cinnamon or peppermint
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cinammon...unless you're talking mints or gum then I'll go peppermint
white wine or red
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if you had to...dye your hair jet black or platinum blonde
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platinum blonde
paint your nails red or pink
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I have been more mauve lately...although last week they were red and today they are pink!
be a great singer or a great pianist
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haha too funny....
Great pianist
prefer country music or jazz
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the Beatles or the Rolling Stones
have to get to bed, 'night!
0 -
'night Ruth
The Beatles
prefer to wear jeans or sweatpants
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love them sweatpants!~
IF you watched the SAG awards: worst dress......Sigourney Weaver or Juiana Moore?
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sorry - didn't watch 'em, but I don't like Juliana Moore, so I'll say hers....
favorite "daily" shirt, t-shirt or classic shirt w/button-down collar
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If I am at home a tee shirt...
shovel the snow or a snowblower
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awww Ruth we don't have snow but I'll bet it's easier with a snowblower
do your own taxes or have them done for you
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organize them but bring them to an expert for the actual 'doing'
airplane: aisle or window seat
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aisle (a girls gotta be able to get up and pee)
peanuts or popcorn
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popcorn....with extra butter please!
sit in the front of the plane or the back
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doesn't matter, unless you want to put me in first class!
catch lots of colds or rarely get sick
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rarely gets sick although it looks like I did catch my neighbor's head cold
for a cold: use homeopathic remedies or over the counter meds?
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I drink gallons of ginger tea and take either Emergen-C or Airborne - so what's that???
Since my mastectomy/lumpectomy I have noticed that I.....
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can never be an underwear model for Victoria's Secret (not that I could have been before, but still....)
My favorite old rerun show to watch is....
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Bob Newhart Show
hamburger with grilled onions or without
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without...I don't really like the taste of grilled onions.
cooking a new dish....follow the recipe to the letter or be creative
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follow it pretty closely
rather wear a dress at or below the knee
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haven't had a dress on in a while but if I were to put one on, it would be well below the knee
rather get bills and statements sent online or in the mail?
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in the mail. I still like to have that paper in my hand.
Wood floors or carpet?
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like the look of wood floors but the warmth of carpet
watch every minute of the Super Bowl, check in on it, or not at all
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check in on it - neither my husband or I are all that interested in it
a vacation in Alaska or Hawaii
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Hawaii. Been to Alaska, it was beautiful. But never been to Hawaii, and right now would love to be someplace warm!
Beach or mountains?0 -
mountains. I live in West Michigan so I see plenty of beaches. Would love to take a trip to the Canadian Rockies.
strawberry ice cream or mint chocolate chip?
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chocolate mint....although I wouldn't say no to strawberry!
have a pet, multiple pets or no pets
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no pets now although I had them as a child
economy car, in between, or gas guzzler