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  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Hi Nancy, I hope this for your daughter too. I know how you feel... My older son did settle for a career. He makes good money.. but really does not like his career at all... and I have a feeling the youngest is going in the same direction...:(....keep praying for them....

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Judy will be having a mastectomy within a few weeks..... she is learning all she can now about triple neg. disease..... and she is trying to stay up about it all.... we'll see how she does when her breasts are removed...:(... please continue to pray for her... TY

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    I have a prayer request, and Michelle, I would like to include her in my intentions for your watch on October 18th. Her name is Nita, and she is in the hospital with complications with clotting and is on blood thinners. She was having a lot of lung pain, and luckily went to the Emergency Room to be evaluated. She has been checking in from the hospital, and welcomes prayers for her. I thank you all in advance.

    I would also like to offer continued prayers for Apple's brother, Jeannine, Bridget, welela, Carol, Barb as she journies in her faith, Judy who is newly diagnosed, Sheila who has lost her DH Greg, our Sisters Jan who I think still awaits her oncotype, Janet, who is recovering and waiting to hear the next part of her treatment plan, Paula as she begins her radiation treatment, Laura that she continues with renewed spirit after the Vegas reunion, and the other ladies who have joined the thread and prayer circle Pat, PatMom,Betty, lovemyfamily, Theresa, and a few who I have their screen name in my head, and well, I am afraid of losing this post to check on the spelling.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    We must have posted around the same time. I found your Canticle of the Sun to be so true to my heart. I will have more questions! (laughing) I love the elements, and am a water sign. I felt such a peace with your prayer and it touched me deeply. I look into the stars at night in my water element, looking at God's creation, the pulse of the Moon, the echos off the mountains, the rustling of winged birds. It's all so beautiful and beyond comprehension. Thank you Thank you.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    Whoops, I meant to add my psalm that I chose before I saw your Canticle of the Sun Theresa.

    For all my Sisters,

    He counts the stars

    and assigns each a name.

    Our Lord is great, with limitless strength;

    we'll never comprehend what he knows and does.

    Psalm 147:4-5 The Message

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Squid--trying to get us all together. last night i woke up at 1050 fri , but didn't have the strength to go to the computer, but i did pray.

    Theresa , please continue your post about St. Francsis.

    My twin and I and my brother were not cured of polio by Fr Solanus. We were taken to him for his blessing after it was all over. Probably by 1-2 years? My brother was left with a bumb leg and several surgeries. Sister and I don't appear to have any deficit. WE each have had muscle bone and joint pain our whole life. My memory of seeing him as was as I described. I was a small child. The intensity of all the adults invovled made me quite aware this was a big deal. We were dressed in our best clothes. WE were in this room off a courtyard. Fr Solunas came down the hall. There was a trellis that blocked the view, I could here the click of his sandals on the tile as he got closer, and then he was there. He talked with us, and then he prayed, and he laid hands on each of us. I remember him being kind and not scary. Nothing after that do I have any memory of. Probably, because I wasn't afraid anymore. I was probably 3-4 at the time. I'm going to call the only one's alive right now and see what they remember---be back Namaste L&H and faith sheila

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Nancy: congrats to your daughter's happy birthday!  I remember when my DD was 19 ... with a one year old son ... I certainly know the joys and disappointments of raising young adults.  My son kept me nail biting too.  But they've both settled into respectable adulthood... I hope.  DD and her husband hopefully will be getting back together soon and we will have an empty nest again.  But I'll miss her and my 2 grandsons ... even though they'll be close by.  I like the activity and I like it when the boys misbehave and I can send them to their Mama! :-)

    Traci, Francis is awesome.  I wasn't sure I'd like Franciscanism b/c I'm pretty conservative, but there are so many dimensions to Franciscans -- look at Mother Angelica and Fr. Groeschel, who are both Franciscans.  Can't get more conservative than that! :-)  And I am a complicated Aquarian (water/air?), as are both my children... my poor husband has to put up with us.  But we live with his weirdisms too.

    That's a beautiful psalm.  "we'll never comprehend what he knows and does."  Amen.

    So, like I said earlier, I met my sister, her daughter and grandson for lunch today... my DD and I.  She's my older sister and I'm the baby of the family.  The first time she saw me (about a month ago) with my short, curly gray hair, she had to do a double take.  I could tell she didn't like it, even though she didn't say a word about it.  I haven't really gotten used to seeing myself with this bright silver head of hair either and have been on the fence about coloring it again, as I did before chemo.  Today at lunch she said:  I think you should color your hair.  She made no bones about it! LOL  She's my very frank sister.  I have another older sister who is super sweet and would probably say:  Tessie it's so cute!  But it really comes down to what I want and I'm still on the fence about putting chemicals back on my scalp after having cancer.  I'm not crazy about what I see in the mirror, so the coloring will probably win out.

