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Muscle/joint pain after radiation?



  • BrittaA
    BrittaA Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2009
    This is one of the most uncomfortable side effects of cancer treatments, and is linked to a number of chemotherapy drugs. I just did a recent post on some remedies that can help ease this pain ( Some of you may want to check out a new juice called Joint Juice ( for a nutritional boost to help ease your joints. Love, strength and survival, Britta
  • kat06365
    kat06365 Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2009

    I believe "Joint Juice" has glucosamine and chondroitin in it and "Wellesse" puts a liquid juice out also with the same thing.  I've taken  "Osteo Bi-Flex Joint Shield Formula with 5-Loxin" for a few years now and my joints were not helped by my usual regime I've taken for years. I found out about an issue in my legs (sciatic nerve issue from an injury when I was much younger) just this week that I was blaming on the rads and it had nothing to do with rads.  However, the upper torso joints and muscles are effected in the line of the rads. I think people should pursue every avenue to find out about their muscle and joint pain after rads because sometimes it is not the rads below the waist concerning the muscles and joints. It's a pain in the butt making appointments with doctors to find the answers, but I believe that evenually the answers do come. It's very frustrating. I have finally gotten all the answers, but it took a few months. just took a look at what is in "Joint Juice" and it does not have chondroitin, but just the glucosamine and a few other supplements. I think my "Osteo Bi-Flex" has more of what I need for joints and muscles. Thanks for the info, it is appreciated.

    God Bless

    Kathy B.

  • mhammill
    mhammill Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2011

    I am going through the exact same thing.  I was diagnosed in Oct. 2010 with IDC, triple negative BC and subsequently had surgery, AC followed by T chemo, and 33 rad tmts.  The last day of my radiation treatment, I got horrible shoulder pain and fatigue so bad that I had to go home from work.  Over a couple of weeks, it got a good bit better, but even now a couple of months later, I am still having pain like ligament pain in both shoulders and a fatigue feeling in my hip sockets.  It's very frustrating because I was in excellent shape and exercising every day prior to my diagnosis... never had any pain like this or anything... and now, if I try to work out or stretch those ligaments or whatever, it feels a little better for that day, but hurts worse the next day.

    I know that this is an old discussion thread, but I'm wondering if you ever got any relief.  I am a couple of years behind you in this process.  Did it ever get better?  What treatments seemed to work?



  • kat06365
    kat06365 Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2011

    Shoulder joint issues are still with me and I have good days and bad days still. I have found that as long as I keep moving I'm okay. If I decide to stop thats when I get sore. I am a gardener/landscaper on my own and have 3 clients I work for during the warm weather. I've developed lung issues from the radiation. That cough came back and I use an inhaler as needed (non-steriod) and I don't smoke. Rads can cause lung toxicity, it damages cells, causes scar tissue to form. So to answer your question honestly, yes it can go on for a long time and who knows, maybe forever, muscle/joint issues from radiation. I really think the people that do rads need to be a little more honest about the effects after and I mean years after. I am doing great concerning no cancer, but I pay dearly from making the choice to have radiation. I have had great physicians guiding me thru the things that pop up. When I went for my yearly with the rad doc last august 2010 he asked me to explain how radiation has effected me and I said this, "my body feels like I put it into a light socket and got a mild jolt". Between the on going nerve and joint/muscle issues I can't say which can be aggravating. My shoulders always ache in the joints. I live with it. I have no over-all fatigue though. In that I am lucky.

    Physical therapy works, but not forever. I've had my shoulders done a few times now, feels great for about 2 weeks and then it's back again.I have also had it for the scar tissue on my surgical area. Keep in mind that radiation kills cells/tissue  from the point they shoot it from.

    good luck.

  • Unknown
    edited October 2011

    Thank God, I'm not crazy.  I've had costochondritis for probably 25 years, but after radiation treatments in Jan & Feb, I did not recognize it as such.  Do normal pain relievers help?  As I recall, they had me on anti-inflamatory drugs then.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2011

    About 1 week ago, after finishing rads 3 months ago I got a achy type feeling in the uppr part of my chest.............almost like a muscle ache..............if I try to take a deep breath it hurts like hell, but otherwise I don't notice it.......................I also still have an underneath the skin type of rash that itches at times.......................they tell me to do deep breaths for my Lynphedema, so how the hell do I do this when taking a deep breath makes me feel like someone is sitting on my chest.......................this shit n ever stops........................cancer the gift that keeps on giving, and giving, and giving..........sorry to I say  "giving".................

