eat normal food but less of it
When watching your weight: eat less or exercise more?
0 -
Eat less, more exercise does not help.
Prefer daylight savings time or advocate ending the system.0 -
end it
golf or miniture golf
0 -
golf - and I'm going down to Myrtle Beach next spring for golf boot camp because if I don't get some intense lessons, I'm throwing my golf clubs into the lake.
(FYI - Calories do NOT count on vacation )
Sleep well the night before you leave for vacation or have a hard(er) time sleeping?
0 -
Have a harder time sleeping because I'm watching the clock.
Do you sleep well the first night staying at a hotel or does it take a couple days to get used to the new bed and surroundings?
0 -
Don't sleep well.
rather go out for ice cream or nachos
0 -
ice cream
sprinkles or nuts on a sundae?
0 -
blueberry muffin or bran muffin
0 -
banana split or root beer float?
0 -
banana split
had braces as a kid or not
0 -
I did! But for just one errant incisor.
Like your eye color, or would change it given a chance? (If so, from what to what?)
0 -
I would love to have blue eyes.
Would you rather have naturally wavy hair or thick straight hair?
0 -
I liked my thick, long, straight hair -- back last year when I had it.
Prefer Greek or American yogurt? (Or some other kind?)
0 -
I like organic coconut flavored almond yogurt.
cheddar or jack cheese?
0 -
I like both- pepperjack is good
spreadable cheese: port wine cheddar or smoky bacon flavor?
0 -
port wine cheddar
cheese fondue or chocolate fondue
0 -
tough one but I'll say chocolate because I prefer fresh fruit vs. bread for dipping.
Like to make your own salads or buy ready-made at the store?
0 -
lazy and buy them usually
ranch dressing or french dressing
0 -
I'd pick ranch but my favorite is Italian.
Pizza or pasta?
0 -
Pasta! I could happily eat pasta every single day....alas....
poppy seeds or sesame seeds?
0 -
romantic or practical
0 -
nuts: hazel or almond
0 -
the autumn glory of deciduous trees, or the mid-winter splendor of evergreens?
0 -
know where all your winter gear is, still need to dig it out, or live someplace where you don't need winter gear
0 -
Winter gear is the same sweater I keep out for going to restaurants in the summer (AC)
Would you wear boots in Florida for style sake or reject as overkill?0 -
Oh, I know where all my winter gear is .....and yes, I need to start digging it out. I think I'll toss a snow brush in the car today just so I don't get caught without one.
Would you rather be locked in a room with a whip, chair and lion or get a colonoscopy?
0 -
colonoscopy...had one and it was a piece of cake.....why? are you due?
do a lot of baking for the holidays or little/to none
0 -
little to no baking. Sam's Club has a marvelous pumpkin pie, just as good as homemade IMO
(the procedure itself is fine but the prep the day before knocks me for a loop. Have a few small issues and Onc wants this done to rule out mets)
If you had to replace your home computer would you go with a desk model or a laptop?
0 -
Laptop for sure
Like your laptop or your tablet better?0 -
N/A - don't own either
Are you generally more optimistic or pessimistic?