spinach, actually
sweet pickles or dill
0 -
mustard or mayo on a ham sandwich?
0 -
like a man in jeans or a suit
0 -
man in a suit or a uniform
Prefer slippers or thick fluffy socks?
0 -
Cream or ice cream with pie?
0 -
Is that choice whip cream or ice cream? In that case, I'll take the whipped cream, real stuff only, don't like cool whip
get the majority of your bills sent online or get paper bills in the mail?
0 -
Pay your bills with checks or use online banking?
0 -
cash where possible, checks if not
Welcome the brave new techno world or shudder at it?
0 -
A bit of both....I like what I understand and shudder at what I don't!
Love when it turns Fall or Dread that winter is coming?
0 -
Dread fall, since I don't relish winter
Prefer hosting Thanksgiving or being hosted?
0 -
prefer to be hosted but alas, alack, we have hosted for the past 30 years and it shows no sign of ever changing...sigh
always looking for new T-day recipes or stick with the old tried but true
0 -
Bit of both
Cool weather today where you are or still sweltering?
0 -
perfect for a change
rocking chair or recliner
0 -
high heels or flipflops
0 -
Flip flops
Early to bed or night owl?
0 -
like to be a night owl when I have the chance
rather sleep with the window open or leave the air conditioner on
0 -
Air conditioner on...too many barking dogs and trains during the night.
Prefer movies or TV?
0 -
probably tv because it has to be a really good movie to make me sit for 2 hours at a time..which is why I rarely go to the movie theater, preferring DVD's that I can stop and start.
Professional football...prefer to be at the game or at home watching it on tv.
0 -
TV (too many TVl breaks when you are there)
if you do go to a football game would you rather be outdoors or inside a dome
0 -
Rather have a massage or a jacuzzi tonight?
0 -
try on clothes at the store or buy, try on at home and return if necessary?
0 -
Try on in the store but may still have to return it
Rather shop for swimsuits or bras?0 -
rather get a root canal! But if that's not an option, I will shop for bras
Rather shop for blue jeans or formal wear?
0 -
Ooh, formal wear even though it is unlikely I would get to wear it.
Rather shop at a small specialty store or a department store?0 -
specialty is fun....
buy new shoes or a new purse
0 -
neither but if I have to choose, I'd say a purse - I hate having to carry one and don't when I can avoid it. I'm not into shoes and get so frustrated when they fit so well in the store and when I wear them for the first time, my feet have magically gotten bigger? Perhaps I don't belong in modern society where matching purse/shoes is de riguer?
9/11 - did you attend a live ceremony - watched on tv - avoided it altogether?
0 -
Watched some on TV...too sad
Love dogs or cats?
0 -
cat person. sick of 9-11.
rather have talent at gymnastics or ballet?
0 -
Rather play an instrument in the band or be the lead singer?0 -
lead singer.........if only I could sing
looking at your stock portfolio or sticking your head in the sand?