Maintain a lot of friends (love you guys!)
Like snow or like rain
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neither - but if I have to make a choice, make it rain - warm rain in the tropics
prefer a big house to knock around in or a small one that's cozy?
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small one that's cozy....and easy to clean!
prefer summertime temps to be 70-80 and the hotter the better?
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Please only temps between 70-80 (not the 100+ we get here - yuck)
Cheesecake or chocolate cake
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Costco or Sam's Club
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Sam's Club (we don't have Costco nearby)
apple or pear?
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pear if it is perfectly ripe.....otherwise an apple
play to win or play to have fun
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you mean I can't have both? playing is fun and winning is fun so I guess I'll say fun!
if you play the lottery: pick your own numbers or take a computer-generated quick pick?
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pick my own
have a 'favorite' number or not really
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not really
feel lucky or not so much
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Rather visit Fiji or Ireland?
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Ireland, planning a trip there sometime next year
dream vehicle - high performance sports car or tricked-out truck
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tricked out truck......
(Ireland is wonderful, you'll love it)
install a new printer or go take a nap?
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The nap wins, hands down!
Running the AC already this year or still just getting by with having the windows open?
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windows open
gold or silver
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kindle or ipad
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although I have neither, I think I'd pick the ipad.
Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?
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Jeopardy....the only game show I'd ever watch. Who can resist calling out the answers!
spend gift cards right away or hang on to them forever?
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Hang on to them forever...and sometimes give them away to someone ELSE who'll hang on to them forever
Slow to speak or a Chatty-Cathy?
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Depends on who I'm with, but usually Chatty-Cathy. Sometimes have to work on keeping some thoughts to myself!
Walmart or Target
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Walmart......I guess I hate to admit that since Walmart shopper's get bashed but I always seem to find something there.....The Walmart I shop at was recently remodeled to look more like a Target which I found interesting.
are you a good joke teller or not able to pull it off
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I suck..but love to hear a good joke
rather go to a theme park or county fair
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county fair - I love the animals and all the funny things they sell
love the plains or mountains
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stay home on a drizzly Saturday afternoon or not let that stop you?
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well, I would LOVE to stay home on a drizzly Saturday but have too much to do!
for graduation gifts: give a gift of some kind or give money
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More often than not, money.
On your birthday, would you rather have a gift to open or money?
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money.....I figure they can always use cold cash
grocery shopping: take reusable bags in or still have groceries packed in plastic bags?
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I usually take the reusable bags then end up leaving them in the car. Chemo brain??
if not reusable bags at the grocery store: paper or plastic
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paper - at least they don't last a gazillion years in the landfill
if your of the age - color your hair or grow gray gracefully
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Usually wear makeup or usually not