Do you have city water, spring water, or well water?
0 -
city water
Do you have city sewer or septic tank?
0 -
city sewer
Not counting the basement, is your home a one-story or multi-story building?
0 -
one story
attached or unattached garage
0 -
Attached garage
Does your pet eat table scraps or not?0 -
Don't currently have a pet but when we did I never allowed them to have table scraps - just not a good thing to get them started on expecting food from the table. MHO
Reconcile bank statements to the penny or just do a once-over?
0 -
Once over (I really don't even bank anymore)
Do you cook on gas or electric burners?
0 -
wish I had gas but have electric
Sunday is a day of rest or Sunday is a catch up around the house day?
0 -
We definitely rest on the Sabbath (Sunday here)
Going to work tomorrow, or not working?
0 -
not working anymore at least outside of the home
wearing shorts or long pants right now?
0 -
nope, neither, wearing a sundress (cooler in a lot of cases!)
Launder clothing after every wearing, or try to get several out of it?
0 -
try to get at least 2 wearings.
use bath towel once or more
0 -
sheets and towels: one week
The next person does or does not like a front loading washing machine
0 -
Never used a ront loader.
Powder or liquid detergent?
0 -
liquid - no residue
Fabric softener in the washer, or dryer sheets? (can't believe we're talking about our intimate laundry details!)
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no dryer sheets nor fabric softener... I don't like the scent.
For a big gathering, would you rather use paper plates or wash a lot of dishes?
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Paper plates ... am the laziest.
For a dinner party - serving dishes on the table and passed, or plate the food in the kitchen and send it out?
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Food on the table...and when it is overloaded, we have a counter in back of the table to hold all the extra dishes.
Still use china for company or just the regular dishes?
0 -
China, love nice china
table cloth and fabric napkins or place mats and paper napkins?
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I use place mats AND fabric napkins...I would love a table cloth but the cherry table is too pretty to cover!
morning beverage: taken on the go or taken with reverence?
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First cup, with reverence ... second cup, on the go!
Lamb with mint jelly, or lamb with rosemary? (sorry, all you vegetarians)
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steak: rare, medium, well done
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take that steak with...baked potato or fries
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butter on the potato, sour cream, both or neither
0 -
butter and fat free sour cream, got to be healthy you know )
fresh green beans or broccoli?
0 -
Neither these days
Microwave your leftovers or heat them conventionally (oven or stovetop)?
0 -
either - or , just depends on what it is
lots of ice in your glass of coke or straight out of the can or bottle?
0 -
ice, ice, baby!
coke float or root beer float
0 -
Yumm. Root beer!
Sherbet or sorbet?
0 -
root beer or cream soda?