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Persistant Nausea after Lumpectomy

Elliana Member Posts: 5

Hi all, I had a lumpectomy on Monday, it was a lot easier than I imagined, very managable, no pain after first few hours. I haven't had to take the pain meds prescribed for me. I am having a lot of nausea and weakness on this my third day out and I'm just wondering if others have had this. It seems I should be getting stronger not weaker by now, I have really taken it easy and slept a lot the last couple days. I was in good shape going in, well rested, good health, etc. I do see the doc tomorrow to remove drain, so I can ask her then, but it just seems weird to be this weak right now. Great news is they found no lymph node involvement!


  • Unknown
    edited October 2009

    Elliana, that's great about your results but not so great about the nausea.  Do you think you picked up a bug while in the joint?  It may be unrelated to your surgery.  I hope it passes soon.

  • 923lee
    923lee Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2009

    Hi Eliana,

               I just had my surgery October 2nd. I also had alot of nausea after--I found out 2 weeks later (from my oncologist not my surgeon) that I had gotten an infection! One week of cephalexin antibiotics and I feel much better--You may want to push them to check for infection--Good LuckLaughing

  • j414
    j414 Member Posts: 58
    edited October 2009


    It's probably the anesthesia.  I'm also in very good shape, spin a couple of times a week, run, tennis, very thin, but I never took any type of meds/pain killers and only had general anesthesia for a tooth extraction when I was in college. My body did not like the anesthesia. I had my surgery on a Tuesday, had no post op pain and very little swelling (didn't have a drain), but I still felt out of it through the following weekend. The Saturday after my surgery (a full 5 days later) we took a walk and after about two blocks I got really light headed and actually had to stop for a couple of minutes to catch my breath. I didn't feel "right" for about a week.  It will be okay, you're only three days out, it will take a couple of days for you to flush all the chemicals out of your system. Drink a lot of water! 

    And great news about the clear lymph nodes!  Next stop, rads! Check out the rads threads for info on creams etc, I found a lot of the comments really helpful!


  • Elliana
    Elliana Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2009

    Feeling a bit better today, I see surgeon 3pm today for post op. I walked maybe six blocks distance last night and danced a tiny bit around my house. Very little is different, I'm grateful and impressed by this, they didn't hack away as I feared they would. My incisions are very small, so far minor.  The various wires and radioactive shots of dye (!!) were mostly painless, I kept falling asleep. I had no need for anti-anxiety meds. I got really cold because of no food or water for 12+ hours. But that was the worst of it. Very little pain. Nausea slowly abating. Next I find out whether there were clear margins. I see my 20 year old daughter and her bf's band play tonight! Thank you for responding!

  • bbop53
    bbop53 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2018

    I had a lumpectomy done on 4/6/18.Nauseous feeling after 3 or 4 days.I was given a prescription. Almost 3 weeks later, still feel nauseous and lightheaded at times. Hope it goes away soon. Nothing seems to help.Any advice will he helpful.Thank you