How about a mid size Subaru. I know I'm a granola eater so.....
Granola or Capt Crunch?
0 - a 5-star hotel!
Rocky Mountains or Napa Valley
0 -
Napa Valley
Cruise down the Rhine River of the Nile River
0 -
Difficult one - I think the Nile for historical value. Would like to go to Germany though and not too far for us.
Champagne or good white wine.
0 -
Champagne...I love the bubbly
Rather go out for breakfast or cook in?
0 -
cook in
drink a soda: out of the can or in a glass over ice
0 -
glass over ice
coke or pepsi?
0 -
shop downtown or at the mall?
0 -
Downtown. I like to support the little guy.
Farmers market or grow your own?
0 -
Red or white wine?
0 -
both...but I'll go with red
rice: brown or white
0 -
Brown rice
Wine -domestic or international (where specifically)?0 -
International - Have you tasted British wine!? Love French and New Zealand.
Hot or cold (weather) ?
0 -
couldn't we have something in between?! Right now I'd say cold
rather have the temperature over 100 or below zero
0 -
Maybe over 100 (which it was today)
Prefer to shop at thrift stores or at the mall?
0 -
thrift stores. Why pay full price?
laptop or desk top?
0 -
wireless mouse or wired
0 -
No mouse, pad on laptop
Brave enough to go sleeveless or cover your arms no matter how hit it is?0 -
Always cover my arms
shorts or capris?
0 -
usually capris, but now that the heat index has been 110...shorts
shorts or skorts
0 -
Ruth, do they still call them skorts? I remember that term from years ago!
put your sun block on religously or wing it?
0 -
yes, skorts have made a comeback!
pretty religiously
sit in the front or back at a concert/lecture etc.
0 -
Kind of prefer the back
Pop concert or classical?0 -
like both, feel more 'pops' tonight
like an outdoor concert or indoor concert
0 -
indoor.... the last outdoor I went to we were almost eaten alive by mosquitoes
do you attract mosquitoes or are you kind of immune?
0 -
usually not bothered very much
like or do not like to have drop in guests
0 -
don't like
Use bug repellant or brave the bugs au naturel?
0 -
brave the bugs or spray around but not on me!
prefer annuals or perennials in your garden?
0 -
have a mixture but am going more towards perennials
dresses below the knee or right above the knee
0 -
Right at the knee, but shorter is okay.
Rather wear a pullover sweater or a button up sweater?0