Yes!! That's my second favorite pizza. Mushroom & pepperoni.
Pizza - thin or thick crust?
0 -
Thin crust.
Vegetarian pizza or not?
0 -
Yes, I love pizza loaded with all veggies!!
All meat pizza or not?
0 -
Do you eat a lot of meat or not?
0 -
Yes, just about every dinner. Not always at breakfast and lunch, though.
Do you eat light for breakfast/lunch and a big meal for dinner or big meals for all 3?
0 -
My meals totally vary depending on how much time I have, how hungry I am and what's available.
Do you have predictable meals or lots of variation?
0 -
Mine are pretty predictable, almost boring, anymore. Lol
Do you like variety in your meal planning or try to stick to a regular, consistent meal plan?
0 -
I like variety.
Do you sleep in on your days off or not?
0 -
Yes, usually a couple of hours at the most.
Do you like to nap in the afternoon or not? (I do sometimes on the weekends. I did every day when I was on medical leave after my surgery.)
0 -
I get up at different times and I sometimes have naps at any time of the day.
Do you sleep well or not?
0 -
No, I don't. Not since chemo.
Do you dream or not?
0 -
Ocean, I'm sorry you don't sleep well.
I do dream sometimes that I remember.
Do dreams ever cause you to wake up or not?
0 -
No, I usually don't have bad dreams. I did when I was a kid.
Do you have nightmares or only good dreams?
0 -
I often have anxiety dreams but not usually nightmares and very rarely good dreams that I remember.
Is your bedroom light when you wake up in the morning or not?
0 -
I have room darkening curtains so it's still pretty dark when I get up. I like my room dark and no noise.
Do you like something on to make noise when you are sleeping or do you prefer it quiet?
0 -
I prefer it quiet when I sleep usually.
Do you prefer to have the TV on in the background or for your house to be quiet?
0 -
If I'm cleaning I like to have music playing. If I'm reading I want the house to be quiet.
Do you prefer to watch tv shows or movies?
0 -
I like TV shows and movies equally - it depends what's on or available.
Are you interested in celebrities' lives or not?
0 -
No, I don't really care what celebrities do with their lives.
Do you follow singer's lives or not?
0 -
Not really.
Do you watch documentaries about singers or not?
0 -
I have but I don't watch them on a regular basis.
Do you prefer to watch documentaries about historical events or documentaries about current events?
0 -
I like to watch documentaries about topics I'm interested and it could be about past or present times.
Would you rather watch documentaries about health or places?
0 -
I prefer to watch documentaries on places. I find the health ones to be a bit on the "gory" side sometimes. Or worse yet, scary!!
Do you prefer to watch documentaries on health subjects or do research on line?
0 -
I research things when I want to since I can't wait around for documentaries to come on TV, even though I watch some of them when they do come on.
Do you like watching TV shows about trains or not? We do!!
0 -
No, not really. Since I grew up 4 doors from a railroad tracks I don't really have a liking for trains. Lol
Do you prefer to watch shows about food or travel?
0 -
Probably travel.
Do you prefer to watch comedies or mysteries?
0 -
I like both. But probably comedies a little more because it doesn't take any thought. Lol
Do you prefer mysteries or dramas?
0 -
Hi, Ocean!!
I prefer dramas and rarely watch mysteries.
Do you like movies that make you cry or not?
0 -
Depends on the movie and the reason I'm crying.
Lemon scented cleaner or Pine scented?
0 -
Lemon scented.
Do you wear perfume or not?