    Oh, thanks for listening to me ramble.  I have to confess, that since joining this group and participating in our group prayers, I have come to feel more and more peace and serenity in my heart and mind and body.  It's the effects of prayer and I am so grateful to you all for your embracing prayers!

    Peace to you all and a good night's rest!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Forgot... yes, Chaplet of Divine Mercy for Nita this evening.  I hope she gets better!

    Father Solanus:

    He's another example of a holy Franciscan ... he was a Capuchin Monk.  Just a simple, sweet soul.

    In the words of Father Solanus:

    Worry is a weakness from which very few of us are entirely free. We must be on guard against this most insidious enemy of our peace of soul. Instead let us foster confidence in God, and thank Him ahead of time for whatever he chooses to send us.

    "If we only try to show the Dear Lord a good will and ask Him for resignation to the crosses He sends or permits to come our way, we may be sure that sooner or later they will turn out to have been just so many blessings in disguise."

    The great challenge in life is not so much in finding work that will fulfill us,
    but in finding fulfillment in whatever work we are doing.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Theresa - exactly my sentiments. Have really noticed a difference in serenity and attribute it directly to our prayers. 

    I drove around a little today doing a very few errands today - post office, store!   Then had to sleep  1 1/2 hours but it was nice to be out and about!  The same people have worked at my post office forever.  When the the woman said "Hi how are you today," I said 'fine.'  But inside I was thinking, "I'm not fine - I just had a breast removed."  But just pushed those thoughts aside - 'get thee behind me satan!".

    Pesky low-grade fever is back.  I think it was reaction to having drain pulled.  No sign of any infection, redness or anything & still on antibiotics but I have very fair & sensitive skin so maybe it's just another little shock to the body.

    Yes, the stars.  Amazing to contemplate them. I went to an observatory this summer for a lecture on the night of the Perseid meteor showers.  Did you know there are 200 billion stars in the Milky Way (our galaxy)?  And there are 200 billion GALAXIES!  So, Traci, you are correct - it is beyond our comprehension!   Our God is an awesome God.

    Always loved the line in Peter Pan that to get to Neverland "take the first star to the right, straight on til morning." :)  Have a good night sisters.  God is near to us.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2010

    Theresa - I called the only aunt and uncle alive with memory--they have no memory of the Fr. Solanus occurrecnce only with his own mom when he was ten--he's now 82.. BUT it was a huge family and not all things were communicated.

    But I read the words you have written by Fr. Solanus and it brings tears. There are so many words here that are happening so fast. That have such great meaning. .

    PLEASE WE NEED A WORDSMITH THAT WILL BEING TOGETHER ALL THE SAINTS AND MOTHER MARY INTO A SINGLE PRAYER .  MY Uncle Ted had such a prayer that each time he got in the car he said it. I never learned it. It invoked Our Father. Our Mother and the whole Of all Heaven etc. Completelty unsure of what he said because he would say it so fast.

    Where's Barb? I'll Pm her

    Namaste L&H and faith Sheila

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    I was reading about your low grade fevers being back. One other sign of infections (which I experienced) was pain. When my drain was pulled on the side that was infected (we did not know it yet) it was quite painful. I also had trouble sleeping on that side for several days, then the pain came on like a freight train. Just be vigilant and have a low tolerance for any increase in pain or temp. You can always call the hospital if you have any concerns after hours, and they will page the Plastic Surgeon or Breast Surgeon on call. I am not sure if you are planning reconstruction or have started....

    Can you believe the glory in the Universe? It's so exciting, isn't it? My mom used to wake us up at 4:00 AM to look out the window during times of meteor showers. How I miss her, and long to see her again. I was very lucky to have a mom that found nature breathtaking. Just another gift from mother to child.

    Thank you Theresa for your prayers. I did a little research on novena and intentions. I don't know the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, but I am grateful.

