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Mirena IUD/breast cancer



  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894
    edited October 2015

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

    Donate today, make a difference directly in all our lives. By supporting BCO, we support each other. Thanks and Hugs :)


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  • alnuss
    alnuss Posts: 1
    edited November 2015

    I have had a Mirena for about 7 years now and was diagnosed with breast cancer in July. I have no family history of breast cancer. I strongly believe that there has to be some link to the iud and my cancer honestly how could there not be when your dealing with these same hormones that caused the cancer in the first place...what's the next step?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,829
    edited November 2015

    Hi Ainuss,

    We're bumping your topic to hopefully get some responses to your question.

    The Moderators.

  • LHolla925
    LHolla925 Posts: 1
    edited November 2015

    I have had the Mirena IUD for about 7 years and was diagnosed with breast cancer about two months ago (September 2015). HER2 Recept=Positive. My oncologist advised that I immediately remove the Mirena IUD prior to my Chemo due to the fact that it releases the same hormones in which the cancer was caused from. I have to start chemo In December for 18 weeks in 3 week increments and surgery later. I was diagnosed with stage 1 and the size of my lump is 1.8 centimeters. My BRCA test was negative which advised that I was negative as a cancer trait carrier and I also have no family history of Breast Cancer. I am the first one in my family to receive the Breast Cancer diagnosis. I am so angry and fill deceived because I honestly believe that the manufacturer of the Mirena IUD knew of this outcome and failed to properly and honestly advise it's clients! Who's willing to help the victims of this terrible thing called the deceptive Mirena IUD?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,829
    edited November 2015

    Hi LHolla and welcome to!

    We don't have any answers for you about the IUD, but hopefully someone else with a similar experience will be by shortly to weigh in.

    In the meantime, you may want to browse the November 2015 Chemo thread for some advice from others going through chemo this month about what to expect. There will soon be a December 2015 Chemo thread that you can join, too, so that you can post along with others as you all navigate treatment together.

    We hope this helps. Thanks for joining this incredible Community. We look forward to hearing more from you!

    --The Mods

  • Kimmer33
    Kimmer33 Posts: 90
    edited July 2016


    I too had an iud for 3 years prior to my breast cancer diagnosis - curious if anyone has found anything out re: lawsuits, etc

  • Angtee15
    Angtee15 Posts: 72
    edited October 2016

    I know this is an old thread but the Mirena website does say women with breast cancer (or who have had it) should not use Mirena. I had mine put in December 2013 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2015.

    I just got mine removed today. I waited because my BC was hormone negative and honestly was sick of doctors and medical appointments...but regardless I am relieved to have it gone.

  • nanka
    nanka Posts: 27
    edited October 2016

    Yup, I had an IUD put in January 2010. In January 2011, I told my GP to take it out because of this nagging feeling that I had a foreign object in my body going against nature. I remember her taking it out and showing it to me to prove that it wasn't dangerous and that it was this harmless minuscule "T" shaped object. I was then diagnosed with BC in February 2012. If it is the IUD that caused all of this, then it is now gone and beast will never come back...Case closed.

  • Meggan
    Meggan Posts: 1
    edited October 2016

    I had an iud inserted June 6,2016. I'm 31 and today I was at my doc for abreast lump I found. After reading all of this I am completely freaked out!! They are waiting a month to reassess my lump. no family history and I'm healthy. I'm not sure what to think now. However I'm thinking I should have this iud removed.

    My thoughts and prayers to all of you!

  • ishippy
    ishippy Posts: 1
    edited November 2016

    Was there a link found or a suit filed? I have had my Mirena for about 3 yrs and now I have found lumps.

  • Kruise
    Kruise Posts: 242
    edited November 2016

    Hi, I had a Mirena and know it contributed to my bc or helped accelerate it. My tumour was PR+ only, a rarity. Funny that the Mirena releases low doses of progesterone only into the uterus. I do believe everyone reacts differently to hormones etc in the body. Just as some people are allergic to peanuts, or shellfish, or certain products and creams, maybe my body was allergic to artificial hormones!! Once I felt my lump I just had a very very strong gut instinct my Mirena had to come out. I couldn't get it removed straight away because of holidays but went away for a couple of days and it fell out on its own!!! I am quite a spiritual person so I believe it absolutely had to come out and the Angels intervened!! You should have seen the huge clots and blood that kept passing after that. Hideous.

    We don't have medical lawsuits etc in our country but I'd certainly advise anyone thinking of a Mirena not too. Especially if there is family hx. As with anything though, others will have one and be fine with it. It depends on an individual but the problem is how do we know if we are reacting?