  • kat06365
    kat06365 Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2011

    Hi "Ducky"......................

    Sounds like you have "edema". Been there, done that. The pain when you take deep breathes is probably fluid also. The rash and itching may be the early stage of edema in the breast, thats what happened to me a year after I had rads. I finished my last rad on 12/12/2008 and a year later developed a rash, hotness, and some swelling on my right breast. I just happened to have a scheduled wellness visit with my oncologist coming up back then and when she saw the breast she immediately said it was edema (fluid) and I was scheduled for physical therapy, 8 visits. The highest doses of my rads were the last 7 that were shot over my right lung and into the right breast. I developed a cough from rads also. I used to go to bed at night, lay on my right side and proceeded to go into a nightly 10 minute coughing spell until all the fluid was dispersed. Was aggravating. The physical therapy helped the cough a little, but the cough didn't go away until this past June 2011 when (of all things) I was put on preventive antibiotic Doxycycline for Lyme Disease. I had a deer tick in my leg this year. That was weird to say the least. Can't wait to see the reaction my oncologist has when I tell her how the cough went away (laughing).

    I think you need to either see a pulmonary doctor or your oncologist if you have one about the chest pain, sounds like a fluid issue and you don't want to develope pneumonia from that. That rash and itching sounds like edema developing also. My physical therapy worked 100% for the edema in my right breast. I went for 8 weeks and in between my weekly visit I did certain given home massage and exercises each day. It all worked for me. Edema can show up at anytime by the way, my oncologist told me that. My breast cancer was in the earliest stage, nothing in nodes. I opted to have the rads. I don't have alot of good things to say about rad doctors because they were less then honest with me. I got the truth from other doctors I have concerning side effects of rads. Please get the chest pains checked out, that shouldn't be going on and get that rash issue checked also before it goes full blown.

    Hope I was of some help......God Bless


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2011

    Kathy ..........I do have LE........that developed about 6 weeks after surgery .......I do go to an LE speicalist, and have been for sometime.............I also have the cough, but had that before the cancer, but is a little worse................have been to a pulmonary specialist, and he said the cough (before cancer) was from "reflux"............I was first told to go to him when they saw a spot on my lung while doing a CT scan for something else..............well for 2 years every 6 months I had to have repeat CT scans....................s that was a total of 5  CT scans in 2 you read articles, and they tell you that CT scans give off a lot of radiation, and could possibly cause a cancer...................I'm not saying that caused my BC, but it does seem odd.............oh well, the shit just keeps happening...........I see my BS tomorrow, and plan on mentioning all this crap to him...........

  • kat06365
    kat06365 Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ducky,

    Your BC had both estrogen/progesterone receptors. Mine did not, was not hormone related. Did the docs explain what the E&P Receptors were all about? Are you on any of those cancer drugs related to E&P receptor breast cancer? If you are they do have side effects. I have to be honest with you here, I was relieved when they told me my BC was not E or P receptor related. My sister was just 46 when she died from 10 long years of BC coming back, but when she was diagnosed at age 36 it was already in 3 of the 13 nodes they took out of her and she did rads, and got half way thru chemo and couldn't finish it due to enemia. From age 36 to her death on her 46th Birthday in 2002 she had it pop up every 3 years. However, hers was not E or P Receptor related either, the genetic testing was done and it was not genes either. No other cases are anywhere in the families except hers and mine. Mine was non-invasive ductal, earliest stage possible, but I now live with this monkey on my back because cancer cells can show up somewhere else. I have not needed alot of tests done since my issue, but the rads did something to me. My oncologist was very honest with me in telling me that radiation related cancers can show up 10 to 15 years after the fact. By that I mean from radiation treatment FOR a previous cancer. I never could get any straight answers from the radiology people, it was always, "thats not from radiation treatment". I got myself educated when they wouldn't define what I wanted to know, I got the answers elsewhere. I can relate to how you feel, seriously. One other thing.................I had chest testing done, lungs etc., I have scar tissue on my right lung from rads and that was the only thing the people in radiology ever told me I may have happen. It did happen.