    Sheila, what wonderful memories you have of Father Solanus. It has the great detail and perspective from a child's view. Of true heart and mind. Very interesting that you both have such connection to him. But of course there are no coincidences.. :)

    So Theresa, are you saying Franciscanism is more on the liberal side? I think it's obvious that I lean towards the liberal end of things...

    as for finding ourselves more peaceful, I could not agree more. I am happier now that I am allowing my spirituality to have a voice. My friend and I were talking last month about having desires, and being afraid. He wanted to take a dance class, but was afraid of what emotions might surface. Mine was being afraid of walking into a Church and just breaking down in tears. I fear being overwhelmed with my need for God. It feels very raw and hits to the core of my being. And so that's where I need to go. And so the journey begins.

    I'll take the next star to the right, straight on till morning :)

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Good evening all,

    Sheila, I was also affected by polio when I was 6 months old and the virus got me just prior to getting the polio vaccine.  Thank God I was receiving a lot of physical therapy and it helped. My R leg is a bit shorter and smaller, what they called atrophy of the thigh muscle. Other than that, my gait is ok with a very mild limp when I'm tired.  I experienced a lot of leg pain when I was young up until I became a teenager.  I can't sit a certain way because my knee gets locked up on the bad leg.  My mom brought me to Lourdes when I was about 10 years old and we visited a shrine inside a cave there, I was blessed by the Holy Water in there.  

    I like to propose our group preparing for a Pilgrimage next year or something. That would be great.

    Janet ~ I'm still getting my low grade fever now and then and no solid answer from any doctors.

    I have a favor to ask for tonight :

    My son is getting hives all over his body and he's feeling mild numbness around his chin, a swollen finger.  I've given him Benedryl but we have no clue what he's allergic to and it has never happened to him.  Please pray for his speedy recovery from this allergy.

    Thank you and Good night~

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Good morning sisters,

    My son, Michael is still getting hives all over his body.  We can't figure out what is affecting him, he didn't eat anything that he's allergic to. He did however, climbed up into the attic with my DH last week and yesterday we went to Best Buy and the store is going through renovation.  He could be allergic to the environment ~ dust or building material ?!? I've been giving him Benedryl one pill yesterday afternoon when it first started and then he needed 2 pills at night.  I just gave him one pill at 8am this morning.

    Please Lord Jesus, I pray for Your intervention and take away the elements that is triggering his allergies.  Amen.

    Have a great Sunday!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Do you think he needs to go to the E.R. ? Not sure if the Benedryl is having any response, but may need a little more intervention. It's hard to isolate allergans sometimes, but he clearly is coming in contact with something. He may need a little systemic steroid treatment to get this turned around while you all find the allergan source. Just my humble opinion.

  • shanagirl
    shanagirl Member Posts: 465
    edited October 2010

    To All Who shared your kind words to my post about being away from the Church, and my experience.  There is a happy ending to this story that I didn't mention.  After I left the Church and joined the bible study group, I met my DH and were married in 1972.. After we had our 3rd child together, and with the birth of each baby, I continued to long for the baby that was given up for adoption, and so we put a letter in to Catholic Charities, to try to find out about him, and they responded within a few weeks that he too had been asking for me and was already 16, and he and his adoptive mother had come to the church about his desire to meet his birth mother, so they gave him the letter I sent to them that I wanted him to have  from me. This was all followed by a wonderful reunion after he turned 18.  He had grown to be all I had hoped and I was the birthmother he had hoped for.  He has been in our life since and we have shared in his wedding, and the the birth of his children, and he continues to be in our lives currently. His wife's mom is an extremely devout Catholic, and their daughter, my grandaughter just made her First Holy Communion this past May, and our families have continued to share these events together. I do plan on returning to the Church soon.  DH and I just recently moved in August to a new home and it just so happens that the next door neighbor is a Monsignor and there is a Catholic Church a few houses away.  So maybe I am meant to return.  I have always felt a close relationship with God and he has been with me thru many trials in my life and helped me each and every time.  I do feel very blessed and lucky .  I wanted all of you to know this.  Again thank you for all of your kind words.



  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Barb - what a heartwarming story!  You must have been SO THRILLED to find him.  And, to have a continuing close relationship now is even more of a blessing.  God surely works in ways we don't understand throughout our entire lives.  God bless.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Traci ~ My DH was asking me if he needed to bring him to ER last night.  I thought "No" and see if Benedryl is helping.  Even his fingers are swollen, but I'm worried that going to ER he'll be getting another infection from all the viruses around.  I may bring him to URGENT care today or Pediatrician tomorrow morning.  Thank you for your kind thoughts :)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    They may "fast track" him...if he has evidence such as swelling and hives. If you can go to an Urgent care today, that would be great too. I hold you all in my prayers.


