I want both! But I'll settle for handy.
Want independent children or prefer a little clinging?0 -
independent but keeping in touch
live in the same town as your relatives or not
0 -
No relatives within 30 miles but wouldn't mind having SOME closer (not all of them mind you)
dust on a regular basis or wait until you can practically write your name on something before you drag out the Pledge?
0 -
On a scale of 1 cleanest to 10 dustiest, I'm a 6.
Drive like a granny or a daredevil?
0 -
some of each
had an accident that was your fault or never had one that you were at fault?
0 -
My fault. *gulp*
Like driving cross country or hate it?
0 -
me too and yes, I like driving cross country.
Can you sleep in the car (with someone else driving) or are you wide eyed gripping the dashboard?
0 -
not good about sleeping in the car (but not gripping on the dash board either)
sit in the sun or under the umbrella
0 -
under the umbrella
picnic: sit at a picnic talbe or on the ground on a blanket
0 -
On the ground? I might never get up! At the table with the old folk
at your picnic, fried chicken or cold cut sandwiches?
0 -
if it's not too buggy the picnic blanket
sandwiches or fried chicken on your picnic
0 -
LOL Ruth!
0 -
Neither - fried chicken too high fat, so are cold cuts. Maybe PB&J or tuna.
Prefer watermelon or honeydew?
0 -
Wow, it's the psychic board! That was cool.
I prefer honeydew if it's really ripe and falling apart with sweetness.
Love to dance or two left feet?
0 -
love to dance but don't get to except at weddings
husband or SO will dance sober or has to have a glass of wine to get him on the floor?
0 -
Shouldn't dance sober ..... a little more rhythm with a drink or two
rather follow or lead
0 -
follow...unless my partner is basically rocking back and forth...then I'll take the lead
Fred Astaire or Gene Kelly?
0 -
To dance with: Fred but admire Gene a lot.
Going to a garage sale today or to the mall? (I am doing both!)
0 -
Prefer to shop in a mall or online?
0 -
when buying a gift: gift wrap at the store or do it yourself at home
0 -
mall for clothes, online for other stuff
rainy day today or sunny day today?
0 -
do it myself
package bow or make your own ?
0 -
like to make my own
dishwasher soap: liquid or powder
0 -
powder....liquid scares me for some reason
bleach or Oxyclean for laundering whites
0 -
Vegetarian, and worried about soy so.... Hot burger and dog sauce! On everything!
0 -
I don't know what Oxyclean is so Bleach!
Cats or Dogs
0 -
Cats (though I'm coming to appreciate dogs, too)
Which is more relaxing: a nap, a massage, or a long chat with a good friend?
0 -
nap for sure
nap in a chair, on the couch or on the bed?
0 -
rather sit in a recliner or chair and ottoman
0 -
would prefer the chair with ottoman but have a recliner.
rather ride in a hot air balloon or sky dive?