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Out of balance hormones (Symplex F)


Hi Folks!

I would love your feedback.  My onc put me into early menopause a year ago after I finished chemo. I had stage 1 ER+/PR+ cancer which was removed with a mastectomy. I have shots of Lupron once a month and take arrimidex daily. In Feb I began to have acid reflux. I went to my natropath who said my adrenals were kaput and my hormones were out of balance. She prescribed Standard Process Drenamin and Symplex F. I started to take the Drenamin but have been hesitant to take the Symplex F. The last time I had acid reflux I was hypothyroid with hashimotos. My February TSH test seemed a little high but it was still within "range". Was wondering if any of you have taken Symplex F? Though Symplex F doesn't have any estrogen in it I am worried that it might cause me to have estrogen and my oncologist wouldn't approve. (He doesn't "get" anything natural.) Right now I feel soooo crappy (tired/weak/can't eat/moody/depressed etc) that I wouldn't mind some estrogen.

Have any of you had ER+/PR+ and taken Symplex F?

Do any of you have a naturapath that prescribes Standard Process?

Do any of you know an open minded oncologist?

Would love to hear your thoughts.



  • susie3820
    susie3820 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2011

    I hope you see my post... I too was diagnosed with stage 2, estrogen (possibly pro. also., not sure, but I'll ask him) receptive positive breast cancer.  My chiropractor suggested Simplex F, and 4 other products to keep the cancer from coming back.  My onc immediately read about the product online and then told me that if I took the Standard Process Simplex F, that the cancer would come back!  I've benefitted greatly from Standard Process supplements. I was surprised and disappointed at what he said, tho, thankful too that he could see that it would cause the cancer to come back.  On the other hand, do the makers of Standard Process Simplex F know something he doesn't?   I took the Simplex F for about a week before I saw him. He is strongly recommending I get on Famara, with Zometa IV's 2 times a year.  I'm deeply dreading the possible side effects.  The S. P. supplements were giving me some life. I could see the life in my eyes and skin.  But then would that turn deadly from growing cancer cells???  I may call Standard Process. in a couple of days, it's Memorial day week-end.  I am so curious as to why they are thinking Simplex F would help breast cancer.  I hope this helps you.  I hope you are well.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323
    edited May 2011

    Hello, had never heard of it, so googled.  These ingredients, I, personnally, would never ingest, i.e. any animal source extracts

    Each tablet supplies approximately: 30 mg bovine ovary PMGTM extract, 15 mg bovine adrenal PMGTM extract, 10 mg bovine pituitary PMGTM extract, and 10 mg bovine thyroid PMGTM extract (processed to remove its thyroxine).

    Proprietary Blend: 138 mg
    Magnesium citrate, bovine ovary PMGTM extract, bovine adrenal PMGTM extract, bovine pituitary PMGTM extract, and bovine thyroid PMGTM extract (processed to remove its thyroxine).

    Other Ingredients: Calcium lactate, cellulose, and calcium stearate.

  • Carola32
    Carola32 Member Posts: 44
    edited June 2011

    I hear you Luan, I just checked on google too. Oh my...that's all I can say.

  • susie3820
    susie3820 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2011

    Thought I should reword this...I too was diagnosed with hormone receptor positive bc. Had a mastectomy. (I'm 59)  My chiropractor suggested the Standard Process Simplex F to balance my hormones. The idea is that balanced hormones would not feed cancer.  My oncologist looked up Simplex F online. He said if I take the Simplex F the cancer would come back.  I called my chiropractor back.  She said she has tons of patients on the Simplex F, some have had bc. I am going to call her back and see if Standard Process has any studies with statistics that show how well Simplex F works, or doesn't work, and how long before any recurrence of bc, if any.  She also suggested something to keep my body in proper ph balance, so that disease could not grow, also Flax, Iodine, Mammery pmg, to protect the remaining breast, and Hypothalmex.  Famara may keep cancer away but I've been reading many, too many,  personal stories of women who have had devastating side effects, destroying any quality of life they had.  Some do not get their lives back even after getting off the Famara.  I personally know of one woman who has been on Famara for 2 yrs. The only side effect she has had is that she is just starting to loose a little bittie amount of bone.  So she takes the Zomata IV, I think 2x's a year.  I read of only one woman online that did not have side effects. Also, my daughter saw a program on Veria TV on the book "The Cancer Prevention Diet. The Macrobiotic Approach to Preventing and Relieving Cancer" by Mixhio Kushi & Alex Jack. Amazon has the book. They also have a website,  Has anybody tried this diet?  After reading thru the breast cancer part of the book, I only changed a few things and have benefited greatly.  Lost 11 pounds in about 2 1/2 months, slowly but naturally, allergies just about all gone, feel completely different. Please think/pray about checking this out also. It may change your life for the better.  God's blessings to each of you. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 323
    edited June 2011

    Susie, you are doing very well to adjust your diet and the books you listed look very interesting, thank you Smile

    Personally, my own opinion, I do not trust chiropractors, there are too many out there first of all, competition is fierce and unless they also have a naturopathic degree, I can't see how they can recommend any supplements or offer health advice.