    What a wonderful story. It was meant to be, wasn't it? I am so thrilled for your reunion, it is so Divinely ordered. For your son to have a mother that welcomed all parts of this journey shows so much about her being chosen for you all. I look forwards to the next chapter in your journey.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Hi Traci~

    I've PM you back :)

    My DH is taking him to an URGENT care 15 mins from our house.  Thanks so much.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    I PM'd you, and your son and your entire family are in our Prayers. Have faith God is with you all now.

    We hold you close.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    I posted a new topic called Sea of Pink. I have just been in the company of glorious women and men as they walk for a Cure. I cannot express the energy, the Love and the Power that is walking through our streets right now.

    I got a lot of love too, so I am off to give it back tenfold. I will share the day...and take pictures for you all.

    My one wish is my post does not get buried...I know this is a bit of a hot topic for some, and I just want to share the other side of Pink.

    God Bless.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Paula: I hope and pray everything is ok with your son.  I know it's no comparison, but the same thing happened to my dog.  She broke out in hives all over and her face swelled up.  We treated with Benadryl the first time and the swelling eventually went away.  The second time it happened, a few weeks later, we took her to the vets and they observed her for the day, giving her steroids as well as Benadryl.  We still don't know what caused those two incidents.  Allergies, bug bite... it's scary. 

    Please let us know how everything went.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2010

    Barb:  I love happy endings! Smile

    Traci:  Franciscanism is liberal, traditional, conservative all in one.  I've always been a conservative kind of gal, but being Catholic, you can't help being a bit liberal too.  My husband, a Californian, leans a bit to the port side.  I remember back in the day when I was a young mom, living in another town, my Mom and I took my kids to church every Saturday evening.  Often, there was a visiting priest from the Franciscan Monastery in DC who said Mass.  I really didn't like this guy, because it seemed his homilies were alway directed at the well to do members of our parish and  how out of touch our community was to the suffering body of Christ.  Back then, I was not well to do, living in a trailer park, but I knew many members of the church were, but felt he didn't have a right to push his "liberalism" on "us".  One evening, it was during Lent, and he gave the most powerful homily I've ever heard, and the ONLY way he was able to deliver that message was by working intimately with the suffering body of Christ with the down and out in the poorest of DC.  He did a Stations of the Cross homily.  Stations of the Cross, if you don't know, is a step by step walk of the events of Christ's passion... there are 14 stations and they're usually depicted by statues, pictures, icons around the perimeter of the church.  It is a hugely powerful form of prayer, and I just found out that it was a devotion begun by St. Francis (I didn't know!).  Anyway....... this priest said the title of each station, such as "Jesus is condemned to death" and instead of reading the traditional words of scripture detailing the event, he related a story about someone or some people in the poor streets of DC.  He related it with such tenderness and compassion that I was brought to tears.  I think many of us were blubbering by the time he ended at the 14th station.

    Many Franciscans work with the poorest of the poor.  They fight for social justice.  Many Franciscans are cloistered and spend their entire lives in prayer for us.  Many are teachers, etc.  There are just so many flavors of Franciscanism so that even a traditional kind of gal like me feels right at home as would a liberal gal like you.  They never ever go against the teachings of the church.  My favorite Franciscans today can be found on EWTN.

    So if you are being tugged to walk back into a church, then by all means take the Holy Spirit by the Hand and walk right in.  Being in DC, you have some GORGEOUS churches.  The Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is breath taking!  I've never been to the Franciscan Monastery, and I plan on doing it, but I've heard it is beautiful and the gardens are wonderful.  When I was going through radiation in Philadelphia, a few times  during the week I walked to the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul about 4 blocks from the hospital and went to Noon Mass.  Yes, going into these works of art churches just brings me to my knees in tears.  The holiness of it all.  But then I get all teary when I go into the simple monastic chapel here in Berryville.  Knowing that the body of Christ rests in the tabernacle and He's there for ME at any time is so special.  It's like walking into your best friend's house. 

    Speaking of tears, my husband and I both succumb to them.  He was reading a Franciscan lesson to our fraternity a couple of months ago and couldn't get through it without tearing up.  That got me tearing up!!!  And one morning I was reading to him the daily office and it was the feast of St. Monica, who was the mother of St. Augustine.  St. Augustine was relating his relationship with his mother and her last days on earth.  I lost it!!!  I couldn't finish reading, I was crying so much.  My mascara was running and we were driving to work!!!  I think of the tears as the Holy Spirit squishing out compassion from our stony hearts. :-)  Tears are good.  Be not afraid! :-)

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited October 2010

    Good afternoon all (1:05pm PST),

    It was a close call awhile ago, my son got his steroid shot and I was just telling our DD that.  I then called my DH and see what does of Zyrtec the doctor had recommended becos we have the 10mg at home.  Then DH said that he couldn't talk becos our son just passed out and they needed to give him an IV.