  • Curly17
    Curly17 Posts: 1
    edited February 2017

    I'm 30, have had the Mirena IUD for almost three years, and last fall I discovered a lump in my right breast that seemed to be about the size of a small grape. That was two years and five months after my Mierna insertion. I had an ultrasound last week, and the doctor says it seems like it is a benign cyst. I have the option of getting it aspirated or not, and she recommends performing another ultrasound in six months. I had no intention of aspirating a painless cyst, but after reading some of the experiences on here and seeing this may be related to Mirena, I am leaning towards aspirating.

    My question is, have any of you been originally told your cancer is a cyst only to later be DX'd with BC? Of course, I hope this is not the case...

    I'm so sorry for what so many of you have gone through. Thank you in advance for your response.

  • nanka
    nanka Posts: 27
    edited February 2017

    I had a cyst in 2009 aspirated, then BC in that same area in 2012. My surgeon told me that the cyst and the cancer being in the same area was totally coincidental. But who knows, right? When they aspirated, had it tested, all was good. There may be no correlation at all.


  • giarraffa3
    giarraffa3 Posts: 2
    edited May 2017

    Hello I wanted to know if anyone was able to start up a law suit. I will help in anyway you need. I had an IUD for a few years and when I was 36 they found cancer in my breasts. My doctor said I needed to have the IUD removed asap. When I called my OB doctor they had me come in that same day. I had a double mastectomy. Im also the only person in my whole family to have any type of cancer. please contact me if anyone was able to find out if the IUD is the cause.

  • Chooktober
    Chooktober Posts: 1
    edited June 2017

    I cannot post links here but please go to pubmed website and search

    Cancer risk in women using the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system in Finland.

    Also Search this.

    Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and the risk of breast cancer: A nationwide cohort study.

    I had a Mirena inserted 2012 and 2014 breast cancer. These studies point to a increased risk

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,829
    edited June 2017

    Hi Chooktober, You should be able to post a link by clicking on the link symbol in the box where you type ThumbsUp

  • kimred
    kimred Posts: 4
    edited July 2017

    I started my mirena 6/2015 for extremely heavy bleeding with periods. I have a DCIS diagnosis - both estrogen and progesterone negative as of 6/2017. I had an abnormal mammogram with negative (clear) biopsy in 2016. I believe all hormone-based birth control options list BC as possible side effect. There could be many factors correlating mirena use with BC, but not necessarily cause/effect.

  • Lumpie
    Lumpie Posts: 1,553
    edited July 2017

    Taking hormones, whether as birth control or HRT, will "feed" hormone receptor positive breast cancer. Many, many women take these hormones in the form of pills, patches, injections, implants or via IUD's. Most birth control used by women in the U.S. is hormone based. Non-hormone forms of reversible birth control include condoms, spermicidal gels and sponges, copper IUD's, diaphragms and cervical caps. It's disappointing that, after all these years, there are not more options since many women cannot tolerate hormone based contraceptives for a variety of reasons.

    Some women on this form said that they have been prescribed hormonal birth control after having breast cancer. If anyone with a Hx of BC has been prescribed a contraceptive with estrogen or progesterone, I would question the provider very carefully about the rationale. That is not a risk model I would be comfortable with.

  • Lonelybones16
    Lonelybones16 Posts: 1
    edited September 2017

    Hi I'm 16, and I got the IUD about 3-4 months ago. I noticed 5 days ago a lump on my left breast, and today I went to the doctors and he said it's PROBABLY just a cyst. He also said in early this stage I shouldnt get a mammogram, and said just to keep an eye on it. I think I feel more than one around ,but I'm not sure. I'm getting worried from all of your comments. It feels like a knot and with no brassiere on you can see the difference from the left one to the right. Do y'all think I'm worrying too much for nothing? What should I do?

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Posts: 1,568
    edited September 2017

    Lonely you are so young it's hard to believe it is anything but I'm not a MD so if I were you I would get it checked out just to be on the safe side.


  • purplerose583
    purplerose583 Posts: 1
    edited February 2018

    I honestly think it may have had something to do with my breast cancer. Even though both of my grand mothers had it, they got it much later in life and I also was told I do not have the gene so they don't really know how or why I got it so young. I had the mirena in about 7 years and was diagnosed at age 32 with 2 tumors lymph node positive stage 3 breast cancer and mine feeds off hormones so they had me get the mirena removed immidiatly. I am now on monthly injections to keep me in menopause to lower hormones. I have been through several surgeries, another cancer scare which resulted in more surgery and a chunk of chest muscle to be removed, a long treatment of a strong chemo therapy of the A C T, radiation, and currently taking chemo pills daily.