    I see an osteopath, who comes highly recommended, for my problems and he does not offer any advice on supplements.

    The issue with animal sourced hormonal supplements is the transmission of disease.  Plus, these animals are fed hormones which end up in their organs and the cycle seems unhealthy at best.

  • susie3820
    susie3820 Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2011

    Thanks, the change in eating has helped so much. I understand your position on chiropractors and why you feel as you do.  I've had a completely different experience with chiropractors.  I have been helped, especially by this one & the Standard Process Supplements.  Just so you know, I don't own any stock or anything.  This is what I found out: my chiropractor said the Simplex F levels out your hormones, whether they are too low or too high. I asked her about the cows that are used for the Standard Process Simplex F.  She said they are fed only organic.  They also test their products all the time.  They have a huge lab.  Not trying to talk you into anything ~ just passing to you what she said.  I tried the Famara for 8 days, couldn't tolerate another day of it. The side effects were horrible: I felt like a zombie, weak, lifeless, brain fog, hot flashes, needed to cry all the time, my hair fell out in tons. So, as always, everything about this is a gamble. like most everything in life.  May God direct your thoughts and the path you are to take. 

  • Summer22
    Summer22 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2015


    I was curious on the outcome on what you were able to find out about Standard Process Symplex F? I too was sent into surgical menopause and was diagnosed with estrogen/ progesterone positive breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and IORT radiation. My hormones are out of wack so much that I have tremors. I also have thyroid Hashimotos. I am currently taking Symplex F and it has been extremely helpful with my symptoms but also wanted to know if it is ok with the breast cancer. I don't want to be fueling any cancer. My oncologist wants me on Aromasin but my functional dr. says my body doesn't want it and it will throw off my body even more. I have had wonderful success with the Standard Process products so hoping I can still take it.

    Thank you!

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929
    edited April 2015

    Summer, Susie hasn't been seen on BCO in four years

  • sandra46
    sandra46 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2016

    Hi All,

    It has been a long time since I have posted on this site, I think when I joined this site I was 46 I am now 52 soon to be 53 in 2 months. But I was going through my supplements and throwing out old ones. One of the supplements that I have taken was Symplex F. I was Googling this supplement again to look up any new reviews, when I came across this Discussion Topic.

    I realize that it has been a little over a year since Summer22 posted a comment, but since I have taken it and had some experience with it I thought I would post my experience and thoughts about it. It was suggested/recommended to me by a chiropractor as well, I wanted something to help with the side effects of chemo at the time. I was metastatic at the time I took it, I have been dealing with metastatic disease since 2008, I was originally dx in 2003, with IDC Stage 3A ER+ PR+ HER2 Neu negative SBR score 9 nuclear grade 3 poorly differentiated. I took it for about a month or so, it made my menstrual cycle return, which told me the product was definitely having an effect on my endocrine system and sex hormones, it also helped with the other menopausal symptoms that I was dealing with at the time. But I stopped it due to my menstrual cycle returning, which I didn't want to deal with anymore, my cancer did NOT spread or become more aggressive while using either the Symplex F or the Bio-identical hormones. I went back on using bio-identical hormones because it helped with the menopausal symptoms without making my cycle return (I have done bio-identical hormones on & off since dx). It has NOT made my cancer spread anywhere or make my cancer more aggressive.

    The pathology at dx was according to my path report was shown to be very aggressive, yet I am still here. I did not do a mastectomy or radiation just chemo, I am now currently as of this post in remission just using Femara, it has been 15 months off chemo and my CA 15-3 tumor marker is 28.5 which is within normal range. Since 2008 when dx with mets I have used Tamoxifen which only worked for me for 9 months, Fasoldex loading dose (which is the equivalent of receiving 4 months in a month I was on it for 1 1/2 months it was NOT working for me. So I went on chemo Avastin & Abraxane went into remission in 6 weeks. I go into remissions the problem is I don't stay there. I have had recurrences for different reasons, I think that mostly it has been some of the stressful situations that have gone on in my life, but I am doing quite well right now. I am not on any hormone type products at this time, but I have thought of tying Osphena, if I do I will post my experience with it.

    Just my 2 cents and my experience I hope my info helps you. : )