    Let me know how you make out..............I really am so sorry you're going thru all that you are and I do relate. In my prayers.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2011

    Hi Kathy.....................Went to the BS today, and he said eveyrthing looked good to him.........he suggested that I should go see my Cardio, or my PCP and tell them about the achy of tonight it has gone away..............not there anymore, so maybe it was a muscle pull............I was carrying heavy boxes on Saturday, not sure if I had it before then, but since its gone, I'll wait and see what happens................if it comes back then I will go and see about it.....

    I am on Femara.  That does give you a cough, and I do  know that coughing can play hell on the chest muscles.....................either way, I will see what happens...........I have been lucky with the Femara so bad SE's...........some days are good, and some are not so good, but it is nothing I can't handle...................hopefully it stays that way................thanks for your concern.......hugs.

  • kat06365
    kat06365 Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2011

    Okay Ducky, glad the appontment went well, God Bless


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2011

    Kathy .................will heed your advice, and keep my eye on gave me something to think about, and keep in feels good today, no ache, no pain.  Will certainly keep alert.

  • kat06365
    kat06365 Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2011

    Please read all the side effects of Femara

    Dizziness Night sweats Cough Constipation Weight loss Weight gain (see Femara and Weight Gain) Diarrhea Vomiting Insomnia Breast pain Muscle pain The flu Urinary tract infections (UTIs or bladder infections) Broken bones Vaginal dryness or irritation Loss of appetite Indigestion or heartburn Drowsiness.

    Common ones are joint pain, arthritis, cough, hot flashes, headaches. I've 2 aquaintances on it. I am wondering if your chest pain was in the breast area? That was also a common side effect. Just be aware of everything and read side effects of everything you have to swallow. It does effect your life.

    Enjoy what the day has to offer and God Bless.


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2011

    Worked for a Pharma Co. for 15 years, so the first thing I do is read all the inserts regardless of what the Meds are....................The achyness in the chest is gone............I have done fairly well with Femara, and just hope it stays that way.................I felt if this ache was related to anything I was thinking more Rads then Femara.........................Today was a good day..............I started WW last week, so I can get rid of the "blubber" that probably caused my cancer...........more "fat"........more estrogen...........and my tumor was ER/PR if I'm gonna take the " devil " pill I am going to make it worth my while, and lose the weight also...........why take a pill for something your "fat" causes, if your not going to be careful what you eat, and continue to gain weight...............just seemed to make sense to help myself, by doing WW.......I am will be very slow, but at least I can say I tried to help myself................should have done this years ago, but when your young, you think your invincible.................oh how we learn we are not........................

  • kat06365
    kat06365 Member Posts: 17
    edited October 2011

    I will be 62 Jan. 2012. WW is good when you stick to it and it does teach you portions to eat. I've always had a pretty good diet. I really don't think fat has anything to do with ER/PR cancer, but thats something to research and talk to a cancer doc about. My 2 aquaintances with ER/PR breast cancers have always been thin and didn't put on any weight until Femara and that was about 10lbs on each of them. Both have the hot flashes, cough, and pains in there breast areas off and on.  Rads, like I said, gave me side effects, but I have learned to live with them in as much as I hate it. keep the chin up!!!! 


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646
    edited October 2011

    Kathy.............I have researched the ER/PR information, and it is a fact that the more fat you have on your body, the more estrogen you also have in your body...................I was told losing weight would be in my best interest since I am ER/PR positive........................that isn't to say thin people don't get ER/PR positive cancer, but it is much more prevelent in women who carry extra weight.

    My GYN told me the same thing when I asked him about it.................he said "yes, the more body fat you have, the more estrogen you have...............being fat won't necessarily "give" you cancer, but if you are ER/PR positive, carrying more body fat, will not help in a woman with ER/PR positive type cancer................

