optimistic.....what's the use of being anything else?
going to church or not (I am going right now...bye).
0 -
I went to church today
cake or ice cream?
0 -
Cake (chocolate, please)
Manicure or pedicure?
0 -
neither, but I will take a massage.
coffee or tea?
0 -
black coffee or add something to it
0 -
cream....the real stuff
good about shredding mail with you name on it or just toss it in the garbage?
0 -
I am trying to be better, but it is such a pain!
a speed reader or plug along
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Don't know, I become so engrossed time passes and I enter "time warp"... reading "What the Dog Saw" now.
Sushi or cooked fish?
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baked or fried
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I don't really eat fish, but I have an addiction to fried calamari! It's the only "animal" I eat and only when I'm out.and the only fried food. I crave it.
Go for the Gucci or Glam brand and love it, or buy inexpensive knock offs and be so thrilled with the money saved?
0 -
Depends on my mood....but if I can get the brand name on sale...then I am really happy!
rather have jewelry with rubies or emeralds
0 -
emeralds......just love them
wear costume jewelry and just the real stuff?
0 -
if there were no costume jewelry, there would be no jewelry at all. Well, not quite but nearly.
Prefer dangly earrings or button style earrings?
0 -
2 inch hoops...wear the same pair everyday.
gold or silver?
0 -
Used to be gold but lately I'm liking silver
Choker style necklace or long necklace?0 -
like both but will go with long tonight
delicate or chunky jewelry
0 -
to tell time: wear a wristwatch or use your cell phone ?
0 -
Tend to use my cell phone
Carry your cellphone in a pocket or in your purse?0 -
purse, usually
did you buy any cell phone bling (for example, a funky cover) or not?
0 -
No bling for the phone
Ready for Thanksgiving or expecting a last minute panic?0 -
pretty much ready
pumpkin pie or sweet potato pie?
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I have never had sweet potato pie, what is it like?
Rather eat squash or corn
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sweet potato pie is similar to pumpkin pie, slight difference in color & texture, both yummy!
make your own whipped cream or use store-bought?
0 -
usually store bought
make good gravy or hope someone else will offer do it
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DH is the cook and he makes great gravy so I don't even bother anymore.
prefer butter or gravy on mashed potatoes?
0 -
gravy for special occasions
make stuffing from scratch or Stove Top
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prefer it from scratch
traditional dressing, or something alternative (maybe with oysters or chestnuts)?
0 -
traditional...although I add a bunch of mushrooms and some different herbs; sage, oregeno and thyme along with all the usual stuff...yum, now I am getting hungry
the next person has a secret for making moist turkey
0 -
true, if the secret is to have DH cook it :-)
Make pie crust from scratch or use store-bought?
0 -
Store bought.
Favorite dessert to make or buy during the holidays?0