Sore area on breast

Hi Everybody,
I'm 56 years old, never have had any breast issues. Last night I realized that I have a sore spot/area on the upper inner quadrant (cleavage side) of my left breast. When I feel around there, it's sore, but I don't know if I'm feeling any thickening or not. My ribs in that area are quite prominant and it's making it hard for me to know if there's any thing there. I definitely don't feel a lump, Don't know if there's any thickening there. Has anyone ever had soreness? What could it mean? I just had my annual appt with breast check about a month ago, and I will be seeing the doctor on Wednesday next week to have this checked out. Thanks for any reponses you might be able to give.
My cancer was not painful, had a small moveable lump in the upper outer quadrent (toward the armpit) I've felt a pain in that rib area near the cleavage (but with the small size of my boobs there really isn't any cleavage to speak of, LOL) I was told it was my rib I was feeling. If you push it can feel sore. If you've had a flu lately, it could be a tenderness from that (like a slightly inflamed lymph node that's been filtering out toxins) You could've pulled a muscle or done something straining (ex.heavy lifting while rotating) and slightly bruised a rib. There are so many things besides cancer that it could be, so don't panic. If you get checked out and still have worry or don't feel satisfied with what they say, ask for an ultrasound of the area. My cancer did not show up on mamogram or MRI even though I could feel it. It took a very long ultrasound to locate it even though I took their fingers and pushed them right onto the lump. If you feel "something" be persistent but also, and most importantly, remember that the vast majority of times it turns out that what you feel is NOT cancer. Stay calm. Take care. Good luck (not that you need it!)
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my cancer was not painful either. I have had sore spots on my breasts from time to time simply from banging into something or being hit. My kids would seem to always hit me in my breasts! I'm hoping you hurt yourself without even knowing it.
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Thanks for the encouragement. It's really sore to the touch, so I am pretty worried. It just came on so quickly and I can't recall anything specific happening to cause it.
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Does your underwire bra aggravate it? I had very sore spots where my underwire rubbed under my breasts. Couldn't even massage the area as it took my breath away. Was scar tissue built up from years of underwires.
My cancer did hurt by the way, though most don't.
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No, it's not the underwire because it's on the top part of the breast. Sooo worried.
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It seems like I am feeling a thickening there now.
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Ah, my heart goes out to you. You must be terrified. Do know, though, that even with a lump, 80% of them are benign. I had to have 3 out over the years. One was so big that it got to the point I couldn't even raise my arm.
You are in my thoughts.
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I am new to this sight but i sympathize with the unknowing. I also have a sore breast and have answered all the questions. And still have no new info or help. I hope you get your answers for sanity's sake.0
Barbe1958, how did your cancer hurt?
What were your symptoms?
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I had a bleeding nipple that eventually had nothing to do with my cancer and didn't hurt at all. My tumour ended up being at 6 o'clock on my left side. My underwire irritated it very much and after the biopsy I could feel it without touching it. If you know what I mean. I knew exactly where it was as I was just sitting there. It ached.
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I am so sorry you are having to go through the "worrying" I know all too well it is emotionally draining.
There are in deed certain Breast Cancers that do hurt/ache and some that have no lumps but MORE often Breast Cancer doesn't hurt.
As Barbe has said Most often Breast issues are found to be B9 but it's ALWAYS better to be safe and have it checked out.
I am Praying for you and that it turns out to be nothing/B9.
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Did you make it to the doctors yesterday? I'm curious to see how it went. Sending best wishes to you!
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Hi Redhighlander,
I am SO sorry that you are having to worry. My first symptom was pain. At first I thought it was hormonal, but it never went away. The pain started in July... after having a clear mammogram in May. I found a lump in December.
Please get it checked and if nothing shows up now but the pain continues, insist on being checked again in a few months. My oncologist told me that even if I had gone back for another mammogram as soon as I felt the pain, it probably wouldn't have shown up yet... So, listen to your body and take care of yourself.
I pray that this will just be a scare and you will go on without the "news"... Please let us know how it goes....
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Great advice which reminds me of my mamo. I had a mamo in Jan and again in Feb because they found calcifications, but nothing else. In March I felt the lump. It was not picked up on Mamos. I was told it probably would have been picked up on a MRI. Perhaps if your mamo shows nothing, you may want to get an MRI. Also, MRI show a lot of 'false positives'. If you chose to have one, be aware. I am OK with that (false positives). Others may freak out. I would rather know than not know.
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I am a 65 year old women, with a sore spot also on my breast when I press and the the pain remains for a few seconds, I mentioned it to my Doctor months ago and She blew it off like it was hormonal, but it's there all the time. I'm concerned? Should I go back to see a doctor
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This is an 8 y/o thread that has been inactive for those 8 yrs until your post. It is usually more productive to start a new Thread rather than pulling up an OLD inactive Thread. There are quite a few very active threads that were initially started yrs ago but they have remained active.
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Bobandirene, I'm sorry you're here with breast health concerns. The original poster never returned to the forum after Feb 2009, which usually means that they did NOT have bc, and never returned to update their post. Please see a doctor with any new or concerning breast symptoms, but try not to worry overly much about bc. Many things happen in the breast that are NOT cancer. Good luck!