  • zgordon815
    zgordon815 Posts: 1
    edited February 2018

    I am 21 years old and I first got Mirena in September 2014 and had it until December 2016 when I got it removed because I wanted to explore different types of birth control. I never ended up exploring other options and decided to get Mirena again in August 2017. Today, February 8, 2018, I discovered a hard but painless, unmoving, nickel-sized lump in the upper-left part of my left breast. Both of my grandmothers survived breast cancer, however it was post-menopause when they were diagnosed. I saw my doctor a little over a week ago because I was concerned about my IUD possibly causing cysts to form in my uterus because I had the symptoms of a cyst rupturing which my mom pointed out, and then I suddenly started heavily bleeding at the beginning of January. Knowing my body and what spotting looks like, I ruled that out. I became concerned when it was two weeks later and I was still bleeding heavily and made an appointment as early as I could, January 31 was the date of the appointment.

    On January 27, the bleeding very suddenly stopped. I mean ridiculously suddenly. When it came time for my appointment my doctor checked my IUD strings and it was still in place then she told me that she had no idea why I bled for so long. We talked a little about family history and I told her about my grandmothers both successfully going through breast cancer treatment. She told me she wanted me to make an appointment for a mammogram and I have one scheduled at the end of March.

    I understand that I am young and it is most likely not breast cancer and I apologize if this is reply might be better placed in another post, but I am a bit concerned with what's been happening to my body. After discovering the lump in my breast and then finding this post and reading almost every single reply, I thought I might get some advice as to what to do next. Should I try to move my mammogram appointment to a sooner date? Should I have the Mirena removed ASAP? Or just try to stay calm and patiently wait until my appointment in March?

    Apologies for the length of this reply.

  • Amandaclark4
    Amandaclark4 Posts: 4
    edited April 2018

    I have been diagnosed this year with breastcancer. Last year I had the Mirena IUD put in to help with excessive bleeding. As soon as I met with the surgeon she wanted the Mirena removed. My cancer is HR and PR positive. HER2 negative. This does make me wonder. Breast cancer does not run in my family and this only took 12 months from the IUD and las mammogram to now have cancer that is hormone positive.

  • bluesky1969
    bluesky1969 Posts: 80
    edited April 2018


    Dx a couple weeks ago. 48yo, no hx of cancer or BC in family. Was on my 2nd Mirena (first 5yrs, second 2&1/2) when dx. Had it removed about a week ago. I do wonder...

  • Amandaclark4
    Amandaclark4 Posts: 4
    edited April 2018

    aspirate the cyst. And have the Mirena removed is my suggestion. There are other iuds that don't release hormones. Good luck my friend.

  • Amandaclark4
    Amandaclark4 Posts: 4
    edited April 2018

    Prayers with all you are going through. I have made it through my lumpectomy. Went wig shopping yesterday and start chemo at the end of the month. I know things will turn out fine for me in the end. I have a God that goes before me and already knows the outcome. It’s scary though. Just a lot to process.

    I know that all of this will turnout fine for you too. God will help you through as well. I hear that Canada has a wonderful medical system. That is good for you.

    This Mirena thing does make me wonder. It was a year to the date with no history of BC. Just weird. The doctors did say it gives the CA a booster shot.

    Best of luck my friend.


    aspirate the cyst. And have the Mirena removed is my suggestion. There are other iuds that don't release hormones. Good luck my friend.

  • Amandaclark4
    Amandaclark4 Posts: 4
    edited April 2018

    aspirate the cyst. And have the Mirena removed is my suggestion. There are other iuds that don't release hormones. Good luck my friend.

  • Egads007
    Egads007 Posts: 474
    edited April 2018

    My MO told me that any kind of hormone therapy increases risk of breast cancerby 30%.

  • kcmc
    kcmc Posts: 66
    edited April 2018

    Hi, I was on my third Mirena when I found out I had Breast Cancer. My surgeon asked me to have it removed and I replaced it with a Copper IUD. I wonder if there is a link between breast cancer and the Mirena IUD. I had the Mirena for a total of 11 years.

  • cheannf
    cheannf Posts: 1
    edited March 2019

    Hi there, how are you? I hope you are well, about a Year ago i was recommended to have IUD mirena, they said its safe and good for preventing ovarian cancer. Last month i had a breast check up, and my dr said i have lump in my left breasd 2 oclock and advice to come back after my period, so i just found out that i still have the lump, and told to get ultra sound, so i hope nothing serious, until i found your msg, i will update again.