don't watch news every day, not really trying to avoid it but need a break from it sometimes
spend a week in a large city or mountain cabin
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mountain cabin
de-stress with a massage or a pedicure
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chocolate chip cookies or oatmeal raisin
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both, but will take an oatmeal raisin right now
on a day off: get up your usual time or sleep in
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sleep in!!!
prefer to live in a house or condo
0 -
in a house
would you rather shop or stay home and read a book
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stay home and read a book
would you rather vacation in a foreign country or in your home country
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I love vacations. I haven't been to a foreign county in a few years so I would probably pick Italy.
Take a cruise or go on a safari.
0 -
go on safari
for vacation - laze about and relax or active and exploring
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I need to be active and exploring most of the time with a little break sometimes.
Do you prefer Chinese food or Italian
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These food questions are too hard because I like everything! I think I am in the mood for some Chinese right now.
Since President's Day is coming up, and George Washington was great at both of the following; would you rather go horseback riding with him or dance with him
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I don't have much experience at either one but I would prefer the horseback riding.
Would you rather receive chocolates or flowers for Valentine's Day?
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I'd really prefer the flowers, but hubby is so allergic they couldn't be in the house, so I guess chocolates. (When I got flowers from people after surgery, we put them on the table out on the deck so I could see them, but he didn't get sick)
when you were a kid did you prefer hopscotch or jump-rope?
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I did a lot of jump rope and loved it.
a bath or a shower
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usually prefer a shower - but when I have time to pamper, then I like a bath.
If you could have one, which would you prefer a hottub or a swimming pool
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I would probably choose a swimming pool because the grandkids would enjoy it so much. For myself I like a hot tub occasionally.
A Smart Car or a Volkswagon Beetle
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My first car was a Volkswagon Beetle, so I will pick that for old times sake .
Barbecued pork or beef
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BBQ pork
travel on the highway or back roads
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enjoy back roads the most - unless I want to get there in a hurry
red or white wine
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red but I need to have it on the sweeter side.
Would you rather watch the news or Survivor?0 -
more like a cat or dog (and in what way?)
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The next person is expecting nasty weather...snow or thunderstorms
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was playing the wrong game...
rather watch movies at home or theater
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Shoot - it depends. I like the involvement of the huge screen. I like the cleanliness of being at home. Have to choose one, I'd probably opt for home.
Like to ride in a car or a truck0 -
I prefer a car but my husband's truck has a pretty good ride. The truck is more difficult to get in and out of.
Rather ride a rollercoaster or a ferris wheel
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Roller coaster!
Cotton candy or popcorn?0 -
the color pink or orange
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Isn't that a loaded question on a breast cancer forum?
I like warm colors, so orange.
High heels or flats?0 -
flats - I couldn't walk in some of the heels they have now!
capri pants or shorts
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Capri pants or short skirt. Don't look good in shorts.
Classic clothing or wild styles?0