Multiiple. Walking, running, looking cute, ties, no ties, plaid, ... :-)
Lots of jeans or just one pair for everything?
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2 or 3 pairs.
Already switched to fall clothes or still wearing summer ones?
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I don't know what to wear. We had frost warnings the other night, and two days later it was 93 degrees!
Have all your clothes in one closet or have a 'winter closet' and a 'summer closet'
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all in one closet - but I do have sweaters packed away in tubs in case it ever gets cold
wash up dishes in the sink or the dishwasher
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sink for small piles, dishwasher if it's big
getting involved in all the political debates on social media or staying out of it... (I admit, in my old age, I can't keep my mouth shut lol)
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munch at your desk or get out of the office for lunch...
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out of the office
cry easily or stoic
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at the drop of a hat.
prefer a cardigan or a pullover sweater?
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eat to live or live to eat
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eat to live. My mom never cared too much for cooking, she did the bare minimum so meals were never the center of our lives.....DH's family, however, were the opposite. I'd never seen meals like the ones they would put on. My mom is still alive at 90....his mom and all the aunts and uncles are dead - heart disease, diabetes, etc . My SIL carried on the big meal tradition - her and her hubby both have a number of health issues.....I changed DH's view on eating over the years....we're both pretty darned healthy. 'Nuff said.
political signs: put one in your yard or not
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not, my DH is a small businessperson and we can't afford to alienate anyone.
It's late at night, you're at a red light, and no one is around - wait for green or go anyway?
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Wait. I'm a rule follower.
Rather do the cooking or clean up after dinner?
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It works best if DH cooks and I clean up.
Rather spend a lazy afternoon reading or napping?
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reading until I fall asleep - reading and napping?????
prefer ice cream or gelatto?
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Banana split ot hot fudge sundae0 -
usually the hot fudge
apple crisp or apple pie
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apple crisp
Ladies Home Journal or Redbook?
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Redbook was my favorite when I was in High School - never liked Ladies Home Journal. Now my favorite is Bon Appetit....
rice pudding or flan?
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rice pudding
rice pudding or bread pudding?
(haha Bon Appetit is my favorite too!)
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rice pudding (can't eat bread - allergic to wheat)
love to cook or love to eat so must cook
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love to eat!
make a grand entrance or sneak into a party
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I'll go with grand entrance.....not quite Scarlett O'Hara though.
cellphone: iphone or android?
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umbrella or raincoat with hood
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raincoat with hood
could change a tire if had to or would not know how to go about it
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I could.
dust-cloth or swiffer?
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mop or hands and knees
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steam mop (but sometimes I do my bathroom on my hands and knees as it's easier)
cheesecake or pound cake
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perrier or tap water
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tap water
slow dancing or fast dancing
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really know how to dance or just hop around