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Can Shingles LEAD to breast cancer????



  • rreynolds1
    rreynolds1 Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2010

    I agree that shingles do not cause bc.  I believe getting shingles is a sign that the immune system is compromised and that may allow cancer to form and grow.  My shingles were less than a year from my diagnosis.  Very interesting.


  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418
    edited February 2010

    I had an episode of shingles so bad that my doctor would wince we he saw me.   It lasted months and months eventually going away.  I felt very lucky that I didn't have permanent nerve damage.

    After that episode I started working with wildlife.  Birds get something similar to shingles called avian pox.  The wildlife center would sprinkle lysine in the seed and the pox would clear up.  I started using lysine as soon as symptoms of shingles appeared and never had more than a single blister that cleared right away.  

     L-lysine is an amino acid that you naturally get from protein.  The herpes virus cannot reproduce in an environment high in lysine. By taking 500 mg twice a day at the onset of symptoms, virus have difficulty reproducing and the immune system can knock them out.  Do not take lysine if you do not have symptoms because it puts your amino acids in an out of balance condition which is harmless short term, but may have long term consequences.

    It is important to remember that correlation is not causation.  Just because two things appear to be related does not mean one causes the other.  My favorite example is about pirates.  Since the 1700s the number of pirates in the world has steadily decreased.  At the same time the amount of global warming has steadily increased.  This does not mean that the reduction in the number of pirates has caused global warming.   Wink

  • angelsabove
    angelsabove Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2010

    Well....purchased the BHT from and started taking it....I have researched and researched and decided why not just take it....

  • guess2
    guess2 Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2010

    I have been reading this thread over the last several weeks with great interest.  Last fall I discovered a cluster of lumps in my left breast.  I saw my OB/GYN who scheduled a mamm and ultrasound.  The mammogram did not detect the cysts; however, the ultrasound did show a cluster of tiny cysts that were determined to be palpable masses.  Due to the fact that my mother had pre-menopausal breast cancer, my OB/GYN suggested that I have the tests evaluated by a surgeon.  When I saw the surgeon in December, she detected a lump in my right breast when doing the exam.  She performed her own ultrasound which revealed a pretty good-sized cyst.   Due to my high risk, she suggested a Breast MRI which I had performed on January 6th which showed multiple small cystic lesions in my right breast, as well as the large cyst measuring 2.1cm x 2.1cm.  Immediately to the right of the cyst, the MRI showed a nodular enhancement showing approx 4 mm in diameter.  The left breast was clear.  The ultimate findings of the radiologist were that the lymph node must be regarded with suspicion consistent with the BIRADS 3 classification, probably benign, with follow-up MRI suggested in 6 months time because there was wash-out.  The surgeon suggested I follow-up with her in 6 months which I was inclined to do.  Then on January 24th I came down with shingles.  Fortunately I caught it early and was on anti-viral anti-biotic within 48 hours, so it could have  been a lot worse.  But when I saw my internist, he asked if I had been having any other health problems and so I told him the MRI history.  He obtained a copy of the report and upon review suggested that I get another opinion immediately on it because a lot of research had showed that shingles can be an indicator of undiagnosed disease.    When my mother had her breast cancer episode, her routine mammogram was clear in late November, but by February the lymph nodes in her armpit had swelled causing her to go to the doctor and they found the breast cancer with lymph node involvement.  So I am going to Mayo next week to have my situation evaluated.  The shingles may be a sign that I should be paying more attention, so I don't want to be kicking myself later.  By the way, I am an otherwise healthy 38 year old.  Thanks for all the valuable input that has gone into this thread!  It was very helpful for me.  

  • angelsabove
    angelsabove Member Posts: 39
    edited March 2010

    guess......Yes u go get it checked out. Thank you for your post and I am glad we have helped u. I just know there is a lot of unanswered questions out there and we need to be on top of all of this. I too was ALWAYS VERY VERY HEALTHY. Other than of course the diagnoses that led me to this website. I will be 5 weeks post radiation tomorrow and am trying to heal. I had a radiation rash...Which of course freaked me out....but LET ME TELL YOU....I GOT MY BUTT to the doctor quick. Thank God it has cleared. 

    I wish you great health results.....

    May God Bless Us All 

  • Jojo480
    Jojo480 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2019

    Hi! Finished with all bc treatments In August 2018. Off and on I have noticed tiny little itchy acne looking things. Now thinking it is shingles. My question is, I have started the LiveStrong program at the YMCA. Can I still go and do this? Can I still go in the heated pool? Should I call my PCP or Oncologist? So confused!

  • leftduetostupidmods
    leftduetostupidmods Member Posts: 346
    edited February 2019

    Sorry, to me it makes absolutely no sense. It's like saying "if you get the flu, your immune system is compromised and that's a sign you'll get breast cancer" . The metabolic mechanisms are not even related, when we talk viruses and mutated cells causing cancer. It would take pages and pages of explanations.

    And to pre-empt the "what do you know?" , I used to be an alternative therapy MD, just didn't practice after coming to the US because at the time there was no legal frame to practice it whatsoever .

    BTW, a shingles eruption resolves in at most 30 minutes with an ointment made with propolis tincture and white hawthornberry (I think that's how it's called in English) essential oil. Even plain propolis tincture would make it go away, only it takes longer.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited February 2019

    Check it out with your doctor. I had shingles years ago but luckily a mild case. My dad had a horrible case. There are shots now for shingles in addition to ointments if that’s what it is.


  • monarch777
    monarch777 Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2019

    When the body is stressed such as cancer and the treatments, shingles-from chicken pox virus- lies dormant in the spine and can erupt. A compromised immune system wakes it up too. As soon as my doctor told me I could get the vaccine I got it . It doesn't guarantee not getting it but the case will be lighter.

  • brinkofeternity
    brinkofeternity Member Posts: 181
    edited February 2019

    I had shingles during a stressful time in my 20s almost 15 years ago, and was diagnosed with DCIS/IDC last year. I don’t think they’re related at all as it has been just too many years..

  • dovely
    dovely Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2019

    that’s interesting. I had Shingles the year before BC diagnosis. I was super stressed that year. Oddly, I didn’t get sick at all that year otherwise, no colds etc. I was the only person at my workplace that didn’t take a sick day.

  • utjoy
    utjoy Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2019

    Hi all...I finished rads in December of 2017 after chemo and mastectomy. I had shingles several times a year since 1991. I still take valtrex daily as they will come back with a vengeance if I don't.

    I was dx'd with Hypogammaglobulinemia during chemo treatments and did IVig infusions...I had been poisoned by pesticides right before I got shingles which, according to drs, caused everything else.

    What a wild, miserable ride!

    I hope to get the new shingles vaccine soon...anyhow, a friend recommended and so I came back here to see what I could find...I'm just not good at this whole research thing concerning vitamins and such.

    Anyone know anything about it?

    Blessings to all!