
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Terri - I totally agree w/ Wendy. I would get it checked out
Cherlinsi - I am so sorry for all you have been through! The cream you may be asking about is cocoa butter. It helps to reduce scars.
Geneskirt - Oh my, you have been through a lot too! I need to remember that protein suggestion!
Francine - Where is Ardsley? I live in NY too!
Lucy - Best wishes for getting your drains out soon!
Lilah - I am so pleased for you!
(((Dianne))) Will be thinking of you!
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Hello beauties, wonders, warriors,
To quickly update -- I got to see my PS on an emergency basis before work today (I start work 12 and go til 8)... - so yes indeed, my sneaky expanders are trying to come through the skin on my radiated side. My PS doesn't want to go to immediate exchange though - still wants me to wait another month for stretching - BUT - took out 100cc of fluid to ease the pressure and ordered no bra. I am to keep a close eye on it up unitl my official pre-op on 1/8/09 (to get clear on expander type/size - I think Mentor HP 300 or 325). So I cut the "bra" out of my radiated side cause my non radiated side needs one -- it's flopping around so much waiting for the radiated side to catch up already. I'll take a pic for the pic forum at some point -- it's too ridiculous.
Huntersmom - Like others, I laughed out loud thinking of the docs sitting you (us) up to see what the team thinks. Do aesthetics rule? What about the team member that likes a leaner look? Or the one that likes a more volumptuous appearance? The main doc trumps - make sure he/she knows what YOU want!!!
Lilah - I love that you will be in Atlantic City with your bf for New Year's!!! I love that you have a bf. I aspire to that, with time. My new year's will be spent in Providence, but then a weekend trip to NYC to spend it with a soul friend.
Wishing us all more beautiful New Year's!!!
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Hi Ladies,
I just wrote very long note and it disappeared.. Has anyone found it. LOL.
Well I am glad to be on this board to get to know you ladies as well as to learn about my upcoming exchange. I am due back at the PS next Monday and hopefully this will be my last fill.Then I will ask more specific questions about the type of implant etc.
How do you sit up during surgery if you are under general anesthesia?
I had latflap surgery and my chest is quite tight.They call it iron bra. Well today I went out with only a undershirt of bra( of course a shirt over it). My PS had said that after my breast lift I would have a breast of a 21 year old. So I figured I would go braless. I felt more comfortbale and looked pretty good. The mastectomy side is a little smaller than the lifted breast. Do I feel 21 that is another question?
Kidsmom- I live in Westchester which is a northern suburb of NYC.Where are you.
Julie- thanks for the nice comments.
I too have problems with tape. After my TE was put in I noticed large red marks on my breast. I got so worried that another infection had set in.I called the PS over the weekend.He was not so worried as I had no fever. Then I realized that these marks were from the tape placed during the surgery. After my last fill I developed red marks from where the bandaid was placed.,Maybe our skin just becomes more sensitive over time and abuse.
Hugs to all,
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Hi Ladies,
I just wrote very long note and it disappeared.. Has anyone found it. LOL.
Well I am glad to be on this board to get to know you ladies as well as to learn about my upcoming exchange. I am due back at the PS next Monday and hopefully this will be my last fill.Then I will ask more specific questions about the type of implant etc.
How do you sit up during surgery if you are under general anesthesia?
I had latflap surgery and my chest is quite tight.They call it iron bra. Well today I went out with only a undershirt of bra( of course a shirt over it). My PS had said that after my breast lift I would have a breast of a 21 year old. So I figured I would go braless. I felt more comfortbale and looked pretty good. The mastectomy side is a little smaller than the lifted breast. Do I feel 21 that is another question?
Kidsmom- I live in Westchester which is a northern suburb of NYC.Where are you.
Julie- thanks for the nice comments.
I too have problems with tape. After my TE was put in I noticed large red marks on my breast. I got so worried that another infection had set in.I called the PS over the weekend.He was not so worried as I had no fever. Then I realized that these marks were from the tape placed during the surgery. After my last fill I developed red marks from where the bandaid was placed.,Maybe our skin just becomes more sensitive over time and abuse.
Hugs to all,
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Aw Geena that is GREAT news about the doctor; I like that he is doing what he can to keep you moving forward (and not backward). Fingers crossed and prayers being said for you to make it to the surgery on the 8th. What a great attitude you have!
And doll you are gorgeous (judging by your pic) and more importantly your spirit is gorgeous (I see it all over this site! -- have you seen AVATAR yet? If so, "I see you" -- if not, see it and you will know what that means Anyway you will find your man Thanks for the good wishes. I am hoping the gods of luck smile down on Cancer Girl (that would be me) and give her a jackpot!
And oh that weekend trip to NYC and a soul friend sounds pretty heavenly too
who should be packing now...
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The OR table can be raised into different positions, to make up for our floppy-ness.
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Good luck tomorrow Bigapple09 & to the rest having surgeries this week! This has been a long journey...a long year!! Can't wait to ring in the new year upon us!!!
Bless everyone!!!
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Hi Gals,
Haven't been on for a long while. Just wanted to tell you how great things are going with this new PS...he is incredible. Most of you know my story and the long journey. All you ladies and especially Deborah have helped me stay afloat these past 16 months.
I just wanted to tell you a few of the differences with this new PS. With the first PS I was in pain all the time the TE was in. With the new PS I have two TE's and had a lattisimus dorsi flap.I had pain after surgery, but was much better after two weeks. I know the TE's are there, but I don't have any pain. When this PS pulled my drains I barely felt it. It just amazes me that two surgeons can do similar procedures and yet the pain and the cosmetic outcomes can be so different.
When I get through all of this I want to post all my pictures from the very beginning so you can see what was and what CAN be.
I wish all of you a healthy and blessed New Year!
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I understand..but we are still under yet sitting up. I guess that is it..
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I freaks me out that they can move you around when you are under, anytime I wake up with a weird bruise,I think " did they drop me" I'm a shrimp so I guess its not a big challange to keep me in place, but can you imagine them trying to reposition someone who is tall and asleep, no wonder all these docs are in such good shape.
I wonder if they use seat belts, I don't know if I really want to know.