  • gigrose
    gigrose Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2016

    Well ladies I have been reading all the posts on here, I am in my third week of radiation and I ache all over. Saw the Doctor today she told me, imagine this its not from the rad treatments. I never had this problem before she told me to contact my family doctor so he can prescribe a medication. Im very scared about this radiation treatments. If the oncologist has never heard of this being a side effect, mind you this is there profession they need to go back to school. First off when I mentioned this to her she looked at me like it was the first time she heard this before, bull crap they know what's going on believe me. Well thanks all for listening😕

  • Ansta
    Ansta Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2016

    You are right gigrose, same here in Poland. When I am claiming about my muscle,/bone aches as a result of radiatiotheraphy, my oncologist says there is no connection between the treatment and my pain and she's never heard about any side effects like that. I am after BCT, chemo, radio (finished in the middle of March 2016) and started hormonotherapy for 5 years.

    I decided to consult my problemswith dietician to get to know what food I should eat maybe more and I am going to ask about the right supplementation. I feel that my body is exhausted of such long and radical treatment. I wish it could help.


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,744
    edited April 2016

    Dear Anna,

    We are sorry that you are dealing with muscle and bone aches. We are very glad that you reached out here and hope that you will continue to stay connected. Take a look around the boards and post on other topics as well. We hope that you will find support and information here. Stay connected, The Mods

  • Larai
    Larai Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2019

    I had my normal routine mamogram on April 10th 2017.. they missed my cancer.. had to have a diagnostic after finding a lump in august.. my biopsy came back cancer.. type invasive lobular carcinoma.. and surgery and lymph node biopsy came back with the sentinel node "being loaded with cancer" they took 8 nodes out.. ER postive @ 95% .. I did the chemo regime of 1 treatment every 21 days x 4.. Now on radiation.. they are doing the full spectrum of my breast and node area.. and also AccuBoost.. for targeting the tumor bed.... Wow..I knew I wasn't alone in this when I started reading..the Pain is taking my breath away.. ugh.. can barely take a full breath..I hurt everywhere from the shoulder around to the back and shoulder blade. I feel like I've been crushed both front and back and can barely breathe for the pain n spasms.. Kept me up all night.. this is the second time this has happened since I started radiation.. never really fully went away, just dulled down.. i have 2 more weeks and a day or so of radiation left to go.. I feel for everyone here going through this or similar.. Ugh.. on the UP side.. I'm alive!.. I also asked my radiation oncologist about side effects other than the sun burn.. he wanted to tell me that it was being sore from a deep tissue massage... I have the skin burn.. sores etc.. itching from healing etc.. but this pain is excruciating!!. THC/CBD balm seems to work a little bit.. I've tried tylenol.. I've tried just regular bayer extra strength.. resorted to norco.. I hate opiates big time.. But glad I had them when I REALLY needed something stronger for pain.. the trade off of taking opiates with opioid constipation there are times I'd Almost rather suffer the pain.. but sadly not this time..

  • Larai
    Larai Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2019

    When all this started.. I weighed 138.. at 5'1 Now after chemo and radiation I am at 121 lbs.. Since my cancer has both receptors.. although the progesterone was only 5%.. the Estrogen was 95%, so my regular oncologist put me on Anastrozole. for 5 years.. oddly aside from possible weight gain on this drug.. my biggest concern oddly taking this drug.. are the mood swings.. been on it about 3 weeks now.. so far only symptoms are hot flashes n night sweats..which honestly I can't help but think that I'm not over the menopause.. not sure where one ends and the other picks up... we shall see.. I was also a smoker for 45 years.. I'm 57 years old.. I quit a few months ago.. bout when all this started. but that much time as a smoker I can't help but feel that quitting now was like closing the barn door after the horses were already out of it... this particular side effect of radiation scares me.. the "Secondary Cancer" all I can say is wow.. what a long strange trip this is!.. Thank you for all your posts.. Very informative!.. I knew I wasn't alone But I'm also surprised by how many of us have these symptoms of joint pain muscle spasms and the ability to take a full breath.. hmm