yum to right now though
rather have Newfoundland dog or a miniature poodle
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Have a horse dog now. Will have a something-poo next. :-)
prefer going our for breakfast or lunch?
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Always breakfast, whatever time of day!
Summer or Fall?
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Fall (this summer was too hot)
enjoy a nice rain storm or snow storm
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I say summer (because I'm a teacher and I like being home) but I say fall because the weather is a little cooler.
Like or dislike rainy days?
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We are on the same wave length, Faith.
like them this year because they have been rare
like a rainy day or a snowy day more
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We are on the same wave length, Faith (and we are both teachers!).
like them this year because they have been rare
like a rainy day or a snowy day more
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hard choice but I'll say snowy day - I love being able to go out walking through the woods or nature preserve on a snowy day....the sound of silence is awesome.
enjoy gray days or always want the sun shining?
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mostly like the sun
shave or wax
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shave - I am enjoying the fact that my underarm hair is all but gone and legs only require shaving maybe once a week! There are bonuses here and there for getting older!
In your house: who is in charge of the money (paying bills, etc) - DH/SO
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balance the checkbook to the penny or get 'close enough'
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To the penny! And I'll pore over it until I account for every one.
The next person hates flying.
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oops, we are playing the wrong game
hate the actual flying or all the hassles that surround flying today
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the hassles that surround flying...and also the packed-to-the-gills flights. Remember the day when having an empty middle seat was not all that unusual?
your handwriting: has become chicken scratch or still lovely and readable?
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rather have an early flight or later in the day
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later in the day so I don't have to get up at dawn. I prefer starting either vacations or business trips somewhat rested.
prefer brand-name hotels or little boutique places
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brand name hotels, love breakfast in bed!!!!!!
walks on the beach or drinks brought to you by cabana boy
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love a walk on the beach, followed by drinks brought to me by the cabana boy!
rather watch a sunrise or a sunset
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I actually like to watch both, but if I must choose, I think sunset because I'm generally more relaxed.
When seeing a movie based on a book - rather read the book before seeing the movie or after?
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after...that way I am not disappointed in either!
Spend the afternoon at a library or at a museum?
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it used to be museum, but I can't stand as much as I used to, so now, maybe library...
sleep with a window open or all closed up tight?
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Well, I hope to live in a place one day soon where the heat and the noise won't keep me from sleeping with the windows open! I'm thinking Northern California
If you were rich, and not necessarily famous, rather have a Home Theater or a Home Gym
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Home gym. Totally. I'd have it all.
Vacations and/or trips planned to a T or go wherever looks interesting, whenever you feel like doing it?
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go wherever looks interesting whenever I feel like doing it
rather have a shelf full of music (CDs) or a shelf full of movies (DVDs)?
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While I LOVE movies, there aren't that many that I would want to own and watch over again. Music, however, NEVER gets old!
When you're blue.....Music or Movie to cheer you up?
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watch the political conventions or change the channel
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Change the channel. I'll read what I need to know. I'm sick of the hype on both sides.
gas grill or charcoal?
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change the channel
read a book or watch tv
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watch tv
get a massage or get a pedicure
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use cell phone for time or wear a watch?