Music (mostly) in the car.....NPR when at home
create your own CD's with downloaded music or buy CD's of your favorite recording artists?
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download music on an i-pod
early riser or like to sleep in when you can
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early riser every day of the week - so like to sleep in on the weekends.
desktop computer, laptop, or tablet?
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I prefer a desktop computer.....mainly because of keyboard. I can access the web and email on my phone so I don't feel the need for a tablet.
Keep a a sun jar full of tea in the fridge or brew your tea as you drink it
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Brew my tea as I drink it
walk the dog or let the dog out back?
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no dog, but sometimes I borrow the neighbor's dog and walk her just so I can walk a dog
keep your cats indoors or let them out to roam
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Don't have cats anymore but when we did I always kept them inside
(Ruth...I'm sure the borrowed dog loves you for taking him walking! Years ago we had nieghbors who took a walk the same time each evening...our dog knew the time and would always make sure he was looking out the window they'd pass because often when they saw him they'd invite him to go along for the walk - he would actually smile when they looked at him)
read and follow instructions very carefully when installing/putting something together or start and go back only if you hit a snag?
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follow instructions only if needed, and usually with a few choice words thrown in if things get complicated LOL
WellWater You had a very smart dog!
favorite restaurant - white table cloth and crystal glasses, or something more casual
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white table cloth and crystal glasses.
spend a day on the boat or a day on the beach?
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hard choice! Tonight I think I will go on the boat.
Sail boat or speed boat
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Sail boat only if I'm not one of the crew.
Speed boat or pontoon boat?
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my back doesn't do the bouncing very well anymore, I think I'll pick pontoon boat and be lazy.
OK. You've had cancer. Are you going to retire early to make sure you get some time for you, or stick with the job to make sure you've got medical coverage?
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No retirement in sight for me. I have to buy private insurance since I'm self-employed working in several's a killer....not the work but the premiums I pay each month plus all the copays, deductibles, etc. I turn 65 next year (thankyouJesus) and can go on Medicare but I will continue to work to try and beef up our retirement bout with cancer cost us $40,000 out of pocket in a 2-year period...ugh....but I am very blessed that we were able to pay it and not go bankrupt.
You've thrown a party and now you're bone-tired.....don't go to bed until the last glass is washed or leave it and take care of the mess in the morning?
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I'm a true believer in morning pick-up....
facebook groupie or hate social media?
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Good questions!
Go to bed after the dishes are done, but hand wash wine glasses in the morning.
Solicitor at your door - ignore the person and hope they go away soon, or answer the door and see what they want
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hate to admit it - facebook groupie
solicitor at your door - ignore and hope they go away soon, or answer the door and see what they want
(deleted above post - answered the same question right after gardengumby!)
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I seem to be incapable of not answering a door or phone - so answer the door - find out what they want and send them on their way....
you have a chance to be on a television game show - do it or take a pass?
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Sure, why not?
Stay in touch with any old boyfriends or out of sight/out of mind
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I've never had an old BF try to contact me nor have I initiated a search so I guess out of sight out of mind.
You know what a Ross store is and can't wait to go to one they are opening in your area or you've never heard of it before?
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I know Ross stores as they are in my area, but I'm not much of a shopper, and when I do shop it's generally either at Costco or online....
you wear clothes that are only natural fiber or buy whatever looks good and don't care what it's made of
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Mostly natural fibers - love organic cotton. To me natural fibers breathe better, especially nice in the summer. But for exercise I do have some microfiber shirts, and they're great too.
Your idea of a perfect day: active and outdoors, picnic in the park/ or a day of shopping and lunch at a fancy restaurant
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can I have an active outdoors day followed by dinner at a fancy restaurant?
go to a concert or a play
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Does a musical count? I love drama and music, combined
Do you dance at someone's wedding or just watch?
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go around finding people to talk to or wait for them to come to you
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go and find - I've had some of my most memorable conversations with total strangers.
kinda munch during the day, or eat specific meals at specific times?
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Constantly munching/grazing--I'm always hungry
Hang up your t-shirts or fold them?
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Fold them
Watch tv or read a book?
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Read a book
Rather read a book or a magazine?
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used to fold them, but I got rid of a dresser and no longer have drawer space, so now I hang them.
wear t-shirts to bed or sexy lingerie or au natural?
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I've worn the same short cotton nightgown for 10 years
Wear gloves when you clean or just tough it out, bare-handed?