    So I quickly jumped into the shower and praying the whole time, came out and called DH and he said that Mike just came to, the doctor said that the BP was getting back to normal and some people react that way.  Our DD had the Gardicil shot (supposed to be 3 series), she had the 1st one and passed out twice within 1 week of getting it.  Her doctor said she couldn't have the 2nd & 3rd, so that was that.  I know how scary it is when people just pass out cold.

    Thank you for your prayers.  I have a good shock today.

    God Bless us ALL !

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited October 2010

    Ladies.. leaving for a Hair show tonight.

    I pray for each of your intentions above, and thank God for answered prayers above. Have a Blessed Sunday evening.


  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    You all have had a very stressful day. Your son should start to feel better with the steroids too. God Bless you, I'm sure you were terrified. Once the anxiety about his allergic reactions begins to lessen, you will hopefully be able to isolate the allergan. Has he been playing in a yard, exposed to any insecticides outside? Been over a friends or played in another yard? I had a whopper one time and it was after I helped put fertilizer on our lawn. I pray that his allergies completely resolve, and the source will be identified. If it cannot be identified, then I pray he never comes in contact with it again. I bet your tired! Take some rest if you can.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited October 2010

    Paula - I hope little Mike is back home safe & sound & you can relax/breathe sigh of relief!  Lord, bless Paula and her family tonight.

    None of us has ever been allergic to shellfish, but this summer my daughter ate a crabcake and broke out in a rash all over.  I don't understand how allergic reactions happen out of the blue, even for something that never was a problem before.  So, also think of any food that may have caused it - any candybars w/peanuts maybe?   Those little candybars are everywhere with Halloween coming up.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010

    I just got back from cheering the ladies and men as they came in from their three day walk. It was so very powerful, and I swear, there were people who walked that were thanking us, "the crowd." Can you believe it?  Monies going to research and to find a cure. I got to meet a woman named Julie who was there with her husband and two sons... the tutu brothers (wearing pink tutu's as one does :) She had imflammatory breast cancer, and is going to hold a flag at the next walk entitled "believe." Very spiritual lady, who handed me tissues when I needed them. Some of the ladies were obviously limping, being held up by their Sister or brother with them. In fact, I knew who had walked even as we had all dispersed, and that is because they were the ones with the limps. I would like to ask us all to say a prayer of thanks for everyone who walked for us, their loved ones or in support for each other.

  • pagowens
    pagowens Member Posts: 61
    edited October 2010

    Dear Friends,

    Wow.  I haven't had time to get on for the last 4 days and just spent over an hour reading everyone's post.  This is one special group of women!   Thank you to everyone who posts - I can hear your sincerity and love through these posts.  Thank you for your generous spirits.

     I continue to pray the rosary, even if I don't have one with me and count on my fingers. I can't remember everyone's names and requests, so I just pray for my sisters and their families and friends. I hope that'll do.

    My son and son-in-law are walking in the Philadelphia walk next week and I'm going to go up to cheer them on.  I'm still not healthy enough to walk too far - my hips and leg joints are really being beat up by the Femara I started in September.  On Friday evening, I had to drop my grandson off at one of my son's house for babysitting and I drove through Atlantic City --- every casino and hotel was awash in pink.  Pretty amazing...on a lot of levels.

    Love and hug to you all.  I so totally need your sisterhood and prayers and hope my prayers and love back are helpful.

    Hugs, Pat

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2010


    Your prayers and love are wonderful. This reminds me of one of the first things my new BC therapist (who is a Psychiatrist) gave me, which was an article about survival from BC. It has been shown that support from friends and family has a positive affect on survivorship. I know there have also been many studies showing the positive power of prayer for healing and outcome in terms of any illness. So to have both here....priceless.

    Laura started something here, that came from her heart, and her reverence for St. Peregrine. Isn't it wonderful when someone decides to reach out, put themselves out there, and then can see their ideas come to fruition? I hope that Laura gives herself props for following her heart.

    It is so wonderful that your son and son in law are walking in Phile next week. You will enjoy it so much, and as Badger said on another thread.."bring your tissues" (and your camera :) Please thank them for me.