csi Orginal or csi Miami?
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buy on impulse or be practical
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take a list to the grocery store or just wing it?
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list--- with coupons on it LOL.... i do tend to save at least 20 each time I go.. every little bit counts
store fresh or market?
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If you mean a farmer's market or farmstand for fruits and veggies....a resounding vote for those over supermarket produce sections.
use online banking to pay all your bills or still write checks?
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mostly online
chocolate cake with white icing or white cake with chocolate icing
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choc cake/white icing
angel food cake or devil's food cake?
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Angel food. Yum
yoga or pilates?
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yoga (Namaste!)
dance: ballet or ballroom?
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a picky eater or will try anything once
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will try anything once
One very best friend or a group
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believe in love at first sight or not
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I think I do!
Friday night or Sunday Morning?
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Sunday morning, at this age, anyway - Friday night when I was younger
prefer cell phone or land line?
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I've still kept the land line but now use the cell more
busy week ahead or pretty relaxed
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busy week....busier weekend ahead
Where you are right and and sunny
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cool and rainy. Finally. Yeah.
Put on make-up to go anywhere you may even remotely run into someone, or go fresh-faced and take your chances?
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these days, freshed face and take my chances - it used to be different though ...
Diet ice cream or only the real thing
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the real thing.....avoiding chemicals where possible
when you "toot" in public.....pretend it wasn't you or take credit and apologize?
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act innocent if at all possible!
checked out how the events at the olympics turned out before you watched them or waited for the delayed broadcast to see who won
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waited for delayed broadcast.....I love the suspense, the build up and the surprises!
do you pick up pennies on the ground or just walk by....
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Pick them up, and all day long I have good luck!
wake up all peppy or need to ease into the day
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peppy weekdays - weekends ease in
snow-shoeing or skiing?
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snow shoe
shovel of snowblower
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I actually enjoy shoveling snow...with a shovel (and only the porch and sidewalk anymore).
If you were buying a new refrigerator today: side-by-side or freezer top/bottom?
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I would buy one like I have now...which is fridge on top and freezer on bottom! It works really well for me!
Hot, sunny day -or- cooler but cloudy day?
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cooler but cloudy....I have become a whimp when it comes to really hot weather
plans for this evening or relax
0 -'s been raining here most of the day, and so to cheer ourselves, we made a wonderful salad with roasted beets and goat cheese and pine nuts....and a nice glass(es) of chilled white wine! So we are already in the relaxed-around-the-house frame of mind! Loving it!
Rather listen to music you know....or music that is new to you?
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Both most times but if made to choose one over the other, I'd have to go with music I know.
Favorite music genre?
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Rock 'n roll - probably classic rock
Fiction or non fiction